unit 4 test Flashcards
who was siddhartha
a known Buddha, whose father was the ruler at the time. Sid grew up being a rich young prince married at 16 his father wanted him to live a life of seclusion but one day went out in the world and face reality with it’s inevitable suffering at the age of 20 letter came down with his newborn to lead an aesthetic life to determine a way to relieve universal suffering. For six years, he submitted himself to aesthetic practices, but never fully satisfied.
Why is said significant to Buddhism?
Through his journey of seeking enlightenment, he was able to fully understand that a balance life is more important than a life of extremism. Finding the middle Way that night he sat under a bodhi tree meditation pure fighting his mind. Lead him to attaining enlightenment at the age of 35 thus earning the title of the Buddha or the enlighten one after this for the remainder of his life his mission was to help others reach enlightenment as he preached, derma teachings of the Buddha.
What are some similarities between Buddha and Jesus
Both buddha and Jesus emphasize ethical and moral behavior. They thought their followers to live a righteous and compassionate life. Brewda achieved enlightenment under the bodhi tree. who’s seen as the source of salvation and Christian theology. Both figures Provide a path to spiritual, awakening and liberation from suffering
Why does the Buddha life help others?
During the Buddhist meditation journey to become enlightened, he gained a special understanding of human suffering, and how to escape it in order to achieve peace, or Nirvana, the end of personal suffering, an experience of unchanging peace
Enlightenment definition
a state of perfect happiness and understanding, unconditional compassion for all things
What are the four sites? How did Gautama come about them?
Old age - on his first excursion outside the palace, said, encountered an elderly person the same made a profound impact on him as he realized inevitability of aging, and the nature of life
Sickness - during his second outing said, saw a person suffering from illness. This experience made him confront the reality of human suffering in the physical fragility of the body.
Death, the third site that deeply affected said, was witnessing a funeral procession seeing a deceased person, and the grieving loved ones, led him to reflect on death, and the impermanence of life
Ascetic - in his fourth encounter, said, saw an aesthetic monk, who had renounced worldly pleasures in pursuit of spiritual awakening. This site, planted the seed of inspiration and sits mind sparking a desire to seek a path to be on the suffering he observed in the world
What was the Buddhas purpose?
To set in motion, a set of laws to help people live their lives without suffering
What’s the difference between enlightenment and Nirvana?
Enlightenment in Buddhism is the realization of truth and wisdom leading to liberation. Well nirvana is the ultimate state of liberation itself representing the end of suffering and the cycle of rebirth enlightenment is the past or process and Nirvana is the goal or destination.
What are the three jewels?
They are located in the centre of the wheel of dharma known as the three jewels of Buddhism
The Buddha/the guide
The dharma/the path
the Sangha/companions and teachers
What are the three universal truths?
anicca (impermanence) Nothing is permanent or stays the same for long people. Animals plants are changing all the time there is no rest, except Nirvana. We should know that life is ever changing and we should be prepared for that
Dhaka (suffering) all life involves suffering, including physical pain and illness, as well as being bored and uncomfortable the buddha teachers that there is no such thing as continuous happiness or pleasure since feelings only last for a limited amount of time
Annata, (not self) no itself the Buddha taught that There is nothing more to a person, then can be seen or experienced that everybody is made up of five parts of the body feeling perception mental actions in awareness
What are the four noble truths be able to apply them
Reality of dissatisfaction, to live is to suffer birth, old, age, disease, and suffering. These are all experiences We do not want even pretend do not exist.
Cause of dissatisfaction because of suffering is a negative desire, people, greedy, for the wrong kind of pleasures do harmful things to their bodies possessions that people desire the most cause of the more the most suffering when your basic needs are met, you should enjoy without being greedy
End of dissatisfaction the goal of the Buddha is the end suffering reaching Nirvana will be possible only when the urge to possess more than the things is destroyed to cut off grid means one’s views and living a more natural and peaceful life a person attaining to run it isn’t a blissful, happy and content state. We’re nothing whatsoever causes any kind of suffering
The path leading to extinction of suffering/dissatisfaction, and suffering. When was adopt the Middle Way by following the noble a path adopting this path is to live the Buddhist way of life, a life of self improvement for some people that noble eightfold is a blueprint for a happier life.
What is the central Buddhist teachings of the middle Way?
BALANCE! All Buddhist teachings show the weight and suffering in life and stop some Sara some Sara is the endless cycle of uncontrolled rebirths. These rebirth referred to as reincarnation involve the transference of one’s mind or consciousness into new bodies after death Buddhism Buddhist aim to break out of the cycle to achieve nirvana Nirvana is stay to be freed from the hobby desire involving letting go of personal attachments.
What is enlightenment, and Nirvana how did said achieve them?
Enlightenment is the state of having knowledge understanding. Nirvana is a place a perfect peace and happiness, like heaven, said who later became known as buddha achieved enlightenment, and Nirvana through a profound spiritual journey
What is the noble eightfold path?
Right view, we need a blueprint to guide us through life. Therefore, it is essential to know the meaning of the four noble truths,
Right thought, to adopt the current attitude embark on a path of mental, moral, physical self discipline to not cause harm to others to nurture, good thoughts because they produce good strong characters.
Write speech, but using kind speech, we will be respected and trusted. Therefore, we should not criticizing just use harsh language or engage in gossiping
Right action to behave well to not kill, steal or be promiscuous. This is accomplished by follow. The five precepts people will judge a person based on their behaviour
Livelihood to follow a way of earning a living that does not harm others tray should be avoided, including butchering animals lending money at excessively high interest rates, trading weapons, liquor, or poison.
Write effort to avoid all evil thoughts, and strive to have good thoughts individuals must do their best at all times, and should have goodwill towards others
Mindfulness, to remain focussed on the present moment, I recognize things as they are beyond personal attachments
Right concentration, the final step involves focussing the mind on one thought or object at a time. This concentration leads to true peace of mind and tranquility. Deep meditation leads to enlightenment.
What are the five precepts?
These rules were followed by the Buddhist people to control, improper, physical and verbal behaviour that might cause suffering
Abstain from killing, or harming, living beings, stealing, improper, sexual conduct, full speech, lies, etc., alcohol or harmful drugs.
You can five these precepts by cultivating mindfulness, practice, compassion, reflect on intentions, make ethical choices, and seek support and guidance