Unit 4: Outcome 4 Flashcards
Land managers and their effectiveness
VEAC and Trust for nature
VEAC acronym
Victorian environmental assessment council
VEAC role
- VEAC is included as one of the processes that decision makers use to reach a decision about an environmental conflict.
- they don’t make decisions, they make recommendations
VEAC investigation
Conservation values of state forests
VEAC investigation
Conservation values of state forests
September 2016- the minister for energy, environment and climate change requested VEAC to undertake an assessment of the conservation value of state forests in central highlands, north east, Gippsland and east Gippsland regional forest agreement areas
VEAC investigation
Conservation values of state forests
- Identify the biodiversity and ecological values in the specified area
- Identify the current and likely future threats to these values
- Report on public land use and management
Trust for nature
- A non profit organisation that has the objective of reducing environmental impacts through adopting policies, setting targets and developing environmental management strategies to achieve specific goals.
- work in cooperation with private land owners
Trust for nature
To enable people to contribute to nature conservation by donating money or land
Trust for nature
Conservation covenant and TFN properties
Trust for nature
Conservation covenant
-CC are one of the most effective ways developed so that land owners could permanently protect native plants and wildlife on private land. The covenant remains attached to the property even if it’s sold
Trust for nature
TFN properties
- TFN buys and maintains properties that have a high conservation value in order to protect native flora and fauna for the future.
- On some of these properties, private land conservation practices are in place, allowing regeneration of damaged habitats.
Flora and fauna guarantee act 1988
It is the key piece of Victorian legislation for the conservation of threatened species and for the management of potentially threatening processes
Flora and fauna guarantee act
Ramsar convention 1971
It embodies the commitments of its member countries to maintain the ecological character of their wetlands of international importance
Ramsar convention
Sustainable actions taken
- Green building design- 60 litre building melbourne
- Integrated farming- agroforestry
- Urban planning- 20 minute neighbourhoods
Green building design
The redevelopment or construction of a building that ensures that it’s impacts on the environment are minimal.
Green building design
Focuses on using sustainable resources, recycling and implementing a range of technologies that will assist in decreasing the carbon emissions of the building from the design phase to the building phase
60 litre building Melbourne
- Exposed pipes: so heat isn’t trapped on the walls and doesn’t require an air conditioner
- reused timber
- Original building wasn’t bulldozed so materials were reused
- Rainwater is collected and stored in water tanks
- Copper was used for pipes and they’re 100% recyclable
VEAC effectiveness
- not influenced to make specific recommendations by others
- highlight areas of significance and value needing protection in the state
VEAC effectiveness
- Only make recommendations, not decisions
- Can take a long time to complete research
VEAC council
- Made up of 5 people.
- Required to have skills, knowledge and experience in relation to management of public land and natural resources
Integrated farming
Pig tractor and poultry cleaners
Integrated farming
Pig tractor
The animals are confined to crop fields prior to planting where they plow the fields by digging for roots
Integrated farming
Poultry cleaners
Chickens are used in vineyards to clear rotten fruit and weeds whilst also fertilising the soil
Urban planning
20 minute neighbourhoods
- Give residents access to local shops, schools, jobs, parks and community services that are 20 minutes away from home.
- Improve health systems, travel and costs.
Flora and fauna guarantee act
Promoting sustainability
Guarantee that all of vic flora and fauna can survive, flourish and retain their potential for development in the wild.
Ramsay convention
Promoting sustainability
Seek to restore appropriate water regimes and address adverse processes and activities