unit 5 Flashcards
According to Brecht, what is the relationship between joy and nightmares across cultures?
What is a joy to one is a nightmare to another
Is public kissing generally acceptable in Japan?
No, it is not generally acceptable, although there are rare exceptions
In Japan, what is the perception of displaying emotions in public?
It is seen as a sign of weakness if an individual cannot control their emotions
According to Darwin, what purpose do basic emotional expressions serve?
Basic emotional expressions serve an adaptive purpose
How do both animals and humans signal their intentions, according to the text?
Through gestures, postures, and facial expressions
What are two main functions of emotions, according to the text?
Emotions regulate social behavior and serve to protect people from danger
Which emotions produce a greater acceleration of heart rate, joy or fear and anger?
Fear and anger
What is the purpose of the emotion of disgust?
Disgust prevents us from trying potentially toxic substances
Do empirical studies show similarities in how people display their feelings?
Yes, there are many similarities
What did Ekman’s research reveal about facial expressions across cultures?
Significant resemblance in facial expressions between people from Western and non-Western settings
Is smiling universally understood as a sign of happiness?
What facial expression is associated with anger or domination?
Lowered eyebrows
Besides basic emotions, what other types of emotional expressions are easily recognizable across countries?
Mixed emotional expressions such as shame and frustration
Can people from different cultures use the same muscle groups to express their feelings?
Can people typically identify the emotion of a speaker using a foreign tongue?
Yes, most people across the world are able to infer emotion from vocal cues