Unit 5 Flashcards
Methods of propulsion
More fanciful:
Warp Drive
Quantum Drive
Newtons Laws
First: Inertia
Second: F = ma
Third: Law of opposite
Low Earth Orbit:
- Majority of satellites
- Less than 2,000 km above the surface of the earth
- Orbital period of less than 128min
- Satellites will fall out of orbit and re-enter on relatively short time frames
- Mostly communication satellites since low latency
The Kessler Syndrome
The Kessler effect
The increase in density of objects in LEO, due to space position is high enough that collision between objects could cause a cascade (cause further collisions)
Medium Earth Orbit:
- Higher than LEO
- Above 2,000 km to 35,786km from the surface of the earth
- Orbital period between ~2 hours and exactly 23h 56m and 4s
- contains Van Allen radiation belts
Van Allen Radiation Belts
Collection of charged particles emanating from the sun and carried by the solar wind
Communications and GPS satellites use this region as it encompasses an orbital period of 12 hours
Geosynchronous Orbit:
- A Earth centererd orbit with an orbital period that matches Earth’s rotation of 23h 56m and 4s
- Satellites in this orbit return to the same location each day seen from the surface of the earth
- East-west drift associated with elliptical orbit
- North-South motion from inclination
Clarke Orbit or Geostationary Earth Orbit:
- A special case of GSO when the satellite is orbiting the Equatorial plane
- Satellites seen appear stationary
- Used widely by telecommunication satellites
High Earth Orbit:
- Satellites are rare
- Orbital period greater than 24 hours
- From Earth appears to move westward
- Will never re-enter Earth’s atmosphere
Periods of Orbit
The orbital periods depend upon the major axis of the orbital ellipse and the mass
P^2 = 4pi^2 a^3 / G M2
Escape Velocity
For a satellite to escape from the gravitational fields of the Earth must reach escape velocity
Vsec = root (2GM/R)
Chemical Rocket Fuel
- A chemical process that releases energy, often in the form of heat
An oxidizer is important since there is no air in space
Liquid fuel can be stopped and started potentially many times
Solid rocket fuel can not be stopped when ignited
- Also it also interacts minimally with their environment (more stable)
Chemical fuel parts
Liquid Oxidizer is always liquid oxygen
Liquid fuel can be hydrogen (commonly) or Kerosene (RP - 1)
Ion Propulsion
Chemical rocket propulsion is essential for lifting a rocket
Ion engines produce low thrust and thus low acceleration
Same for chemical rocket propulsion
How does Ion propulsion work
Step 1: Electrons are remitted by the discharge hollow cathode, traverse the disc charge chamber, and are collected by the anode walls
step 2:propellant is injected from the plenum and travels towards the discharge cathode
Step 3: Electrons impact the propellant atoms to create ions
Step 4: Ions are pulled out of the discharge chamber by the ion optics
- Note that the higher the voltage of the discharge optics, the faster the exhaust speed of the ions
Step 5: Electrons are injected into the beam for neutralization