Unit 4: Other Worlds — Vocabulary Flashcards
Aurora Definition
a glow or display of light
Cavernous Definition
Chars Definition
matter blackened by burning
Delirium Definition
crazed thoughts or mental confusion
Franchise Definition
a special right or privilege
Graft Definition
illegal or questionable contributions; bribes
Infinitesimally Definition
in an extremely small way
Mail Definition
armor made of metal links or plates
Paradox Definition
a statement that contradicts itself
Phlegm Definition
mucus in breathing passages
Piston Definition
a machine part that moves up and down
Resilient Definition
capable of withstanding shock
Scrabbled Definition
groped clumsily
Subliminal Definition
below the threshold of consciousness
Taint Definition
contaminating mark or influence
Temperament Definition
one’s nature or personality
Undulate Definition
move in waves
Abrasive Definition
rough; harsh
Dendrites Definition
brain cells that serve as connectors and
receive messages
Hierarchical Definition
arranged by rank
Seminal Definition
strongly influencing later developments
Spawned Definition
generated; brought into existence
Cybernetic Definition
having the quality of humans and machines combined
Avatar Definition
an electronic image that represents the computer user
Choreographed Definition
arranged or directed movements, as in dance