Unit 2: Federal Government Vocabulary Flashcards
Impeachment Definition
the process of charging a sitting president with misconduct and beginning an investigation that could lead to their removal
Natural-Born Citizen Definition
someone who is considered to be a U.S. citizen at birth because they were born within the borders of the United States, its military bases, extended territories, or have a parent who is a U.S. citizen
Lame Duck Period Definition
a five-month period where the sitting president who did not win or did not run in the presidential election remains in office before the next elected president’s term begins
Pro tempore Definition
a Latin phrase meaning “for the time being”
Congressional District Definition
a division of a state based on the number of members each state is assigned in the House of Representatives. Each congressional district elects one member to the House of Representatives.
Electoral College Definition
the system used to elect the president of the United States
Plurality Definition
the most votes; not necessarily a majority
Popular Vote Definition
refers to the votes of voters. Winning a state’s popular vote means a candidate won the most votes of individual voters. The winner of the national popular vote is the candidate who won the most individual votes nationally.
Inaugural Address Definition
a speech given by the newly elected president that informs citizens of the president’s vision for America
New Deal Definition
a series of federal programs President Franklin D. Roosevelt created during the Great Depression to restore American prosperity
Writ of Habeas Corpus Definition
a legal document that requires people to be charged with a crime in order to keep them in jail; it is a protection found in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution
Chief Diplomat Definition
the role of the president as the main representative of the United States in foreign affairs
Chief Executive Definition
the role of the president as head of the executive branch of government
Chief Legislator Definition
the role of the president as a contributor to legislation
Chief of State Definition
the role of the president as representative of the government and its people
Command in Chief Definition
the role of the president as the head of all the armed forces
Executive Agreement Definition
an agreement between executives that does not require senatorial approval; a direct agreement between the president and foreign leaders to establish some relationship or action
Executive Order Definition
a direction given to the executive branch explaining how legislation or rules should be enforced; a directive signed by the president that has the same power as federal law
Inherent Power Definition
a power that is not stated in the Constitution but is necessary to fulfill constitutional duties
Party Leader Definition
the role of the president as the head and representative of their political party
Party Platform Definition
the ideas and beliefs that a party stands for and wishes to enact
State of the Union Definition
an annual address the president delivers to Congress informing them of the occurrences within the executive branch and the administration
Treaty Definition
a formal, legal agreement between countries
Veto Definition
the action taken by executive heads to block legislation from continuing; a rejection of a proposal, such as a bill
Advice and Consent Definition
a power given to the U.S. Congress to work with the president in the confirmation of appointments and treaties
Cabinet Definition
the major advisors to the president. Made up mostly of the secretaries that control the various departments in the executive branch
Executive Departments Definition
the largest organizations in the federal government, with each department being responsible for a different area of public policy (there are 15)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Definition
an agency within the Department of Justice, which works to ensure that the law is enforced
Office of Government Ethics Definition
an office within the executive branch that helps promote and oversee ethical practices in the government
President-elect Definition
the individual that has been elected president and will hold the position when the next term begins
Recess Appointments Definition
the power of the president to fully appoint individuals to empty positions within the executive branch when the Senate is in recess
Secretary of the Senate Definition
an individual who is in charge of the operations of the Senate and the communication between the executive branch and the Senate
Senatorial Courtesy Definition
the practice by which senators will follow the decision of senators whom nominees are a part of their state; a custom in the U.S. Senate by which the president consults the senators of a given state before nominating any person to a federal vacancy within the senators’ state
Cold War Definition
the period after World War II when tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union increased
Department of Defense Definition
the department that protects the nation and organizes the military
Department of Labor Definition
the department that oversees workers safety, protection, and labor legislation
Department of Transportation Definition
the department that ensures equal access to transportation and regulates all methods of transportation
Executive Agencies Definition
the independent agencies, many of which regulate an aspect of the U.S. economy
Industrialization Definition
the increasing use of automation to manufacture products, leading to the modern factory system, mass production, and urbanization
Interstate Highway System Definition
started under the Eisenhower administration, this road system gradually connected most of the U.S. from east to west and north to south
Amnesty Definition
a generalized pardon to a group of individuals violating the same law
Clemency Powers Definition
the presidential powers related to the courts
Commute Definition
to reduce punishments issued by federal courts
Executive Power Definition
the power to enforce laws
Legislative Power Definition
the presidential powers that relate to lawmaking
Pardon Definition
a forgiveness of legal consequences provided to an individual or a group
Reprieve Definition
the postponement of a punishment issued by federal courts
Signing Statement Definition
a written statement issued by the president when signing a bill to explain why they signed the bill into law
Special Session Definition
a meeting of the U.S. Congress that occurs if the president forces Congress to deal with urgent issues when they are not already in session
Ambassador Definition
an individual who represents their country in a foreign nation
Commission Definition
an appointment of a person to high office in the armed forces
War Powers Resolution Definition
a resolution passed by Congress in 1973 to limit the military powers of the president by requiring Congressional approval to send and remove military troops from conflict zones
Great Society Definition
the sets of social programs and initiatives proposed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to reduce poverty and inequality
Medicaid Definition
the federally funded and state-administered health insurance program for lower-income Americans
Medicare Definition
the federal health insurance program for senior citizens in the United States
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Definition
a military alliance between the United States, Canada, and European allies
Take Care Clause Definition
the constitutional clause that claims the president needs to take care that all laws are properly executed
Vesting Clause Definition
the constitutional clause that gives all executive authority to the president
Bureaucracy Definition
the group of departments, agencies, and commissions that make up the executive branch
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Definition
the agency that conducts research and guidance to help protect public health
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Definition
the independent agency that gathers intelligence for domestic and foreign use
Commission on Civil Rights Definition
the independent agency that oversees the enforcement of federal civil rights
Demographic Data Definition
the information collected in the U.S. Census about major groups in the U.S. population; includes data on gender, race/ethnicity, age, etc.
Department of Commerce Definition
the department that helps create economic opportunity and growth
Department of Defense Definition
the department that protects the nation and organizes the military
Department of Health and Human Services Definition
the department that provides services for those with disabilities and safeguards the health of all Americans
Department of Homeland Security Definition
the department that protects U.S. borders and guards against foreign and domestic attacks
Department of Justice Definition
the department that enforces federal law and oversees the fair implementation of justice
Department of State Definition
the department that implements foreign policy and the U.S. mission overseas
Department of Treasury Definition
the department that coins money, collects taxes, and ensures the fair enforcement of economic policy
Environmental Protection Agency Definition
the agency in charge of conducting research and implementing regulations to ensure the protection of the environment
Federal Election Commission Definition
the agency that reviews and regulates election finance and practices
Federal Reserve Definition
the agency that regulates the money supply of the U.S. and implements regulations for banks to follow
Independent Federal Agency Definition
an agency established outside of departments or outside of the influence of the president
Infrastructure Definition
the public works that include transportation systems (roads, bridges, railroads, airports) and water systems essential for economic activity
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Definition
the agency that conducts research and missions to explore space, Earth, and the solar system
Securities and Exchange Commission Definition
the agency that regulates all investment advisors, securities exchanges, brokers, and mutual funds
Social Security Administration Definition
the agency in charge of providing financial protection for Americans in retirement and with disability
Bureaucratic Discretion Definition
the power given to the bureaucracy to decide how policies will be implemented
Bureaucrat Definition
a non-elected, nonpartisan expert who has rulemaking authority
Civil Servant Definition
a person who works for a government agency
Distributive Tendency Definition
the tendency for legislation to be more broad to reach more people with the benefits
Grant Programs Definition
government funded projects and ideas that benefit the public and encourage economic growth
Independent Executive Agency Definition
nonpartisan agencies established by Congress to create and enforce regulations
Interest Group Definition
a collection of individuals who have a common goal centered around a shared interest
Iron Triangle Definition
a concept that helps illustrate the relationship between the bureaucracy, Congress, and interest groups involved in policymaking
Lobby Definition
to work to influence legislation or funding
Merit System Definition
an arrangement that hires and promotes individuals based on their qualifications
Nonpartisan Definition
not associated with a political party
Administrator Definition
the person who manages operations and/or other employees
Aeronautics Definition
the science of the operation of aircraft
Civil Employee Definition
a person employed by the government
Contractor Definition
an independent employee who is hired to do work
Food and Drug Administration Definition
the federal agency that creates and enforces regulations of food and drugs to ensure health
Independent Agency Definition
an agency that is part of the executive branch but functions independently
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Definition
the federal agency that provides guidelines, trainings, and education to make workplaces safe and healthy
Rulemaking Definition
the power given to agencies to create the regulations that go along with laws
Bureaucratic Agency Definition
a particular government unit that has been created by a legislative body that has a specific set of rules to perform a specific set of goals
Government Corporation Definition
a flexible government agency that runs like business corporations with greater freedoms within the private sector
Regulatory Agency Definition
an independent governmental agency tasked with exercising authority within the private sector of the economy, functioning outside executive supervision
Bicameral Definition
two houses of Congress
Constituency Definition
a body of voters
Delegate Definition
a person selected to represent a political party in a federal election
Great Compromise Definition
a compromise accepted during the Constitutional Convention that developed the framework for the U.S. Congress
New Jersey Plan Definition
a proposal made during the Constitutional Convention calling for a unicameral legislative branch based on equal representation for each state
Proportional Representation Definition
representation based on a state’s population
Republic Definition
a government in which people select leaders to represent them
Tyranny Definition
abuses of the government imposed on the people it serves
Unicameral Definition
a one-house legislature
Virginia Plan Definition
a proposal made during the Constitutional Convention calling for a bicameral legislative branch with membership in both houses based on a state’s population
Enumerated Powers Definition
the powers granted to the federal government by the Constitution
Implied Powers Definition
the powers that, while not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, are related to the powers that are specifically mentioned
Limited Government Definition
a government system where there are limits put on the powers of the government
Necessary and Proper Clause (also known as the Elastic Clause) Definition
the section of the Constitution that allows Congress to do what is “necessary and proper” to carry out the order given to it specifically by the Constitution
Cloture Definition
a procedure used to end a filibuster
Conference Committee Definition
a temporary committee consisting of members from both chambers, whose purpose is to reconcile different versions of a bill
Congressional Committee Definition
a subgroup within Congress that focuses on a specific subject area
Filibuster Definition
a process used by members of the minority party in the Senate to extend debate to delay or prevent the passage of legislation
House Rules Committee Definition
an influential committee in the House of Representatives that schedules and makes rules for debate of bills
Pocket Veto Definition
a veto that happens when the president fails to sign a bill after Congress has been adjourned for 10 days
Senate Majority Leader Definition
leads the majority party from the floor of the Senate and is the most powerful member of the Senate
Speaker of the House Definition
the leader of the House of Representatives
Subcommittee Definition
a division within a congressional committee that works on a specific aspect of the committee’s jurisdiction
Contractionary Fiscal Policy Definition
an action by the government to decrease money available to the people
Debt Definition
the accounting of all money owed by the national government
Deficit Definition
the accounting of money spent in excess of money collected in a fiscal year
Enact Definition
to put a passed bill into action making it a law
Expansionary Fiscal Policy Definition
an action by the government to increase money available to the people
Fiscal Policy Definition
the use of government spending and tax policies to influence economic conditions in the United States
Inflation Definition
a condition of the economy in which prices become so high that purchasing power diminishes
Recession Definition
a significant decline in the economy
Revenue Definition
an account of all income taken in by the federal government
Tariff Definition
a tax on imported goods
Congressional Chamber Definition
refers to each of the chambers of Congress known as the Senate Chamber and the House Chamber
Congressional Oversight Definition
the power of Congress to act as a watchdog over the executive branch by holding hearings, monitoring, and supervising federal agencies; the power of Congress to check the powers of the executive branch of government through hearings or funding bills
McCulloh v. Maryland Definition
the Supreme Court case in which the Court adopted a “loose” interpretation of the necessary and proper clause, allowing an expansion of implied powers.
General Welfare Clause Definition
the clause in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to collect taxes and duties to “provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.”
Commerce Clause Definition
a clause in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to regulate interstate and foreign trade
Confederal Definition
relating to a system in which states or subnational governments delegate power to the national government
Ratification Definition
official approval
Primary Election Definition
a method by which some states choose candidates to go on to the general election by having voters cast their secret ballots, either through the mail or in-person at a polling location
Caucus Definition
a method by which some states choose candidates to go on to the general election by having voters appear in person at a meeting with other voters to discuss who the candidate will be
General Election Definition
the election that determines which candidate will hold office in the government
Apportionment Definition
the process of assigning representatives to states according to the population of the state
Baker v. Carr Definition
U.S. Supreme Court decision that recognized the power of the court to consider the constitutionality of redistricting
Congressional District Definition
a territory in which constituents reside that is represented by a particular member of the U.S. House of Representatives
Gerrymandering Definition
the process of drawing lines for Congressional districts that results in an advantage or disadvantage for a political party, race, or ethnicity
Redistricting Definition
the process of drawing lines for Congressional districts according to changes that result from the census and apportionment
Adjourn Definition
to go out of session
Bill Definition
a proposal for a new law
Concurrence Definition
a change made to a bill to make the House of Representatives and the Senate version the same
Conference Committee Definition
a temporary committee comprised of members from both chambers of Congress that convenes to work on a specific project
Pocket Veto Definition
a veto that happens when the president fails to sign a bill after Congress has been adjourned for 10 days
Simple Majority Definition
more than half the votes in one chamber of Congress
Judicial Review Definition
a review by a court to determine the legality of a law or rule
Promulgate Definition
to promote; to make broadly known
Appropriation Definition
the money given by Congress to a federal department or agency
Power of the Purse Definition
the power of Congress to give or withhold money from federal agencies
Spending Bill Definition
a congressional bill that decides how much money is given to federal agencies
Bully Pulpit Definition
the president’s use of the chief executive position to dominate an issue with the public and shape public opinion
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Definition
a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Hepburn Act of 1906 Definition
the legislation giving power to the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate railroad charges for shipping
Habeas Corpus Definition
an order to bring an arrested person before a judge
Inherent Authority Definition
the power that emanates from a position of authority or office
Jim Crow Laws Definition
the laws that legalized the separation of people based on race in areas of school, public places, and transportation
Second Industrial Revolution Definition
a period of rapid industrialization from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century in which standardization and uniformity in the workplace replaced small artisans as sources of manufactured goods
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Definition
the U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled that separate but equal educational facilities are inherently unequal
Dred Scott v. Sandford Definition
the U. S. Supreme Court case that ruled that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not citizens of the United States and were not protected under the U.S. Constitution
Independent Judiciary Definition
the idea that the judiciary should be insulated from influence so that its decisions are based on what is right and just, not what is popular
Judicial Branch Definition
the branch of government that interprets laws, consisting of the U.S. Supreme Court and federal court system
Judicial Review Definition
the doctrine that the U.S. Supreme Court has the power to determine whether the actions of the legislative branch or the executive branch are constitutional
Rule of Law Definition
the restriction of the arbitrary use of government power based on well-defined and established laws
Appellate Jurisdiction Definition
the authority of a court to hear appeals from lower-level courts
Diversity Jurisdiction Definition
a method used to allow federal courts the authority to hear civil cases involving parties who are citizens of two different states
Federal Statute Definition
a law enacted by Congress
Jurisdiction Definition
the authority of a court to hear a case
Limited Jurisdiction Definition
the authority of a court to hear only certain types of cases
Original Jurisdiction Definition
the authority of the court to hear cases for the first time based on evidence
Tenure Definition
the holding of an office
Associate Justice Definition
a justice on the Supreme Court who is not the chief justice
Chief Justice Definition
the presiding justice on the Supreme Court
Exclusive Jurisdiction Definition
a case that can only be heard in one type of court
Rule of Four Definition
the rule that four of the justices need to be in agreement before a case can be added to the Supreme Court’s calendar
Writ of Certiorari Definition
the process by which information about a case is sent to a higher court from a lower court
Writ of Mandamus Definition
a court order issued to a government official ordering them to properly fulfill their official duties
Marbury v. Madison Definition
the U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the doctrine of judicial review
Affirm Definition
a ruling by the Supreme Court that upholds the previous ruling on a case
Concurring Opinion Definition
an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion but not the reason for the ruling
Dissenting Opinion Definition
an opinion that disagrees with the majority on a case
Majority Opinion Definition
the official ruling of the Supreme Court on a case with a minimum of five justice votes
Per Curiam Opinion Definition
an opinion issued by the Supreme Court that does not identify the justice who wrote the opinion
Vacate Definition
a Supreme Court decision on a case that cancels the previous ruling
Judicial Activism Definition
the ruling on laws based on political or personal views that lead to a preferred or desired outcome regardless of the law that is written; the idea that a judge should consider the ramifications of the actions of the legislative and judicial branches rather than merely the constitutionality of those actions
Judicial Pragmatism Definition
a theory of analysis that uses societal norms as well as present and future needs as a driver for decision making
Judicial Restraint Definition
the idea that judges should not rule on matters of the constitutionality of the actions of the executive or legislative branch because those matters should be decided by the voting public
Originalism Definition
a way of understanding the constitution based on the ideas and intentions of the framers
Loose Construction Definition
a broad interpretation of the U.S. Constitution in which the document is treated as a living document that can change as the nation changes and should give the federal government powers to do what is necessary
Strict Construction Defintion
the interpretation of the Constitution exactly as it is written, which provides limited powers to the federal government
Constitutional Interpretation Definition
when judges have a different viewpoint of the Constitution and how it is applied to court cases and legislation
Exclusionary Rule Definition
a rule requiring that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment be excluded at trial
Miranda Warning Definition
the rights notification given by police that came from a U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled that suspects must be advised of their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney
Due Process Clause Definition
a part of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that says the state must recognize the legal rights of individuals and treat them fairly
Dissenting Definition
a disagreement with an official decision
Commission Definition
the official document signed by the president approving his appointment