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Biology Units 3 & 4
> 10.3 Emergence of new species > Flashcards
10.3 Emergence of new species Flashcards
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Biology Units 3 & 4
(53 decks)
Unit 3 AOS 1 Key Terms
Unit 3 AOS 2 Key Terms
Unit 4 AOS 1 Key Terms
Unit 4 AOS 2 Key Terms
Unit 4 AOS 3 Key Terms
2.1 Nucleic acids
2.2 Gene expression
2.3 Gene regulation
2.4 Proteins
2.5 The protein secretory pathway
3.1 Genetically modified organisms
3.2 Enzymes for modifying DNA
3.3 CRISPR-Cas9
3.4 Amplifying DNA
3.5 Gel electrophoresis
3.6 DNA profiling
3.7 Recombinant plasmids and human insulin
3.8 Genetic engineering in agriculture
4.1 Biochemical pathways for chemical metabolism
4.2 Enzymes: the key to controlling biochemical pathways
4.3 Photosynthesis and cellular respiration
5.1 Photosynthesis as a biochemical pathway
5.2 Cellular respiration as a biochemical pathway
5.3 Biotechnical applications of biochemical pathways
6.1 Physical, chemical and microbiota barriers in animals - first line of defence
6.2 Physical and chemical barriers in plants
6.3 Innate immune response in animals - second line of defence
6.4 Antigens and pathogens
6.5 Allergens
6.6 Phagocytosis
7.1 Adaptive immune response - third line of defence
7.2 Humoral immunity
7.3 Cell-mediated immunity
7.4 Active and passive immunity
8.1 Emerging and re-emerging pathogens
8.2 Strategies for controlling pathogen transmission
8.3 Vaccination programs
8.4 Immunotherapy strategies
9.1 Mutations - the source of new alleles
9.2 Chromosomal rearrangements
9.3 Changing allele frequencies in populations
9.4 Natural selection
9.5 Human manipulation of gene pools
9.6 Natural selection and consequences for disease
10.1 Studying fossils
10.2 Patterns in evolution
10.3 Emergence of new species
10.4 Determining the relatedness of species
10.5 Molecular evidence for relatedness of species
11.1 Taxonomy of modern humans
11.2 Adaptations that define humans
11.3 Meet the ancestors
11.4 Modern humans and Neanderthals