Unit 4 AOS 3 Key Terms Flashcards
Define accurate
Without any mistakes
Define authentification
confirming that the submitted assessment has been completed by the student
Define beneficence
An ethical concept that involves taking positive action that maximises the benefit or ‘good’, and minimises the risks and potential harm
Define bias
An error that occurs when and investigation is not randomised, particularly if the investigator is affected by their expectations of the outcome
Define control group
A group in an investigation that receives no treatment (independent variable) so a baseline value can be established
Define controlled variable
The variable that is kept constant during an investigation in oder to determine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables
Define dependent variable
The variable that is measured and whose value depends on the independent variable
Define ethics
A system of moral principles that considers what is good and bad for society
Define extraneous variable
A variable, other than the independent variable, that can influence the dependent variable
Define gradient
The slope of a graph
Define hypothesis
A tentative prediction, or explanation of an observation, based on an existing model or theory
Define independent variable
The variable changed or manipulated by the scientist and assumed to have an effect on the dependent variable
Define integrity
An ethical concept that means being honest about ones actions; in science it means fully reporting data (even if it doesn’t fit your hypothesis) and acknowledging all souces of information
Define justice
A moral obligation to give fair consideration to competing claims, not place unfair burden on a particular group, and ensure fair access and distribution of benefits of an action
Define logbook
A record of experimental investigations kept by scientists performing the investigations; it is a legal record of the investigations and their results
Define method
The steps taken to carry out a scientific investigation
Define methodology
The broader framework of approach taken in the investigation to test your research question
Define model
A representation of a system or phenomenom that explains the system or phenomenom; a model may be mathematical equations, a computer simulation, a physical object, word or some other form
Define non-maleficence
An ethical concept that involves avoiding harm or ensuring that harm caused by action is proportionate to the benefit gained from the action
Define observation
Acquisition of information through your senses
Define outlier
A data point that doesn’t fit the pattern shown by other measured data points
Define personal error
A mistake or miscalculation due to human error
Define presice
How closely together the measurments are to one another
Define primary data
Data that you have measured or collected yourself
Define secondary source
An orginal source of information, created by the author and usually including primary data
Define qualitative data
A measurement with descriptive or non-numerical data
Define quantitative data
A measurement with numerical data
Define random error
An unpredictable variation in data; can be improved by taking multiple measurements and calculating an average
Define references
A list of all sources that have been used in the write-up of a scientific investigation
Define reliable
Highly likely to be a trustworthy souce of information or reproducible data
Define repeatable
An investigation that can be conducted again by the same investigator under the same conditions to generate similar results
Define replicates
Independent samples that alloiw you to take multiple measurements, increasing the reliability of your data
Define reproducible
Giving the same result within uncertainty limits; when repeated measurments are made by a different investigator
Define research question
A specific question that a partiular investigation or investigator is attempting to answer
Define respect
An ethical concept that considers the rights of an individual or a group, e.g respect for animals considers their welfare
Define risk assesment
A process of evaluating potential risks of an investigation
Define secondary data
Data that has been measured and collected by someone other than you
Define sytematic error
A predictable deviation in data, e.g. as a result of the equiptment used
Define theory
A collection of models and concepts that explains specific systems or pehmomena; scientific theories allow predicitons to be madeand hence are falsifiable
Define true value
A value obtained in an ideal measurement
Define uncertainty
A range of values that the true value falls within
Define valid
Describes results that are affected by a single independent variable and hence are reproducible
Define variable
Something that can change or be changed, as distinct from a constant, which does not change