Unit 4 Exam Flashcards
Abdominal Cavity
Abdominal cavity- is divided into an upper and lower part,
upper contains the stomach, small intestine, most of the large intestine, appendix, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen
lower (pelvic cavity)- contains the urinary bladder, reproductive organs, and the last part of the large intestine (149)
moving away from the center of the body
moving towards the center of the body
Adipose tissue
Fatty tissue
Afferent nerves
pick up senses and changes, the skin is the most responsible
refers to joints that are slightly movable
Amount of blood in a human
4-6 gallons
Anatomic position
Arms out, palms up
Study of structure (Greek word for cut up)
Anterior or ventral
Aorta artery
carries blood away from the heart, the aorta is the biggest and strongest artery
Aortic valve
is located between the left ventricle and the aorta, it closes when the left ventricle is finished contracting, allowing blood to flow into the aorta and preventing blood from flowing back into the left ventricle
sleep apnea is a condition in which an individual stops breathing whole asleep, causing a measurable decrease in blood oxygen levels
Vessels that carry blood away from the heart
The smallest branch of arteries
nerve cells, carry messages to and from cell, once destroyed they are hard to repair
part of immune system that helps protect body from infection
Biceps brachii
just the biceps of the arm, lie on the upper arm
The study of life and living organisms
a pulse rate under 60 beats per minute
Buccal cavity
or mouth, for the teeth and tongue
smallest of the blood vessels one cell thick, where diffusion and absorption take place
Cardiac muscle
involuntary, myocardiac, found in the heart, forms the walls of the heart and contracts to circulate blood
Cardiac sphincter
muscle fibers about the opening of the esophagus into the stomach.
where the normally transparent lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque
Cellular respiration
when cells use oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide
located near the center of the cell, their major role is during mitosis, they form spindles during cell division
semicircular canals- contain liquid and hair-like projections, these cells bend and move when sound hits them, helps us maintain balance
largest of the brain parts, responsible for reasoning, thought, memory, speech, judgement, sensation, sight, smell, hearing, and voluntary body movements
Cervix of uterous
the narrow bottom section which attaches to the vagina
made out of DNA and protein, they form chromosomes, a human cell has 46 chromosomes and 23 pairs, somewhere between 30000 and 45000 genes in a single cell
made out of DNA and protein, they form chromosomes, a human cell has 46 chromosomes and 23 pairs, somewhere between 30000 and 45000 genes in a single cell
Ciliary body
structure in the eye that releases a transparent liquid (called the aqueous humor) within the eye.
Circulatory system
consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, transports oxygen and nutrients to all body cells, transports carbon dioxide and other metabolic materials away from the body cells, gets rid of waste products
imaginary circle, uses abduction, adduction, flexion, and extension
chronic destruction of liver cells accompanied by the formation of fibrous connective and scar tissue
Clothing proteins
thrombocytes, little pieces of cells, not a complete cell
looks like a snail shell, where hearing transplants and implants are made, carries impulses to the temporal lobe in cerebellum
Color of blood
erythrocytes- red blood cells, the color is based on the amount of oxygen in the blood
pink eye, is a contagious inflammation of the conjunctiva and is usually caused by bacterium or virus
Connective tissue
supporting fabric of organs and other body parts, 2 different kinds soft and hard
a severe tightening of a flexor muscle resulting in bending of a joint
circular, transparent part of the front of the sclera, allows light rats to enter the eye
Coronal plane
There is a front and a back
Coronary artery
Supplies blood to the heart
Cranial cavity
made out of total bone, no muscle, protects the brain
the shoulder, abducts arm, injection site
carry impulses toward the cell body
shaft or middle part of the long bone
Diastolic pressure
is the constant pressure in the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is at rest or between contractions
where the thalamus and the hypothalamus, sends messages to the cerebrum, mainly there for temperature and pain control
Digestive system
digests food physically and chemically, transports food, absorbs nutrients, eliminates waste
away from origin, have to have something to relate it to, like the stomach is distal from the brain
Back side
Dorsal cavity
long, continuous cavity on the back of the body
Dura mater
tough mother”, toughest covering for the brain
when elderly have difficult breathing
Efferent nerves
“motor nerves”, comes from the brain and tells you to take action
a quality in the muscles to be able to rebound back
foreign substance circulating in the bloodstream,it can be air, blood clot, bacterial clumps, a fat globule, or other similar substances
Endocrine system
allows the body to respond and adapt to changes that occur both inside and outside the body
Endoplasmic reticulum
network that runs from the nucleus to the plasma membrane, aids in synthesis of proteins, 2 types: rough( has ribosmomes which synthesize proteins) smooth- (no ribosomes, help produce cholesterol or the fat or steroid like cells)
lines the medullary cavity, like ceran wrap, shiny
tightly coiled tube approximately 20 feet in length and located in the scrotum and above the testes
or seizure syndrome, is a brain disorder associated with abnormal electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain
Ends of Long bones
Epithelial tissue
responsible for covering the brain and the spinal cord
red blood cells, squishy ,not a complete cell, has hemoglobin(does the work of the red blood cells, carries oxygen, 4 molecules per each cell, it is also responsible for the color of the blood, move very slow and sluggish
responds to stimulus, allows muscles to respond to changes in the environment
Stretch beyond normal length
Opening up the joint, extending the angle
External respirations
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream
tough, sheetlike membrane that covers and protects the tissue (how some muscles attach to other things
Femoral artery
Largest artery in the leg
Decreasing the angle of the joint
Floating ribs
ribs 11 and 12, don’t connect to the sternum at all
soft spots in little kids, allows the brain to grow, gives flexibility during birthing, aren’t fused together till about age 25
Frontal plane
or coronal plane- means we get a front and a back to it
Function of bile
usually associated with liver problems, breaks down things in the tummy, digestive juice