Unit 4 / Year 2 Flashcards
What is Covert research?
Covert is when not all parties who are involved with the research are aware that research is taking place.
What is Overt research?
Overt research is when it is obvious to all parties involved with the research that the research is being carried out.
What is qualitative Data?
This is data that is observed but has no numerical value. And is done using grounded theory or thematic analysis.
Describe the research carried out by James Patrick(1973) and if he used Covert or Overt research methods.
James Patrick carried out research that involved Qauntitive Data and was done covertly. The researcher’s objective was to infiltrate and secondarily become part of a gang without the gang members being aware he was actually a researcher.
What is an open Questionnaire?
An open questionnaire is when it is open for expanded answers and not just selected answers. Not just multiple choice.
What is a closed Questionnaire?
A closed Questionnaire is when there are only selected answers and are normally laid out as multiple choice only with no room for expanded answers.
What is the layout for Question 1/Activity 1 in terms of how to answer?
- 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of the research methods used In the article given.
- Discuss if the research method is given in the article is reliable?
- Discuss if the research method is valid?
- Is the method of research method suitable and measures up to the given objective of the research in the article provided?
Make sure it links back to the question and try not to go off the topic.
What is the layout for Question 2/ Activity 2 in terms of how to answer?
Contains 3 structured after questions in order to answer the question, they are as follows,
- Link to the current issues in society (Research related to the article)
- Two or Three different secondary research to demonstrate the importance of the issue (Research related to the article)
- Effects on individuals, professionals and/or wider society from the research carried out in the article (Research related to the article)
Ensure that for all 3 stated above you are providing evidence of your given facts via your secondary research.
What is the best way of answering Question 3/ Activity 3?
The aim for you in answering the question is to ensure that individuals have an impact on the precision and overall practice of Health and Social Care services.
A key focus for this question is to pin down the point that follows;
- How to Improve the outcome of using the service by adjusting Policy and Practice in colouration with the article
Ensure all points of given improvement are related back to Physical Health inequalities and its research and this affects what’s shown above.
What is the best way of answering Question 4/ Activity 4?
There are 4 key points that need to be considered in this question,
- Planning considerations
- Ethical issues
- Research methods / Do they apply and are they effective
- What research skills are shown
What are Case Studies by a given definition?
An in-Depth investigation of a single individual, group or event.
What are Surveys by a given definition?
A research method that involves collecting data from a sample of individuals using a standardized questionnaire or interview.
What are Observational Studies by a given definition?
A study that involves observing and recording the behaviour of individuals or groups in a natural setting without manipulating an environment or intervening in any way.
What are controlled trials (RTC) by a given definition?
An experimental study in which participants are randomly assigned to receive one of two or more interventions.
What are Systemic reviews by a given definition?
A comprehensive and systematic summary of the research literature on a specific topic?
What are Meta-Analyses by a given definition?
A statistical method that combines the results of multiple studies to produce a more precise estimate of the effect of an intervention.
What is Quantitative Research by a given definition?
A collection of numerical data that does not include words, images and sounds.