Unit 5 Chapter 13 Flashcards
Define the term: Direct Primaries
Primaries in which the people of a state vote for a candidate
Define the term: Caucus
A physical meeting of constituents where they physically move to cast their vote. The person below a threshold is removed from the ballot and another round repeats
Define the term: Closed Primaries
A primary where you must be a member of the party to vote in that primary
Define the term: Open Primaries
A primary where you can vote for a member of any party
Define the term: Crossover voting
Changing parties to vote in another parties primary election in order to attempt to sway the results
Define the term: Party Platform
The positions a party holds in a given election
Define the term: Superdelegates
Delegates assigned to party leadership or prominent people within the party to represent the establishment. Used to help prevent a party nominee from becoming too radical
Define the term: Brokered Convention
A nominating convention in which no one candidate reaches the threshold needed to secure their parties nomination
Define the term: Balance the Ticket
Selecting someone in the Vice Presidential role who makes up shortcomings of the candidate for President
Define the term: General Election
The election held after the primaries that selects the person to hold that office, usually the presidency
Define the term: Exit polls
Polls done at polling places that media outlets and campaigns use to try and determine election outcomes
Define the term: Electoral College
The process by which the President is elected. Consists of people from each state totaling the number of reps and senators from each state
Define the term: Inaugural Address
The Speech given by the newly elected president immediately after being sworn in
Define the term: Executive Orders
A rule or order issued by the president which has the force and effect of law.
Define the term: Pardons
The power of the president to forgive someone of an offense which relieves someone of some or all legal consequences as a result of criminal conviction