People Flashcards
Louis Leaky
Recruited researchers to learn more about primates.
Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Studied Monkeys held in captivity.
Jane Goodall
Studied Primates in the wild.
carl Linaeus
perhaps the first to try to classify modern humans systimactically
Anders retzius
developed the cephalic index
Carleton Coon
1960s-1980s categorized human races.
Svate paabo
investigated neanderthals
Ian Tattersal
studied neanderthals specifically bone structure.
Eric Trinkaus
believed that neanderthals where the same as modern humans.
discovered that Neanderthals inter breaded with modern humans
Joao Zihao
discovered a skeleton of a Neanderthal child from 20,000 years ago.
Elizabeth Daynes
reconstructing Neanderthals based on their characters (made models of neanderthals)
mileFord wolpoff
balieved that neanderthals where being treated as sub human just as other humans where in the past
Marcelyn bull
expelled neanderthals from human family (completely different species)
Daniel Lieberman
Studied the use of the occipital bun.
he balieved it was used to balance out the heavy face when ranning and moving in general.
Shannon Mcferrin and Harold dibble
They uhhhhhhh, investigated the site Fontechevade