Unit 5 Flashcards
What is a dolina
rain dissolves limestone creating a hole/cave
What is the significance of a dolina
The cave is filled with sediment overtime trapping bones and other artifacts
What is breccia
A stone-like substance found in dolina’s that is formed by combining calcium carbonate with sediment
Sterkfontein (Site)
A site in south Africa that is a dolina. A hominin skeleton was found named Little Foot
Little Foot (Skeleton)
A early Australopithecus discovered by Ronald Clark
Malapa (Site)
A site in South Africa that is a dolina. The site is known for having many early Australopithecus fossils one of the most famous being Sediba
East African Rift Valley
Is an active continental rift zone that is home to many archaeological dig sites.
Olduvai Gorge (Site)
One of the most famous hominin sites in the world located in Norther Tanzania. The site is made from a riverbed. Louis and Mary Leaky discovered many Hominin fossils here one of the most famous being Zinjanthropus boisei.
Laetoli (Site)
A site found in Northern Tanzania. Footprints were found imprinted in volcanic stone.
Koobi Fora (Site)
A site in Northern Tanzania. The most famous discovery being Turkana boy.
West Turkana (Site)
Located in Northwestern Kenya. Known for Hominin fossils and a possible stone tool dating to 3.3mya.
Kada Gona (Site)
Stone tools Dating back to 2.6mya.
Hadar (Site)
Located in Ethiopia. Known for the discovery of Lucy which is a 40% complete skull of an Australopithecus afarensis.
Plesiomorphic trait
A primitive trait inherited by a species from their ancestor.
Apomorphic trait
New or derived trait that first appears in the species in question. Indicative of a new branch.
Evolutionary systematics
The method of classifying new fossils.
The evolutionary relationships between organisms.
Classifying organisms based on available data, about their phylogenetic relationships.
Miocene age
A major change of the environment that was the foundation for future ice ages.
Pliocene age
The evolution of the first hominoids.
Pleistocene age
The Evolution of modern humans (Homo Sapiens).
Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Bones)
An early hominid dated to 7mya.
Orrorin tugenensis (Bones)
A Homininae thought to be one of the first obligate biped dated to 6mya.
Ardipithecus ramidus (Bones)
Reduced prognathism. 300-400cc. 4.5mya.
Australopithecus anamensis
No prehensile feet. Obligate Bipeds. 370cc. 4mya.
Australopithecus afarensis
East African species. Notable Sexual dimorphism. Significantly larger molars. No walking gait. 3-4mya.
Australopithecus africanus
South African species. Notable Sexual dimorphism. Significantly larger molars. No walking gait. 2.4-3mya
Walking gait
Abnormal walking.
A. afarensis. Found in Hadar. 3.6mya.
A. afarensis. 3 year old child. Found in Hadar. 3.3mya.
Taung child
A. africanus
Mrs. Ples
A. africanus. Prominent canine pillars.
Australopithecus sediba
South African species found in Malapa. 2mya.
First obligate bipeds but still spent time in trees.
Paranthropus aethiopicus
Large sagittal crest, flaring cheek bones and large molars, all features associated with chewing. approx. 2.5mya.
Paranthropus boisei
East African species. Less sexual dimorphism. Features associated with chewing. 520cc.
Paranthropus robustus
South African species. Less sexual dimorphism. Features associated with chewing. 520cc.
Not particularly adapted to the environment or food types.
Adapted specifically to certain environments will often die out if enviroment changes.