Unit 5 Flashcards
Differential reinforcement
3 treatments for bx maintained by social SR+
Withholding attention or tangible item contingent on problem bx
EXT procedure for bx maintained by social SR+
Decrease in a response by discontinuing response-reinforcer contingency
EXT as a process
Withholding a specific reinforcer following problem bx
EXT as a procedure
Reinforcing one response while withholding reinforcers for another
Differential reinforcement
Response-independent or time-based delivery of reinforcer
Non-contingent reinforcement (NCR)
Differential reinforcement
Antecedent-based interventions
EXT procedure for bx maintained by social SR-
Provide escape contingent on the absence of problem bx for period of time
Provide escape from aversive stimuli contingent on appropriate alternative response
Non-contingent escape
Demand fading
Curricular (instructional) revision
3 antecedent-based interventions for bx maintained by social SR-
Differential reinforcement
Competing stimuli
3 treatments for bx maintained by automatic reinforcement
A product of the response itself reinforces the response
Automatic reinforcement
Masking reinforcing sensory stimulation contingent on problem bx
EXT procedure for bx maintained by automatic reinforcement
Non contingent delivery of items found to “compete” with response products
Competing stimuli
A method for identifying items that compete with the response product
Competing stimulus assessment
Difficult or not feasible to implement EXT in natural environment
Why EXT may be impractical
Increase duration of time in which bx must be absent
DRO schedule thinning procedure
Increase time between response &reinforcerIncrease number of responses required for reinforcer access Dense to lean fixed-interval schedule
3 DRA schedule thinning procedures
Increase the passage of time required for delivering the reinforcer
NCR schedule thinning procedure
Response effort
Behavioral repertoire
3 considerations for selecting a functional communication topography
Relied upon by untrained people due to its quick effects of decreasing in bx
Punishment is a “default” technology
Topographies of bx likely to cause harm to one’s self and/or others
The use of punishment may be warranted
Data collection(long-term effects) Appropriate procedure for the function Legality of procedures Supportive environment Review and approval
5 common ethical concerns of punishment
Reprimands Response blocking Contingent exercise Overcorrection Contingent electric stimulation Presentation of other aversive stimuli
6 positive punishment procedures
A statement of social disapproval is delivered following problem bx
Required to performa response topographically different from the problem bx
Contingent exercise
Requiredto exert effort contingent uponproblem bx
Restitutional overcorrection
Positive practice
2 types of over correction
Required to restore the environment beyond it’s original state
Restitutional overcorrection
Required to repeatedly “practice” the behavior in the correct way
Positive practice
Required to restore the environment back to it’s original state
Simple restitution
Brief electrical stimulus delivered following problem bx
Contingent electric stimulation
Aversive stimuli delivered contingent on problem bx
Presentation of aversive stimuli
Physically intervening to prevent the completion of the response
Response blocking
Response cost
3 negative punishment procedures
Unable to earnSR+ for a specified time period contingent on problem bx
Time-out (from positive reinforcement)
2 main types of time-out
Time-out procedure where the individual remains in the environment
Non-exclusionary time out
Time-out procedure where the individual is removed from the environment
Exclusionary time-out
Planned ignoring
Time-out ribbon
Contingent observation
Withdrawal of a specific reinforcer
4 sub-types of non-exclusionary time-out
Partition or barrier
Other room
3 sub-types of exclusionary time-out
Loss of a specific amount of SR+ contingent on problem bx
Response cost
Intensity Behavior chains Schedule of delivery Conflicting rules Delay of delivery
5 variables affecting punishment effectiveness
Deliver punishment at a high intensity
Intensity of punishment
Deliver punishers at the beginning of a chain
Behavior chains and punishment
Deliver punishment every time problem bx occurs
Punishment delivery schedule
Deliver punishment immediately following an instance of problem bx
Delay of punishment delivery
Present a neutral stimulus along with a punisher following problem bx
Conditioned punisher
Include procedures to replace bx
Program for reinforcement
Use minimal intrusiveness
Use based on literature & competenciesVary punishers when feasible
5considerations for punishment procedures