Unit 1: Foundations and Constitution Vocabulary Flashcards
Code Definition
a comprehensive and systematic statement of rules or laws
Code of Hammurabi Definition
a series of rules and laws that were used uniformly in ancient Mesopotamia
Government Definition
a political system by which people are ruled
Monarchy Definition
a government that is run solely by a king, queen, or emperor, usually based on heredity
Political Thought Definition
a discipline that studies questions of people’s rights, justice, laws, and how and why people are governed
Constitutional Monarchy Definition
a government in which a monarch (for example a king or queen) shares power with a constitutionally organized government
Constitutional Democracy Definition
a government whose power is limited by a constitution
English Bill of Rights Definition
part of an invitation from Parliament to seat King William and Queen Mary as the new monarchs after King James II had been overthrown that required them to limit their own power and to extend many civil rights to the English people
English Common Law Definition
English law originating from judicial decisions based on custom and precedent
Limited Government Definition
a government that has limited powers based on laws and the consent of the people
Magna Carta Definition
a royal charter signed in 1215 by King John that offered a group of barons protection to practice their religion, protection from illegal imprisonment, and the right to swift justice in legal affairs
Parliament Definition
the governing body in England with the highest authority on legislative matters that ultimately represents the people
U.S. Bill of Rights (1791) Definition
the first 10 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution that limit the power of the U.S. government over the U.S. people
African Religions Definition
a broad term acknowledging the many different religious beliefs enslaved people brought to the United States
Catholic Definition
a member of a Christian religious group that believes that the Catholic Church with the pope as its leader on Earth is the only true church
Christian Definition
a member of a religious group that believes in the Bible and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
Jew Definition
a member of a religious group that traces its religious beliefs back to historic Israel and the Hebrew people of Abraham
Protestant Definition
a member of a Christian religious group that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church but still adheres to the Bible
Puritan Definition
member of an English Protestant group in New England that sought to simplify the religious traditions and practices of the Church of England
Corporate Colony Definition
the land granted to inhabitants as a corporate body
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Definition
a document that established rules for governing
Lord Proprietor Definition
a person appointed to oversee the business of a proprietary colony on behalf of a higher sovereign
Mayflower Compact Definition
a document drafted by original settlers of the Plymouth Colony that created a system of lawmaking
Proprietary Colony Definition
the land owned by an individual or family in colonial America
Royal Charter of 1663 Definition
a document granted by King Charles II that allowed Rhode Island settlers to govern their own colony
Royal Colony Definition
a colony governed by direct monarchial rule
Self-government Definition
a government elected by the people
Articles of Confederation (1781-1789) Definition
the first constitution of the U.S. that provided for all governmental power to be vested in a single institution, the Congress
Bill Definition
a new proposed law
Checks and Balances Definition
the power and the ability to check the other branches given to each one of the three branches to ensure that no one section of the government could obtain excessive unchecked power
Declaration of Independence (1776) Definition
the pronouncement by the U.S. colonies formally declaring themselves independent of Great Britain
Executive Branch Definition
the branch of government that enforces laws, consisting of the president, a cabinet appointed by the president, and various agencies and advisors
Judicial Branch Definition
the branch of government that interprets laws, consisting of the U.S. Supreme Court and federal court system
Legislative Branch Definition
the branch of government that passes laws, consisting of the two houses of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives
Popular Sovereignty Definition
the authority of the government is given by the consent of the people; the idea that the people hold ultimate authority over their own government
Separation of Powers Definition
the division of responsibilities between different branches of government to help keep one branch from becoming more powerful than another
Social Contract Definition
an agreement among members of a society to give up some individual freedoms to the government in exchange for the government protecting their natural rights
Natural Right Deinition
a right that is not dependent on the laws of government and is inalienable
Enlightenment Philosophers Definition
the men and women who wrote about the ideas of a government that is run by and for the people, during the Enlightenment Era in Europe
Grievance Definition
a wrong considered as grounds for complaint; something believed to be inequitable and that causes distress
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Definition
an English political philosopher known for his work concerning the social contract and natural law. His best-known work is “Leviathan” (1651)
John Locke (1632–1704) Definition
an English political philosopher known for his work concerning natural rights. His best-known work is “Two Treatises of Government” (1689). His ideas are considered the foundation of American political thought
Anti-Federalists Definition
the individuals who were opposed to the adoption of the Constitution
U.S. Constitution (1787) Definition
a document that provides the legal basis for the United States of America; the framework of American government complete with rights, powers, and responsibilities of the individual and of the state and national levels of government
Democracy Definition
a system of government where the members of society have the ability to make policy decisions for the whole of the society; a government ruled by the people
Direct Democracy Definition
a government that allows citizens to vote on important matters
Federalists Definition
the individuals who supported the adoption of the Constitution
Framers Definition
the writers of the Constitution
Initiative Definition
the ability for registered voters in some states to create new laws and amend a state’s constitution
Recall Definition
the ability for registered voters in some states to remove elected officials from office
Referendum Definition
the ability for voters to accept or repeal legislative action; a general vote by citizens on a single political question
Representative Democracy Definition
a government in which people elect representatives to make decisions for them
Republic Definition
a government in which people select leaders to represent them
Three-Fifths Compromise Definition
an agreement between the northern and southern states that three out of every five enslaved people would be counted to determine taxation and representation in the House of Representatives
Tyranny Definition
cruel, harsh, and unfair government in which one person or a small group of people holds power
Social Democracy Definition
a democratic form of government that has socialist and capitalist characteristics
Theocracy Definition
a government run by a religious leader
Totalitarian Government Definition
a government in which a leader tries to control all aspects of public and private life
Authoritarian Government Definition
a form of government that is not limited by a constitution, the rule of law, or elections, and typically, it would be run by one or a few individuals
Civil Society Definition
organizations that are not an official part of the government but function to assist people in defining and pursuing their own interests
Democratic System of Government Definition
a system in which the people have the power to rule, government officials are selected through free and fair elections, there are constitutional limits on government actions, and individuals have freedom of thought and action
Impeachment Definition
a legal charge of misconduct by a government official; the equivalent of charging a president with actions that could lead to their removal
Individualism Definition
the belief that freedom for individuals’ choices is preferred to collective or state control
Pluralism Definition
the idea that many interests ought to be free to compete for influence over the government and its policies
Rule by Law Definition
the principle that the government does not apply the law equally to all citizens, and leaders are above the law
Rule of Law Definition
the principle that well-defined and established laws are applied equally to all citizens; the restriction of the arbitrary use of government power based on well-defined and established laws
Enlightenment Definition
an intellectual and philosophical movement that reshaped the views of Europe about government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Fundamental Definition
basic or central
Inalienable Definition
not capable of being taken away or denied
Natural Law Definition
the idea that there are forms of law that exist by themselves in nature, regardless of whether people want to believe in them or not. Unlike other forms of law that have been agreed on by society, people cannot go against natural laws. Human rights are a part of natural law
Natural Rights Definition
rights that are not dependent on the laws of government and cannot be taken away
State of Nature Definition
a time or place with no government
Universal Definition
applying to all
Concurrent Powers Definition
the powers that are shared by the national and state governments
Delegated Powers Definition
the powers given to the federal government by the Constitution
Emergency Powers Definition
the additional powers that can be exercised by the executive or legislative branch during a declared state of emergency
Enumerated Powers Definition
the powers granted to the federal government by the Constitution
Federalism Definition
a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government with one overarching national government
Probable Cause Definition
the belief by a reasonable person that it is more likely than not that a crime has been or is being committed
Reserved Powers Definition
the powers that are kept by the states; these are protected by the Tenth Amendment
Unconstitutional Definition
when a law or act is not in accordance with the protections of the U.S. Constitution
Bleeding Kansas Definition
a small civil war in the Kansas territory concerning a vote about entering the United States as a free or slave state
Consent Definition
an agreement
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Definition
a congressional act, based on the concept of popular sovereignty, that gave citizens in the Kansas and Nebraska territories the right to vote on if they should enter the United States as a free or slave state
Nullify Definition
to cancel or to make legally void
Sovereignty Definition
independent, autonomous authority
Absolute Monarchy Definition
a government in which a monarch (for example, a king or queen) does not share power with a constitutionally organized government
Declaration of Independence Definition
the pronouncement by the U.S. colonies formally declaring themselves independent of Great Britain
Divine Right of Kings Definition
the belief that kings received their absolute power from a higher authority
Initiative Petition Definition
a process by which citizens can make public policy by circulating a petition, gaining an appropriate number of signatures, and then forcing a vote on a specific question or proposition
Tyranny of the Majority Definition
a situation in which in democracies the majority of voters can pass laws and limit the rights of a minority of voters
Salutary Neglect Definition
the unofficial policy in the seventeenth century that allowed the American colonies to have their own form of government as long as they remained profitable and loyal to the British
Bicameral Definition
consisting of two legislative houses
Great Compromise Definition
a compromise accepted during the Constitutional Convention that developed the framework for the U.S. Congress; also known as the Connecticut Compromise
House of Representatives Definition
the lower house of the U.S. Congress that proportionally represents the states based on population; includes 435 members
New Jersey Plan Definition
a proposal made during the Constitutional Convention calling for a unicameral legislative branch based on equal representation for each state
Senate Definition
the upper house of the U.S. Congress that represents the states based on equality; includes two members from each state for a total of 100 members
Virginia Plan Definition
a proposal made during the Constitution Convention calling for a bicameral legislative branch with membership in both houses based on a state’s population
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Definition
law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Continental Congress (1774) Definition
a meeting of delegates from the 13 colonies who put forth the Declaration of Independence and formally declared independence from England
Declaration of Sentiments (1848) Definition
a declaration made at the Seneca Falls Convention that women are equal to men and should be given equal rights
Fifteenth Amendment Definition
the addition to the Constitution that granted Black American men the right to vote
Fourteenth Amendment Definition
the addition to the Constitution that granted Black Americans citizenship
Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) Definition
an American abolitionist, orator, writer, statesman, and author of the speech “What to the Slave Is the 4th of July?”
Indian Citizenship Act (1924) Definition
an act that granted Indigenous Americans citizenship
Nineteenth Amendment Definition
the addition to the Constitution that granted women the right to vote
Seneca Falls Convention (1848) Definition
the first women’s rights convention in the United States
Thirteenth Amendment Definition
the addition to the Constitution that ended slavery
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Definition
an American statesman and philosopher credited with being the primary author of the Declaration of Independence
Faction Definition
a small, organized, dissenting group; a group of people who are pursuing their own self-interest
“The Federalist Papers” (1788) Definition
a series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison in defense of the Constitution
Shays’ Rebellion Definition
an armed uprising led by Daniel Shays that occurred between 1786 and 1787 in Massachusetts over debt, tax policies, and economic hardships
Unicameral Definition
a one-house legislature
Loose Constructionism Definition
the legal interpretation of the U.S. Constitution that goes beyond the text and allows for a broader definition of the Framers’ intent
Strict Constructionism Definition
the legal interpretation of the U. S. Constitution that uses the text only to determine the Framers’ intent
Amendment Definition
the formal act of changing or adding to the Constitution
Article Definition
a numbered part, or section, of the Constitution
Domestic Definition
relating to or existing inside a particular country
Executive Branch Definition
the branch of government that enforces laws, consisting of the president, a cabinet appointed by the president, and various agencies and advisors
Judicial Branch Definition
the branch of government that interprets laws, consisting of the U.S. Supreme Court and the federal court system
Legislative Branch Definition
the branch of government that passes laws, consisting of the two chambers of Congress
Preamble Definition
the introduction to the Constitution that explains the purpose of the document
Ratification Definition
a formal approval
Political Gridlock Definition
a stalemate that occurs when the government is unable to act or pass laws because rival parties control different branches of government and are unable to compromise
“Brown v. Board of Education” Definition
a landmark Supreme Court case that rejected the doctrine of separate but equal and led to a policy of integration
Commerce Clause Definition
a clause in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to regulate interstate and foreign trade
New Federalism Definition
a period (1980s to the present) of federalism in which some power was returned to state governments
Supremacy Clause Definition
the clause in the U.S. Constitution that states the Constitution and federal laws that follow the Constitution are the supreme law of the land
“United States v. Lopez” Definition
a Supreme Court decision that ruled Congress’s creation of gun-free school zones was an unconstitutional use of its commerce power
Devaluation Definition
the reduction of worth or value in currency
Capitalism Definition
a system of social organization where there is a free market with a limited role of government
Compromise of 1850 Definition
a package of five laws passed by Congress relating to the issue of slavery and territorial expansion that included admitting California to the Union as a free state, allowing New Mexico and Utah to vote on the issue of slavery, defined the Texas-New Mexico boundaries, and amended the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 Definition
the legislation that established minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and employment standards for children in both private and public sectors of business
Great Depression Definition
a period of severe economic downturn beginning in 1929 and lasting through the 1930s, leading to high levels of unemployment and poverty in America and the world
Industrial Revolution Definition
the period marked by transition from an agrarian economy to one based in manufacturing
Market Economy Definition
an economy that uses supply and demand and profit motives to drive prices and availability
Missouri Compromise of 1820 Definition
a legislative action that admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state to the Union, while establishing an East to West line along the 36th parallel dividing the nation to contain slavery to the southern portion of the country
Subsistence Farming Definition
a system that occurs when farmers grow crops to meet their own needs and the needs of their families for survival without a focus on sales or surplus
Tariff Definition
a tax on imported goods
Gross Pay Definition
the amount employees earn before taxes, benefits, and other payroll deductions are withheld from their wages
Medicaid Definition
the federal public health insurance program for low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities
Medicare Definition
the federal health insurance program for people age 65 or older and younger people receiving Social Security disability benefits
Social Security Definition
a federal insurance program that provides benefits to retired people and those who are unemployed or have a disability
Free-rider Problem Definition
the cost of public goods that is distributed throughout society in the form of taxation but isn’t paid equally by everyone who uses these resources
Geneva Convention
an international agreement among nations that governs the treatment of prisoners of war and wounded soldiers
Nonexcludable Definition
the goods that society ensures are accessible to everyone
Nonrivalrous Definition
the goods for which people do not compete
Price Control Definition
a limit on how much a company can charge for a product or service
Private Good Definition
a product or service that is scarce and not financed through taxation
Privatize Definition
the shift of public goods from societal ownership to private ownership motivated by profit
Public Good Definition
a product or service made accessible to everyone without profit
Scarcity Definition
the demand for a good or service that is greater than the availability of the good or service
Socioeconomic Status Definition
an individual or group’s placement within society measured through various methods, including education, income, and professional occupation
Supply and Demand Definition
the amount of a product that can be produced compared to consumer demand that results in a price
Age Discrimination in Employment Act Definition
a law passed in 1967 that prohibits employment discrimination against people 40 years and older
Equal Pay Act of 1963 Definition
the act signed by President John F. Kennedy that attempted to abolish gender pay differences
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Definition
a government organization created in the aftermath of the Great Depression to better regulate banking procedures
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Definition
an independent regulatory agency that enforces civil antitrust and consumer protection laws
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Definition
the government agency responsible for protecting consumers from unsafe food, medicines, and nutritional supplements; often abbreviated as FDA
Food Stamp Program Definition
the United States government program that provides financial assistance to purchase food
Guns versus Butter Definition
the economic tension resulting from competing demands of creating a strong national defense or addressing domestic needs
Interstate Commerce Act Definition
a law addressing the unrestricted trade among states
Laissez-Faire Economy Definition
an economy in which government does not interfere
Monopoly Definition
the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) Definition
an act established in 1935 to guarantee private sector employees the right to organize unions and use collective action to achieve improvements in the work environment and wages
New Deal Definition
a series of government laws and regulations enacted after 1932 to address the effects of the Great Depression
Progressive Era Definition
an era during the late 1800s and early 1900s in the United States where there was social, economic, and political expansion; reformers of this time were known as progressives
Robber-Baron Definition
a titan of industry who sought to control all facets of production of specific goods through monopolies and trusts during the late 1800s
Sherman Antitrust Act Definition
a law passed in 1890 aimed at preventing the formation of trusts and at promoting free competition between
Trust Definition
a large group of business interests acting together to promote and maintain economic power
Works Progress Administration Definition
a Great Depression-era program designed to create jobs through the construction of infrastructure projects
Commercial Speech Definition
a form of expression that relates to business activities
Defamation Definition
a form of expression that damages someone’s reputation
Fighting Words Definition
a form of expression intended to provoke violence from another person
Hate Speech Definition
a form of expression that displays disdain for a particular group based on race, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, or some other characteristic
Libel Definition
a form of defamation that is in print, such as in a book, newspaper, or on a website
Obscenity Definition
a form of expression that is sexual in nature and considered by most individuals to be lewd or inappropriate
Petition Definition
a form of expression that involves communicating preferences to government officials
Prior Restraint Definition
a form of censorship where the government prohibits the publication of things that it finds objectionable
Sedition Definition
a form of expression that encourages the violent overthrow of a government
Slander Definition
a form of defamation that is spoken, such as gossip or spreading rumors
Symbolic Speech Definition
a form of expression that uses symbols to communicate instead of words
Expressed Powers Definition
the powers that are assigned to the national government of the United States and explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution
Federation Definition
a system where governmental power is divided between the national government and regional governments
Implied Powers Definition
the powers that, while not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, are related to the powers that are specifically mentioned; the powers derived from the Necessary and Proper Clause
Police Power Definition
the power to protect the public peace, health, safety, and welfare
Block Grant Definition
a grant for a general purpose; federal government money given to states with which states have flexibility in how the money will be spent
Categorial Grant Definition
a grant for a very specific purpose; federal government money given to states with which states have little flexibility in how the money will be spent
Devolution Definition
the idea that decision-making authority should be returned to the states
Due Process Clause Definition
a part of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution that says the state must recognize the legal rights of individuals and treat them fairly
Equal Protection Clause Definition
the clause that prohibits states from discriminating; the part of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that says the government cannot deny individuals equal protection under the law
Fiscal Federalism Definition
the process by which the national government gives state and local governments grants while specifying conditions with which those state and local governments must comply
Selective Incorporation Definition
the process by which parts of the Bill of Rights have been applied to the states
The Anti-Federalist Papers Definition
a series of articles that was published to counter points made in The Federalist Papers
Civil Liberties Definition
the protections that individuals have against arbitrary government action
Comepelling Governmental Interest Definition
an interest relating to some type of critical governmental function or purpose
Liberal Democracy Definition
a type of political system that allows majority views to govern while at the same time protecting minority views and minority groups
Majority Rule Definition
the idea that the views of the majority of the population should be used as the basis for laws
Social Cleavages Definition
a major division in the society, such as race, ethnicity, or gender
Cooperative Federalism Definition
period (1930–1980s) of federalism in which the national and state governments worked together to solve problems, under the leadership of the national government
Dual Federalism Definition
period (1790–1930) of federalism in which the national government and state governments were relatively equal in power
Necessary and Proper Clause Definition
the section of the Constitution that allows Congress to do what is “necessary and proper” to carry out the power given to it specifically by the Constitution
Social Welfare Program Definition
a government program designed to give financial help to lower-income families
Welfare Reform Act of 1996 Definition
the law that used block grants to fund social welfare programs, giving states more flexibility over social welfare programs in their states
Divided Government Definition
a situation that occurs when one political party controls the presidency and another party controls one or both houses of Congress
Parliamentary System Definition
a system of government where the executive leader is selected from the legislature
Presidential System Definition
a system of government where the legislative and executive branches are separate, and the people select the executive