Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections Flashcards
This deck is designed to aid you in understanding the transoceanic interconnections that occured in the time period 1450-1750 CE.
What was a reason (in part) why the Europeans began exploring in the first place despite having their demand for goods met?
They were eager to eliminate the Muslim middlemen (and the Venetians, who had monopoly over Eastern Mediterranean trade) and discover more efficient trade routes to Asia;
They didn’t want to rely on such monopolies
Who were Bartholomew Dias and Vasco de Gama?
Both are Portuguese explorers who went around the Cape of Good Hope
By 1494, Portugal and Spain were fighting over land in the Americas. How did they resolve this conflict?
So, the Treaty of Tordesillas was established, in which a line was made running through the western Atlantic Ocean; to the east of this line would be Portuguese property and to the west Spain
What did colonialism and the expansion of trade routes contribute to?
The rise of nationalism and the development of strong monarchies
Why did the Age of Exploration occur in this time period and not in previous ones?
So, the reason as to why exploration was so adamant in this period and not prior to it is because multiple advancements were being made that allowed exploration to prosper.
What was the sternpost rudder?
allowed for better navigation and control of ships of increasing size
What was the lateen sail?
invented during the early Roman Empire, allowed ships to sail in any direction, regardless of the wind
What was the astrolabe?
Helped determine latitude
What was the magnetic compass?
determine direction without staying in sight of land
What was the three-masked caravels?
provisions for longer journeys in their large cargo rooms
Who was Hernan Cortes?
Invaded the Aztec Empire in search of riches and was able to ally with neighboring peoples who did not like being under Aztec rule; was offered a gift of gold by the then-current Aztec emperor to appease him, but Spanich avarice made him want more
As a side note, he used horses to attack Tenochititlan, and horses were not familar to the Americas at the time
How were the Spaniards able to sieze the Aztec Empire in 1521?
Because of the introduction of European diseases, like smallpox, which the Aztecs had no immunity to, superior weapons, and help from enemies
Who gained control of the Inca Empire in 1533?
How did empire-building in the Americas differ from elsewhere?
Unlike empire-building elsewhere, the conquering empire was not tolerant nor did it enforce its values and culture; instead, in the Americas, the native populations were largely wiped out and Spainards were coming in to replace them
Did the Spanish establish a hierarchical system based around the nationality of an individual and where they were born?
In what way did the encomienda system bring enslaved Africans into the New World via Spain?
Enslaved Africans were brought into the New World as a way to relieve the burden of work on the natives, but this endeavor didn’t fix anything;
A form of slavery in which a prisoner of war would have to serve his/her captor for a brief period of time until their honor was restored was practiced in Africa, but the Europeans trades guns to access these people and ignored the cultural value slavery had
How did leaders in Africa react to slaves being taken and abused in the Americas?
Leaders in Africa were faced with a difficult choice of either cooperating with the Europeans or having their people be slaughtered by money-hungry European powers, a choice that allowed slavery to thrive
What was the Middle Passage?
The brutal trip to the Americas from Africa
Why were mortality rates through the Middle Passage only 14-20%?
Merely surviving the conditions on the ship was a hassle in and of itself, but even after managing to survive that, these enslaved peoples had to work til death
Explain the demographic shift that occured under the Age of Exploration.
Essentially, what was happening was that people were being migrated or moving to multiple places; this was so prevalent at the time that it changed the global demographic
What was the Columbian Exchange?
The transatlantic transfer of goods, ideas, technology, services, people and whatnot
What disease did the New World bring to the Old?
What did American food crops allow for?
Allowed for population booms in the Western world, despite “the little ice age”/long cooling period
What were the two key products of the Columbian Exchange?
Sugar and silver