Unit 5 and 6 Flashcards
What’s an operating system?
AKA system software
Manages general running and functions happening
What r the jobs it does/runs?
Memory management Hardware/peripheral “” File “” Security “” Resource/process “” User interface
What’s is the user interface?
(Often) graphics that make computer easy to navigate
What does security management do?
In charge of backups/recovery
Data privacy aka encryption
Anti-hacking preventions
What does memory management do?
Protects data via having 1 item per location
What out how much processing/time each process needs
Works out what’s in use and what’s stored in Virtual RAM
Type of virus that is independent and replicates in order to spread to other computers or networks
Data integrity
When data is accurate and is up to date
People storing data have to have it so that you can Trust that they’re serious about keeping your day to safe
What does the hardware/peripheral management do?
Accesses the device drivers
Controls peripheral use via processes like program instructions
What r the responsibilities of the security?
Data recovery/backup
Data privacy I.e encryption
Preventing intruders
Data privacy
Keeping Personal data from the public domain
Malicious software that has been put into a software to harm it
Breached data
Lost or corrupted data
Program (code) that can replicate and/copy itself In order to delete/corrupt Files or cause On an active computer to malfunction
Installing malicious code on a computer or web server, redirecting unknowing user to a fake website to get hold of personal data
Passive form
Data security
Data is secure if you can get to it and what’s available is the original
Logic bombs
Like a time bomb that can do things such as deleting files/sending data to a hacker
Embedded into a program
Trojan horses
Malware disguised as legitimate software, replacing or/part of the legitimate software to do harm
Internet robots a.k.a. bots/zombie viruses
Not always harmful
Take control over computer system and can launch attacks
Software that watches for information such as what keys are pressed on the uses keyboard
A.k.a. key logging
Way of ensuring that the data entered is correct, Like when Your password is checked
Not the same as verification
Way of making sure that the data put in is correct by using a visual check or getting them to enter it twice
Not the same as validation
What’s file management in charge of?
The naming conventions
User access measures
Directory structure
Sending legitimate look in emails with links/attachments that take users to fake websites or get them intoParting with personal data
Active form of malware
Check digit
Digit added to a number to check if the data entered is error free
Parity check
Way of checking if data transferred over network is odd/even via 1 bit
Incremental backup
Backup software that backups the edited stuff
Inconsistent state
Backups done when the user feels like it
What does resource/process management handle?
Resolving conflicts-which processes that want the same resource should get it 1st and how long?
Scheduling which process gets CPU and for time period
Checks if transfer data has been changed or corrupted
Verification method