Unit 4: Civics and Political Participation Flashcards
Civil Trial Definition
a trial that occurs to settle a legal dispute between two parties
Conscription Definition
the process by which a government raises a military force by requiring people to serve under penalty of law
Criminal Trial Definition
a trial where the government has brought charges against a person that accuses them of breaking a law
Excise Tax Definition
a tax that is paid on certain goods, services, or activities to discourage their purchase or cover costs of production
Grand Jury Definition
a jury used to determine if there is enough evidence to charge a person with a crime
Income Tax Definition
a tax that is paid based on the amount of money that a person earns
Payroll Tax Definition
a percentage of wages, salary, and tips paid to a taxing authority; a tax paid on wages and salaries but not on investment income
Property Tax Definition
a tax that is assessed based on the value of property that a person owns
Rule of Law Definition
the idea that all people in the society are bound by the law
Sales Tax Definition
a tax that is paid based on the value of goods and services purchased
Subpoena Definition
an order issued by a court that commands a person named on the subpoena to appear and testify
Trial Jury Definition
the jury that determines if a criminal defendant is guilty in a criminal case or which side wins in a civil case
Civic Responsibility Definition
an action U.S. citizens perform to support a democratic society
General Election Definition
an election used to determine who will be elected to public office
Initiative Petition Definition
a process by which citizens can make public policy by circulating a petition, gaining an appropriate number of signatures, and then forcing a vote on a specific question or proposition
Nominee Definition
a person chosen to represent a political party at a general election
Primary Election definition
an election used to determine who will represent each political party at the general election
Recall Election Definition
an election used to remove a person from office before the end of their term
Referendum Definition
a process in which a state legislature or city council writes and submits a proposed law to the voters for their approval; a general vote by citizens on a single political question
Right to Petition Definition
the ability to contact government officials and express your views without fear of retaliation
Civic Virtue Definition
a set of standard moral behaviors for citizens to uphold by putting community needs ahead of individual needs
Civic Competence Definition
knowledgeable in the social and political aspects of a democratic government in order to fully participate in civic life
Civic Disposition Definition
being active in democratic practices while respecting the thoughts and beliefs of others
Egalitarianism Definition
the equal nature of people within American society
Free Enterprise Definition
the idea that people have the freedom to pursue their own economic goals without government interference
Patriotism Definition
a love for America and a respect for its institutions as well as the people that represent them
Political Tolerance Definition
the willingness to accept different beliefs and ideologies and allow those different beliefs a protected platform of expression
Civil Society Definition
a civil society creates institutions dedicated to furthering the public good, or benefits to society, by working with government and business interests
Interest Group Definition
a well-organized group of people with a shared identifying interest that attempts to influence the legislative process
Legal Governance Definition
seeks to address the needs and interests of the civil society institution by harnessing existing laws or applying pressure to create new laws
Network Governance Definition
addresses economic concerns of a local and national civil society institution by seeking laws that govern business practices
Nongovernmental Organization Definition
a voluntary institution that operates independent of government or business and seeks the advancement of a social goal or public good
Private Governance Definition
a partnership between community, national, or international businesses addressing civil society concerns
Campaign Definition
an organized effort toward a coordinated goal of electing someone to a public office
Constituent Services Definition
offices or staff members who are affiliated with state and federal elected officials to help voters in their districts and states address problems and concerns they may have with matters related to public policy
Petition Definition
a written request to take action, typically signed by many people, to a local government agency or public official
Battleground States Definition
states where the outcome in a presidential election is much more competitive and either candidate has a reasonable chance of winning
Caucus Definition
a method of choosing a nominee in which voters attend a scheduled meeting in a public place on election night and publicly express their support for a candidate through a series of “aye” and “nay” votes
Delegate Definition
a person sent by a state to represent its residents in the national convention
Majority Definition
an election in which a candidate has to get more than half of the votes, or 50 percent plus one
National Convention Definition
an event held in late summer in a presidential election year by each major political party to formally announce its presidential candidate
Nonpartisan Election Definition
an election in which voters get a ballot with all candidates running for office, regardless of their political party affiliation; an election for members of Congress in non-presidential election years
Partisan Election Definition
an election in which voters choose a ballot for one political party when they enter a polling place
Plurality Definition
the most votes; not necessarily a majority
Presidential Preference Primary Election Definition
in a primary, voters show up to the polls and privately vote for their preferred nominee as in any other election
Safe States Definition
states where one political party is nearly guaranteed to win in the presidential election
Winner-Take-All Definition
a system that awards all electoral votes to the winner
Election Day Definition
the day set to elect federal officials, including the president, vice president, and members of Congress, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years
Electoral College Definition
the group of presidential electors who meet every four years to select the president and vice president as outlined in the U.S. Constitution
Midterm Election Definition
an election for members of Congress in non-presidential election years
One Person, One Vote Definition
the ideal that citizens have equal representation when voting
Popular Vote Definition
the act of voting by citizens eligible to participate in elections; the aggregate total of all individual votes cast for each nominee
Sovereignty Definition
the right of a government to rule without outside interference
Voter Registration Definition
the requirement for citizens to register with a governing agency to determine eligibility to vote
Horse Race Definition
the news media coverage during an election that focuses on who is winning versus losing based on polling, fundraising, or delegate counts
Nominating Contest Definition
a primary election, caucus, or convention to determine which candidate will represent a political party in a general election
Nominating Convention Definition
an event held at the national, state, or local level by a political party to nominate candidates for a general election
Pre-nomination Period Definition
the time prior to votes being cast when candidates seek name recognition, financial donors, party support, and media attention
Proportional Election System Definition
an election where political parties win seats in proportion to the percentage of votes cast
Single Member District Definition
elections in which the winner is the candidate who receives the plurality of the votes