Unit 3 Test Flashcards
What are the origins of Hinduism
Hinduism absorbed the ideas and practices from the culture of the time that evolved over thousands of years. it’s the product of various peoples that have occupied the region of india through time. however the foundations of hinduism were more likely laid by two groups of people - the Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryans
What is the Indus valley Civilization?
The earliest evidence of religious thought in India was uncovered during archaeological excavations along the bank of the Indus River. The civilization that is now Pakistan and northwestern India, referred to as the Indus Valley civilization.
Indus Valley Civilization ~ what was identified and discovered
Evidence shows they were impressive builders and town planners. ex. worship houses, stone sculptures that seem to be depictions of Parvati and Kali, charms to protect against evil. fire alters containing ashes and animal bones suggests they did religious fire rituals and animal sacrifices
who are the aryans
the indus valley was invalided by groups from the northwest known as the aryans. the aryans brought their ancient language called sanskrit, a religion with complex gods, and their own rituals and practices
what did the aryans do after they invalided the indus valley
they established distinct social classes which meant that they saw some people as being more valuable then others. the aryans saw themselves as superior as held the indus valley people as inferior. the infusion of the indus and aryans, hinduism was born
what are sacred texts? who created it
i’m he aryan settlers created poems and later text on rituals and philosophy. when the aryans religious thought flourished it was put in a collection of hymns called vedas, which are considered hinduism’s earliest sacred writings. the earliest of these texts is the rig-veda which constitutes the earliest record of sacred knowledge on hinduism. these vedas written in verse gave the rise to mythical texts on human existence known as upinshads
what are the vedas
The four Vedas are considered the oldest and most authoritative Hindu sculptures. The Vedas are a collection of writings on subjects, ranging from the divine spirit to medicine and the sciences.
what is rig Veda?
comprises 1028 hymns that preys the ancient deities
The Yajure Veda
A priest handbook for the performances of fire sacrifices
The sama veda
consists of melodies chance, and tunes for singing of hymns
atharva veda
contains magical formulas chants in spells in charms
what are Upanishads?
There are over 200 Upanishads, which discuss topics such as the mind the census worship liberation in the concept that represent Hinduism’s most essential believes, including brahman, Attman, karma, Samassa, Moksha, and Maya
what does Upanishad literally mean?
Sit down near, each one is like a conversation in which a person sits beside a wise teacher, who explains the meaning behind the vedas
what did Hindu people rely on before the Upanishads came?
They relied on priests to provide insight and clarification on the meaning of the Vedas. more people were able to understand the message of the Vedas, making Hinduism more accessible to all people, regardless of their education or social class.
what is ramayana
India’s great epic poem. The remind ramayana is a popular vehicle for spreading Hindu ideals or moral conduct. It contains 24,000 versus at the story of prince Rama, who is worshipped throughout the Hindu world as a seventh avatar or incarnation of god Vishnu
explain the concept of monotheism and polytheism
Hinduism is described as a polytheistic religion, some scholars to refer to Hinduism as a monotheistic religion with Braman as the overreaching one supreme god with many manifestations
Who is Brahman?
Braman is an entity without form and quantity meaning brahman is divine invincible, and in describable Braman is everything everywhere in those are free to imagine him or her in a way that is meaningful to them. That’s Hindus worship different deities that they consider manifestations of Braman.
what is the Hindu trinity?
The most significant manifestations of Brockman are the gods or deities
Which are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
Who is Brahma?
brahma is the creator of the universe. He has four faces and a seated on a lotus flower. He holds a book a rosary and a gourd container from the hard dry skin of a good fruit. He is not as widely worshipped as Shiva and Vishnu his female counterpart is Saraswati.
Who is Vishnu?
He is the preserver of the universe and is therefore a loving and forgiving figure who brings salvation. Vishnu has four arms, and what she holds a quarantine shell a discus, heavy centre disk a lotus mace have a club with metalhead this God has many avatars or incarnations, and appears on earth in the form of an animal or human in order to conquer evil, and establish righteousness many Hindus believe that one of his incarnations is that of siddhartha, gautama and the founder of Buddhism. vishnus companion is Lakshmi.
Who is Shiva?
Shiva is the destroyer and restore of the universe, natural disasters, like floods, would be an example destroying and then cleansing the universe Shiva is depicted, holding a trident, a three prong star, a rosary and a gourd in his hands. His wife is the goddess of Parvati.
what is atman
atman is the human soul or spirit. it is part of our inner most self that is identical, The Brahmin Hindus goal in life is to reunite the atman with Brahmin that I meant is an external an immortal when one dies I’m in, lives on shutting the body to enter a new one this is windows referred to as endless cycle of rebirth samsara
What is dharma?
Dharma is a Hindus code of moral and righteous duty. The concept of dharma pertains to the duties or responsibilities of the individual and is essential to the welfare. If an individual has a high code of ethics and morals the belief is that they will accumulate a great deal of good karma.
Summary on how to reach moksha
Moksha is achieved through meditation, achieving one’s dharma, detaching from the material world, and attaining a divine understanding. Moksha frees the soul from the struggles and pain of the material world, and liberates the soul from the endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth. (samsara, atman, dharma, karma)
Who is kali?
Physical characteristics, she is blue, has a lot of legs and arms tongue sticking out and wears a necklace of human heads.
Symbolism destruction and time change
Prayers, some I pray, and secret due to societal misunderstandings about her nature.
Who is Saraswati?
physical characteristics, white skin with a crescent on her bro often showing playing in music instrument Sean, sitting on a lotus often with swans nearby.
Symbolism goddess of the arts.
Prayers, female, partner of Brahma, the goddess of wisdom, learning the arts and music.
Who is Lakshmi?
Physical characteristics, sitting on a lotus flower for arms, tan skin, holding a palm up and surrounded by elephants.
Symbolism, represents wealth and prosperity.
Prayers, problems with wealth and people who feel they had black bad luck, continuous unfortunate events related to wealth
Who is Parvati?
Physical characteristics provide, he is often seen as a Hindu goddess of power, love, beauty and devotion, and her complete form. She is the physical representation of mahadevi
Symbolism Parvati represents an embodiment of shanti and she is the cause of a bond that connects all beings and means of their spiritual release.
Prayers they worship goddess Parvati for mam-age for resolving conflict, and for fertility.
what is Diwali?
The festival of lights is Hinduism’s most popular celebration and celebrate over five days at the end of October during assessable Hindu set off fireworks decorate their house is a nice gift gifts and where are you close to celebrate the try out the good knowledge and over the dark forces of evil and ignorance, Diwali honours Lakshmi and Vishnu. There’s also commemorates Ramas, returning to his kingdom after defeating Rivanna, the evil king, who had abducted his wife, sit in the ramayana
what is Holi
A Hindu spring festival known as the festival of colors, or the festival of love it signifies the victory of good over evil the arrival of spring and a festive day to meet others play in LIFE forget and forgive and repair, broken relationships the night before worshippers light a bonfire, that signifies the burning of the evil Hindus of all ages, participate by squirting coloured water on friends and family members as a distributor and eat sweets and other foods
sacred thread ceremony
A rite of passage into adolescence reserved for male members of the three upper casts in the presence of Gru or holy teacher. The young man shaves his head, and where is a saffron rove he then renounces all marital possessions, and then receives the sacred thread, which is interconnected with all things that thread consist of seven strands, each, representing a different virtual or quality, which the boy promises to live out for the rest of his life.
recite prayers to protect the foetus from illnesses are harmful spirits. After birth father draws the O M, on the babies tongue in honey, which is written in hope that the child will be honest and speak only the truth, which is sweet as honey after a week of baby will be given the name typically after a famous god or goddess and is whispered into the child’s ear. Both boys and girls have their haircut, symbolic of renewal and the shedding of wrongdoing in past lives.
Most Hindu marriages are arranged by the parents, although the children must be happy with their chosen partner, the weddings are colorful, rich with decorations and food, and can last as long as three days the ceremony centres around a sacred fire a manifestation of the God Agar Depriest leads the bride and groom around the flames bells are sounded, and mini offerings are made to the fire, including grains and flowers
Cremation of burning corpse is the Hindu custom. The funeral begins when the body is wrapped in a cloth, and carried away on a stretcher to the cremation grounds, they were saying prayers of the chosen diary of the deceased prayers and offerings are made in the belief that the deceased is going to the process of rebirth.
what is the swastika?
The Hindu good luck symbol
Used in wedding invitations, drawings, and rituals to bring back good luck, and protects against evil spirits and natural disasters
The OM symbol
Represents the sacred Sobel OM
The principal symbol of Hinduism that represents Braman.
OM is chanted at the beginning of prayers, blessings, and meditation, and is considered. The first most sacred sandwich contains the essence of true knowledge.
The cow
Cows are thought to be sacred and held in the highest steam because of their agricultural uses and gentle nature.
Hindus rely heavily on cows for dairy products, feeling farms and dumb as a source of fuel and fertilizer so cows are seen as a caretaker or maternal figure,
Most handles refrain from eating beef.
mini married Hindu women mark the centre of their foreheads with a red dot called Bindi
It signifies that a woman is married, and should be respected as such.
It is applied daily after a bath and puja, as well as special occasions.
what is the caste system?
The cast system of ancient India dominated the life and death of Hindus for thousands of years people were divided into Varnas or classes. These divided people according to their traditional jobs. At one time, a Hindu can only be a certain job if she, or he belong to that particular cast the purpose, Hindus, believe that everyone had a special duty called dharma, which means holy law the van, or you were born into is thought to depend on your actions and previous life.
what are the five cast in order?
- brahma
- kshatriyas
- vaisyas
- sudras
- pariah
brahma cast
The highest cost closest to moksha The Brahmin serve as a priest, holy people, and sometimes Kings the cast was made up of wealthy, well, educated individuals, they could speak to members of any other cast
kshatriyas caste
The second highest rich land owners, warriors, and community leaders. could speak to lower castes but not to brahmas until spoken to
vaisyas caste
The middle class of Hindu society, farmers, shopkeepers artesian’s merchants on their own property, could speak to lower tests, but not casts above them
sudras caste
The second lowest caste service for the three Varnas, the labourers the sued roads were not permitted to speak to other people and other castes
the pariah caste
known as the Untouchables shine by society, at the bottom of the cast system garbage collectors, executioners people do not want these jobs. They are not allowed to look in the I speak to our touch other cast members.
compare all five of the cast to a modern day scenario
pariah modern day senerio
refugees and displaced persons in the context of global refugee crisis, many refugees and internally displaced persons, face discrimination restricted access to basic rights, and sometimes hostility in host countries. They can be seen as modern day, pariahs, seeking safety instability, but often facing barriers and challenges.
sudras modern day scenario
Urbanization and changing roles as India, undergoes, urbanization and economic growth, traditional roles associated with a Sault Dr., Varna have transformed many individuals from these backgrounds have shifted away from our can work, and are pursuing careers in various feel such as business, technology arts, and other professions
vaisyas modern day scenario
agriculture remains a significant sector of Indian economy. People engaged in farming agribusiness and related activities can be seen as modern day they vaisyas the agricultural sector, has seen, technology, advancements, and changes in land ownership and management
kshatriyas modern dya scenerio
Law enforcement, and please political leader, ship and governance rolls continue to be the importance in contemporary Indian people from various backgrounds, including this historically associated with this cast whole positions as elected representatives, ministers and administrators
brahma modern day scenerio
religious worship, and rituals and contemporary Hinduism worship and rituals dedicated to diaries, including Brahma are still an inter-Gradle part of religious practice temples in places of worship, dedicated to Brahma exist, but they’re relatively rare as a primary focus is often on deities like Vishnu and Shiva