Unit 5 - Goals and Objectives Flashcards
•What is the difference between a goal and an objective?
Goals and objectives are the foundations of measurements!
Goals are outcome statements that define what an
organization is trying to accomplish, both programmatically and organizationally. Goals are usually a collection of
related programs, a reflection of major actions of the organization, and provide rallying points for managers.
objectives are very precise, time-based, measurable actions that support the completion of a
•What is the relationship between a goal and an objective?
Objectives support the completion of goals!
•What characteristics should a good objective have?
Objectives typically must (1) be related directly to the goal; (2) be clear, concise, and understandable; (3)
be stated in terms of results; (4) begin with an action verb; (5) specify a date for accomplishment; and (6) be
•Why are goals and objectives relevant to leadership?
Managers develop a strategy for realizing vision and mission and the progress is indicated by the underlying goals and objectives.
Top managers set goals and objectives for an organisation, lower level managers can set or have input on these in the respective part of the business.
Goal setting is a primary function of leadership along with holding others accountable for their goals and objectives.
•In what ways do goals and objectives help managers control the organization?
Managers can hold others accountable for their goals and objectives and therefore “control” them.
Goals and objectives are an essential part of any good performance management system.
•What is Management by Objectives (MBO)?
MBO is a systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and to attain the best possible results from available resources. MBO aims to increase organizational performance by aligning the subordinate objectives throughout the organization with the overall goals that management has set. It involves also tracking and feeback.
•What are some of the advantages of MBO?
tells you where to focus your time and energy. Focus on results, not the activity.
- set ompany wide goals derived from corporate strategy
- determine team and department level goals
- collaboratively set individual level goals that are alinged with corp. strategy
- develop and acntion plan
- review performance and revise goals
everybody has a clear understanding of the core goals
•What are some of the disadvantages and criticisms of MBO?
everybody must understand the specific objectives for their jobs and how they fit with corporate goals.
•What is a Balanced Scorecard?
The Balanced Scorecard is a framework designed to translate an organization’s mission and vision statements
and overall business strategy into specific, quantifiable goals and objectives and to monitor the organization’s
performance in terms of achieving these goals.
What are some of the advantages of a Balanced Scorecard?
Gives a special attentio to vision and strategy in setting goals and objetives. It is a comprehensive approach that analyzes an org. performance in four ways so that future performance can be predicted.
•Why might fewer goals be better than more goals and objectives?
too many goals and objectives are paralyzing, too few are fconfusing!
Fewer are better. concentrate on the vital few key variables. No one can monitor and control too many ..
•Why should managers strive for a balance of historic-based, present, and future-oriented
metrics of performance?
So all three dimensions are incorporated!
A combination of goals, objectives, and measures that provides such information is sometimes referred to as a
•What is meant by cascading goals and objectives?
Similarly, goals and objectives should
be tied to strategy and, ultimately, to vision and mission, in a cascading pattern so that objectives and
measures support the goals they are aiming to help achieve
•How often should performance evaluations be performed?
Once a year at least up to maybe 20 times for smaller performance evaluations based on each month or after each project…
•What kinds of goals and objectives might be best for performance evaluation to be most
inspiring goals that challenge and stretch peoples capabilities.
•What should be included in an employee performance plan?
job knowledge work quality attendance intitiative work attitued and coopration dependability
What is meant by corporate social responsibility?
CSR is about how companies manage their business processes to produce
an overall positive effect on society.
a business approach that creates long-term shareholder value
by embracing opportunities and managing risks deriving from economic, environmental and social developments
Why might it be challenging for organizations to effectively set and achieve social and
environmental goals and objectives, in addition to their operating goals and objectives?
They need to look at operations that were previously unmonitored or dont clearly map in to the firms strategy.
•What is meant by ‘virtuous cycle’ with respect to CSR?
in A virtous ycle, economic and environmental performance, coupled with social impacts, combine to improve organizational performance exponentially.
interrelationships in an organization’s triple bottom line.
•How does a Balanced Scorecard help managers develop social and environmental goals and
The Balanced Scorecard can help organizations
strategically manage the alignment of cause-and-effect relationships of external market forces and impacts with
internal CSR drivers, values, and behavior.
enables enterprises to implement either broad differentiation or cost leadership strategies.