1st semester Final multiple choice Flashcards
Abdominal cavity
is separated into regions or sections because its so large RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ- quadrants its always the patients right and the patients left
moving away from the center of the body
moving towards the center of the body
any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
the process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture assuming some of the characteristics, does occur
Adipose tissue
fatty tissue or a type of soft connective tissue
Adult ration for CPR
Afferent nerves
sensory nerves that carry messages from the body to the brain and spinal cord
Amino acid are made of….
an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugar
study of form and structure ( Greek word “cut up”)
inadequate number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both. Difficult breathing, fatigue, and rapid heart rate
ballooning out of or saclike formation on an artery wall. Usually in cerebral, aorta, and abdominal arteries. Can cause death and repair usually requires surgery
Antibiotics are used to treat what kind of infection
antisepticsrevent or inhibit growth of pathogenic organisms but are not effective against spores or viruses. Can usually be used on the skin
Assault and battery
Assault- physical or verbal attack on another person; treatment or care given to a person without obtaining proper consent
unlawfully touching another person without proper consent
Bartholin’s glands
also called vestibular glands, are two small glands located one on each side of the vaginal opening, they secrete mucus for lubrication during intercourse
Basic needs for life
psychological, safety, love and affection, esteem, self actualization- all need to be met or theyre major consequences
is a preference that inhibits impartial judgement, ex. people who believe their religion is better than anyone else’s because they like it better
the study of living organisms, divided into many special fields
Blood views in relationship to culture
Jehova’s witness and Christian Scientist area gainst blood transfusions
Body mechanics
the way in which the body moves and maintains balance; proper body mechanics involves the most efficient use of all body parts
Biracial pulse sites
upper inside of the arm between the shoulder and the elbow
Bulbourethral glands
there are 2 of them, they release the semen into the urethra in guys, located between the prostate
Cardiac sphincter
a sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, opening at the approach of food that can then be swept into the stomach by rhythmic peristaltic waves.
Carotid pulse site
on the side of the neck under your jaw bone
located near the center of the cell, their major role is during mitosis, they form spindles during cell division
Cervical vertebrae
back of the neck, protects the spinal cord, C1-C7
Chambers of the heart and blood levels
the 2 upper chambers are called atriums, they are the receiving chambers
the right chamber receives blood from …..
the inferrer and superior vena cava blood vessels, 70% oxygen and 30% CO2
the left chamber receives blood from….
lungs which enters the atrium by the pulmonary veins, 100% oxygen
the lower chambers are called…
the ventricles, the pumping chamber, the right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and vice versa
Characteristics of culture
defined as calues, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors, and customs unique to a particular group of people and passed from generation to generation- culture is learned, culture is shared, culture is social in nature, culture is dynamic and constantly changing
Characteristics of resume
record of information about an individual, makes you appear qualified as an employee, computer printed, organized, correct spelling and punctuation– personal identification, employment objective job desired or career, educational backround, work or employment experience, skills, other activities, references
Chemical disinfection
process that destroys or kills pathogenic organisms, not always effective against spores or viruses, mainly used on objects not people, bleach is a common disinfectant
located in the nucleus and made out of DNA and protein, during cell reproduction they form rodlike structures called chromosomes
Chronic dementia
when there is permanent, irrevirsible dmage to brain cells
Circulatory system
carries oxygen and nutrients to body cells; carries waste products away from cells; helps produce cells to fight infection
Common cold
Communication skills
the sender, message, and reciever are 3 key elements to communication– the messege needs to be clear, the reciever must need to be ablt to hear and recieve the message, interruptions and distractions must be avoided, 85% of all communication is nonverbal
something given or received as an equivalent for a loss, service, or debt; defense mechanism involving substitution of one goal for another goal to achieve success
Computerized tomography
CT scanner, introduced in 1972, first computer-based body and brain scanner, noninvasive, computerized X-ray allows physicians to see the bone and body tissues and any abnormalities they might have
The mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids, when it gets inflammed conjunctivitis (pink eye) occurs
Connective tissue
supporting fabric of organs and other body parts– soft is adipose or fatty tissue which stores fat as a food reserve or source of energy, hard- includes cartilage or bone which acts as a shock absorber
circular transpartent part of the front of the sclera, allows light rays to enter the eye
Coronal plane
or the frontal plane, means we get a front and a back with it
Cowper’s gland
same as the bulbourethral glands
very similar to the plasma of the blood, 90% water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats– semi fluid inside the cell but outside the nucleus
when false statements either cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the persons reputation
when false statements either cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the persons reputation
Being free of a fever
carry blood away from the heart, aorta is the biggest
Body temperature
the balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body
Brady cardia
pulse rate under 60 beats per minute
connect arterioles with venules, they have thin walls which are one cell thick
blueish discoloration of the skin caused by not enough oxygen
when there is an insufficient amount of tissue fluid
excessive perspiration, wet clammy skin
difficult breathing in the elderly
a state of equilibrium or constant state of natural balance in the internal environment of the body
the process of combining with water
when the body exceeds 104 degrees measured rectally
when the body temperature is below 95 degrees
Another term of fever
pulse rate over 100 beats per minute, except in children
blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height, or caused by disease…
Vital signs
various determinations that provide information about the basic body conditions of the patient
state of being in optimum health with a balanced relationship between physical, mental, and social health
term used when confusion or disorientation is a temporary condition
nerve fibers which carry impulses toward the cell body
shaft or middle part of the long bone
Digestive system
digests food physically and chemically,transports food, absorbs nutrients, eliminates waste
transferring feelings about one person to someone else, defense mechanism
Divisions of autonomic nervous system
sympathetic and parasympathetic
Dorsal or posterior-
The back side
Dura mater
thick, tough outer layer of the spinal cord
Efferent nerves
motor nerves that carry ,essayed from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands
foreign substance circulating in the bloodstream
Empathy skills
being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situations, and motives
inner layer of the uterus, provides for implantation of a fertilized ovum and aids in the development of the fetus.
remove toxins and defend the body from allergic reactions by producing antihistamines
identify and track diseases as they occur in groups of people