Unit 3 - History, Golablization, Value Based leadership + UZnit 4 Vision etc Flashcards
Fayols 14 Principles
- Specialisation / division of labor
- enable workers to become more efficient and increase output - authority/responsibility
- managers have the authority to issue commands but have the responsibility that the work gets done - discipline
- workers must obey orders to enable a smooth business. they must understand rules and management should penalties if there are violations - unity of command
workers only get commands from their bosses - unity of direction
each unit or group has only one boss and one plan where the work is cooridanted - subordinatio of individual interest
- interest of one person should never take precendence over whats best for the company - remuneration
workers are paid fairly - centralization
decision making is centralized (mgmt) or decentralized (workers) - line of authority
- top management down to lower ranks. hierarchy is necessary for unity of command. But also the line should not have too many levels - order
orderliness refers to environment and materials and policies and rules. they should all be in right place and right time. - equity
fairness, dignitiy and respect should pervade the organisations. - stability of tenure
employee turnover is inefficient - initiative
aloowing everyon in org. to create plans and carry them out will encourage and mke people nethusiastic - esprit de corps
harmony and team spirit builds morale and unity.
• What do early management principles leave out?
they become less effective when knowledge work replaced manual labor work.
• What commonalities do you see between organizations and social movements?
Organisations follow social movements and adapt the solutions and fucntions inside the company through high communication, groups, forums etc.
• What advantages do you see from a global workforce?
insights from people of different cultures and different personality showing different approchaes and idaes and creativeity to solve problems.
What is a mission statement?
communicates the reason for being, and hwo it aims to serve its key stakeholders. can include a summation of alues. (what are we doing and why are we doing it)
What is a vision statement?
fuure oriented declaration of the purpose and aspirations. (what will we become)
How are values important to the content of mission and vision statements?
Mission: what are we doing now, who are we, why are we doing it, who is involved
Vision: what will we become, our future
Where does the purpose of mission and vision overlap?
vision provides a bdrige between mission and the strategy. it creates tension with regard to status quo. so everything fosters in continous innovation and improvement all time.
How do mission and vision relate to a firm’s strategy?
mission and vision are the “goals” and the strategy is a clear path on how to reach these goals. vision and mission are high level guid and streategy is a specific guide.
Why are mission and vision important for organizational goals and objectives
they give the plan so only then the goals and oobjectives to reach this future status can be planned in the strategy
How might mission and vision influence organizational design?
organization design should reflect and support the strategy. it should be designed to align with the vision and the mission or rather the purpose the organization seeks to achieve.
How might mission and vision influence leadership practices?
a mission or vision can challenge the status quo. and good vision and mission statements will c reate some dissonnance with status quo. the bigger this is, the greater the need for a “revolutionary change” leader is needed to show that this aim is not just mere dust.
Principles of visionary leadership
- Visionary leader must do on site observation leading to personal perception of change from an outsider pov
- even though there is resistance, never give up!
- revolution is begiun with symbolic distruiption of the old or traditional system through top down efforts to create chaos
- direction of revolution is illustrated by a smymbolically visible image and the visionary leaders symbolic behavior
- quickly establishing new physical orgazational and behavioral systems is essential
- real change leaders are necessary to enable revolution
- create an innovative system to provide feedback from results
- create a daily operation system witha new work structure..
Which aspects of controlling do mission and vision influence?
Controlling involves 3 steps:
- estalish performance standards
- compare performance against standards
- take corrective action
What is creativity?
the power or ability to invent. creativity in business is the essence of innovation and progress.
Why is creativity relevant to vision and vision statements?
The vision statement should reflect and motivate key stakeholders to move the organization forward. it should reflect and communicate something that is relatively novel and unique which is the outcome of creativity and passion.
4 creativity types
External & Control: Investment - goal: first mover
internal & control: improvement goals: get better
external & flexible: imaginateion - goal: novelty
internal & flexible: incubation goal: sustainability (leave a legacy)
creativity tools
SCAMPER , Nominal grou technice
substitute: what else, who else, other material/time …
combine: blend / combined purpose / materials ..
sadapt : what else, what other ideas, adjustments
modify: different order, form shape, smaller bigger frequentcy
put to other uses: new ways
eliminate: remove, omit , understand
rearrange: layout, sequence, cause/effect, opposites, pattern …
Nominal group technique NGT: facilitating a group to produce a large number of ideas in a short time
Passion & Why is passion relevant to vision and vision statements?
intense emotinoal compelling action
passion about an idea
passion about the importance of an idea
passion is the essence of entrepreneurial spirit
What are stakeholders and why are they relevant to mission and vision?
individuals or groups who have an interest in an organizations ability to deliver intended results and maintain the viability of products and services.
what is process about mission and vision
mission and vision involved initiation, determination of content, communication, application, and then
monitoring to be sure if and how the mission and vision were being followed and realized. In
What is stakeholder analysis? What are the three identification steps?
- determine influences on mission vision and strategy formulation
- determine effects of key decisions on the stakeholder
- determine stakeholders power and influence over decisions
Who should be involved in the mission and vision development process?
all stakeholders, otherwise they cont consider it theirs.