Unit 4: Jefferson, Market Rev., Good feels, Jackson, Reform Flashcards
Thomas Jefferson
3rd president of the US Democratic Republican
Relating to farms and farmers
The Louisiana Purchase
Land bought by Jefferson from Napoleon in 1803
Midnight Judges
Justices signed in by Adams on the last night of his presidency
Judicial review
Court has the power to determine the constitutionality, strengthens the judiciary branch
A tax on goods imported from other countries
Tripoli and the Barbary Pirates
Jefferson refused to pay tribute to pirates who were attack US ships. Instead he sent the military to handle the situation and sign a peace treaty.
The Embargo Act
Jefferson forbade all exportation of goods from the US, hurting the US economy, repealed in 1809, led to the war of 1812
The War of 1812
War between the US and Britain, caused by impressment and Native American attacks led by Tecumseh
Native American leader who led an “Indian Confederacy” against American settlements in the west
Process where British Soldiers would abduct American sailors and force them into military service
Lewis and Clark
Pair of explorers tasked with charting the Louisiana Purchase (aided by Sacagewea)
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Treaty of peace that ended the war of 1812
Hartford Convention
Meeting of federalists in Hartford CT to discuss opposition to the War of 1812, federalists were branded as treasonous and the party never recovered
The Era of Good Feelings
Name given to James Monroe’s presidency (1812-1825), a time of high cultural pride and political unity
The American System
Henry Clay’s plan for improving America’s economy, focused on high tariffs, a national bank, and internal transportation improvements
The Rush-Bagot Treaty
A treaty between the US and Great Britain that demilitarized the border between the US and Canada
The Adams/Onis Treaty of 1819
The US established the boundaries of their territory, while Spain surrendered Florida and the Northwest Territory of Oregon and Washington
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe’s declaration against Europe to end colonization of the western hemisphere and “mind their own business”
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Compromise about if Missouri should be considered a free or slave state
The Corrupt Bargain of 1824
Henry Clay threw his support behind John Quincy Adams in the election of 1824, as a result Andrew Jackson lost the race and was bitter towards the two men, ending the era of good feelings
Market Revolution
The US transition from an agrarian society to an industrial capitalist society
National Road (Cumberland Road)
A paved road which connected the East to the Midwest
Fulton Steam Engine
Invention that allowed for faster and more efficient movement on water
Erie Canal
Man made river established in upstate NY
The Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney’s invention that made it easier and faster to separate cotton fibers from seeds
The fear of immigrants and foreigners by those born in a specific country
Separate Spheres
The concept of society having different areas for men and women, home is the domain for women and the whole working society was the domain for men
Lowell Mill Girls
The group of girls and young women who worked in the earliest cotton mills in Lowell Mass.
The idea that a state can refuse to follow federal laws
Force Bill
Gave Jackson the authority to use military force in NC if necessary during the Nullification Crisis
A political party that mimicked the Jeffersonian ideology of individual liberties and working against political and economic elitism
A political party that mimicked federalist system of federal supremacy and national cooperation
Spoils system
Jackson’s controversial policy of giving political jobs to supporters and friends (rather than qualified candidates)
Specie Circular
Jackson’s order that all land purchases would need to be made with fold or silver instead of paper currency
Indian Removal Act
Law permitting the forced removal of Cherokee Natives in areas around Georgia, led to debates on if US laws had jurisdiction in Native territory
Trail of Tears
15,000 Cherokees were forced to migrate from Georgia to Oklahoma, nearly 25% of those who made the journey died
Bank War
Jackson’s attack on the Bank of the US , he believed it only benefited the rich at the expense of working Americans, vetoed the rechartering of the bank in 1832
Pet Banks
State banks that Jackson chose to put government money into instead of in the national bank
A movement focused on limiting or totally stopping consumption of alcohol
Seneca Falls Convention
Meeting of Women’s Rights Activists and Suffragists to discuss methods of obtaining the right to vote
Declaration of Rights and Sentiments
Document that parodied the dec. of independence to draw attention to its treatment of women
Artistic movement focused on the romantic aspects of nature and humanity, rather then religious sources. Believed humans had infinite potential and were capable of perfection
Abolitionist Movement
Social movement focused on the abolition of slavery as an institution
Nat Turners Rebellion (1831)
Slave rebellion which led to over 100 fatalities, led to new laws restricting movement of enslaved people in the south
Second Great Awakening
Religious movement that spawned many new faiths including the baptists, Methodists, and Mormons. Focused on the individual changing their fate instead of your fate being premeditated.
William Garrison
Author of abolitionist magazine “the liberator”, argued for immediate and complete freedom for all African Americans in the country
Dorothea Dix
Social Reformer who focused on better treatment of the mentally ill
Fredrick Douglass
Famed abolitionist speaker, escaped slavery and spoke across the US and Europe about his experiences
Susan B. Anthony
Women’s rights activist and abolitionist, arrested as a form of protest for trying to vote
The name given to the period between the war of 1812 and the Civil War, used mostly in reference to slavery dynamics between the north and south
Utopian Communities
Theoretical perfect communities attempted during the Second Great Awakening, included the Shakers, the Oneida group and the Mormons
Gag rule
Passed to prevent abolitionists from speaking about slavery in Congress
The right or ability to vote
Moral Suasion
Using social pressures to change someones behavior
Burned Over District
Area in upstate NY which saw many religious revivals and new faiths during the SGA