Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs Flashcards
[…] value tradition, strict rules and authority, and small government
Conservatives value tradition, strict rules and authority, and small government
[…] value new ideas, leniency and support, and big government
Liberals value new ideas, leniency and support, and big government
People need supports to be equal vs. treating people the same to be equal - […]
Part of Political Culture
But always, “all men are created equal”
People need supports to be equal vs. treating people the same to be equal - Equality of Opportunity
Part of Political Culture
But always, “all men are created equal”
In the US we have a capitalist economy, debates over how to regulate that economy discusses […]
Part of Political Culture
In the US we have a capitalist economy, debates over how to regulate that economy discusses Free Enterprise
Part of Political Culture
Argues for their own rights OR their ability to do things without government support - […]
Part of Political Culture
Argues for their own rights OR their ability to do things without government support - Individualism
Part of Political Culture
An economy with little to no regulate is a free market, or, […]
Part of Political Culture
An economy with little to no regulate is a free market, or, Laissez-Faire
Part of Political Culture
The Government should not infringe on our rights but sometimes we need laws to protect peoples, institutions, or ideas - […]
Part of Political Culture
The Government should not infringe on our rights but sometimes we need laws to protect peoples, institutions, or ideas - Limited Government
Part of Political Culture
Shared values in a country that shape politics and debate is the […]
Shared values in a country that shape politics and debate is the Political Culture
People must follow the rules, but what do these rules look like and how strict should they be? - […]
People must follow the rules, but what do these rules look like and how strict should they be? - Rule of Law
As a result of […] political views around the world affect our views just like our views affect others around the world
As a result of Globalization political views around the world affect our views just like our views affect others around the world
People or institutions that influence your […] will shape how you view political ideas
People or institutions that influence your political socialization will shape how you view political ideas
Generations tend to share many views, largely due to experiences around 14-24 - […]
Generations tend to share many views, largely due to experiences around 14-24 - Generational Effects
People’s views change as they age and exprience new events or go through different stages of life - […]
People’s views change as they age and exprience new events or go through different stages of life - Lifecycle Effects
Massive economic failure leads to people wanting government support - […]
Major Political Event
Massive economic failure leads to people wanting government support - Great Depression (1929–1933)
Major Political Event
This war makes young people disatisfied with war while older people see it as a fight on terrorism - […]
Major Political Event
This war makes young people disatisfied with war while older people see it as a fight on terrorism - Iraq invasion (2003)
Major Political Event
People come together to address Depression, forms […], becomes pro-big government
Major Political Event
People come together to address Depression, forms New Deal Coalition, becomes pro-big government
Major Political Event
Economic decline during […] leads to desire for government interventions
Major Political Event
Economic decline during Great Recession (2007–2012) leads to desire for government interventions
Major Political Event
Is our president doing a good job? Measures the popularity of a siting politician - […]
Is our president doing a good job? Measures the popularity of a siting politician - Approval Rating
A politician will try a […] before entering a race to see how they might do
A politician will try a Bencmark Poll before entering a race to see how they might do
[…] are done outside a voting center to try to predict who won day of
Entrance polls/Exit polls are done outside a voting center to try to predict who won day of
Not a poll, but a small group of people interviewed to get more detailed information - […]
Not a poll, but a small group of people interviewed to get more detailed information - focus group
To measure how people feel about people/issues, we can administer […]
To measure how people feel about people/issues, we can administer Public Opinion Polls
A super biased poll to actually give someone positive/negative views - […]
A super biased poll to actually give someone positive/negative views - Push Polling
[…] uses a computer to randomly call people
Random-digit dialing uses a computer to randomly call people
To have an accurate poll, you need to try to select a […]
To have an accurate poll, you need to try to select a random sample
The group that is polled is a […], represents the whole group which is a […]
The group that is polled is a representative sample, represents the whole group which is a universe
45% +/-2%
All polls have a […] since there is going to be some error, also called […]
45% +/-2%
All polls have a sampling error since there is going to be some error, also called margin of error
To have an accurate poll, you need correct sampling techniques such as […] questions, asking […], and picking a […] population
To have an accurate poll, you need correct sampling techniques such as non-biased questions, asking enough people (1,500+), and picking a representative but random population
[…] ask voters how they feel about issues, candidates may respond
Tracking polls ask voters how they feel about issues, candidates may respond
[…] will remove responses to make the sample more representative of the population (by race, gender, etc.)
Weighting (aka stratification) will remove responses to make the sample more representative of the population (by race, gender, etc.)
Candidates leading in the polls may recieve more support from other through the […]
Candidates leading in the polls may recieve more support from other through the Bandwagon Effect
Some polls have a […], meaning people do not want to or are not able to complete a poll
Some polls have a non-response bias, meaning people do not want to or are not able to complete a poll
Named after Tom […], the […] suggests that people will show more support for a Black candidate in a poll than in actual voting
Named after Tom Bradley, the Bradley Effect suggests that people will show more support for a Black candidate in a poll than in actual voting
It is assumed that people don’t want to seem racist by saying they will vote for a non-black candidate
People may lie to a poll taker to seem like a better person to the poll taker - […]
People may lie to a poll taker to seem like a better person to the poll taker - Social Desireability Effect
For example, someone who doesn’t plan on voting may tell a poll taker that they are going to vote
[…] is a set of ideas that groups of people follow to or stick to based on certain values
Ideology is a set of ideas that groups of people follow to or stick to based on certain values
The most important spectrum in the US is Liberal vs. Conservative
Another ideology that opposes any government intervention, rules, or laws is […]
Another ideology that opposes any government intervention, rules, or laws is Libertarian
People who don’t feel strongly about political issues or maybe have some liberal views and some conservative views are […]
People who don’t feel strongly about political issues or maybe have some liberal views and some conservative views are Moderates
Another ideology that is rooted patriotism, Protestant Christianity, working-class values in the South and Midwest is […]
Another ideology that is rooted patriotism, Protestant Christianity, working-class values, and in the South and Midwest is Populism
Another ideology that started as anit-corruption has evolved to gather more extremely pro-working class policies is […]
Another ideology that started as anit-corruption has evolved to gather more extremely pro-working class policies is Progressivism
An issue that people hold to be very important holds a high […], this might be due to generational values or ideological values
An issue that people hold to be very important holds a high saliency, this might be due to generational values or ideological values
Issues that all people generally feel the same about are […]
Issues that all people generally feel the same about are Valence Issues
For example: a good economy
Issues that people become divded over are […]
Issues that people become divded over are Wedge Issues
For example: abortion, border policies, military policies
A political […] is the list of policies and ideas the government or a set of politicians work to achieve
A political agenda is the list of policies and ideas the government or a set of politicians work to achieve
The US generally has […] making meaning that policies should reflect the will of the majority
The US generally has Majoritarian Policy making meaning that policies should reflect the will of the majority
The Fed determines the interest rate of […], IOUs the government sells to people/banks at a higher rate than what was initially borrowed (a type of investment)
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
The Fed determines the interest rate of Bonds, IOUs the government sells to people/banks at a higher rate than what was initially borrowed (a type of investment)
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
The Fed will set the […], or the interest rate at which the gov will loan dollars to banks
low rates = banks borrow more = lower interest rates for citizens
high rates = banks borrow less = higher interest rates for citizens
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
The Fed will set the Discount Rate, or the interest rate at which the gov will loan dollars to banks
low rates = banks borrow more = lower interest rates for citizens
high rates = banks borrow less = higher interest rates for citizens
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
[…] is an independent agency that sets monetary policy by buying/selling securities or bonds, regulating money reserves at banks, and setting interest rates
Federal Reserve Board (AKA “The Fed”) is an independent agency that sets monetary policy by buying/selling securities or bonds, regulating money reserves at banks, and setting interest rates
[…] is part of economic policy that concerns taxing and spending
Fiscal policy is part of economic policy that concerns taxing and spending
As opposed to Monetary Policy
A […] is a tax that is the same no matter one’s income
A flat tax is a tax that is the same no matter one’s income
Valued by some conservatives
If there are too many dollars in a country, the prices of other goods will go up - […]
If there are too many dollars in a country, the prices of other goods will go up - Inflation
[…] is the agency that oversees tax collection
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the agency that oversees tax collection
[…] is part of economic policy concerning supply/demand of the dollar, inflation, and interest rates
Monetary policy is part of economic policy concerning supply/demand of the dollar, inflation, and interest rates
As opposed to Fiscal Policy
Spending results in a […] on the economy, the economy grows at a greater rate than people actually spend
Spending results in a multiplier effect on the economy, the economy grows at a greater rate than people actually spend
[…] is a famous free trade agreemtn that opened up more trade between Mexico and Canada, today it is replaced with […]
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) **(1994) **is a famous free trade agreemtn that opened up more trade between Mexico and Canada, today it is replaced with USMCA (2020)
A […] is a tax that increases as the income increases
A progressive tax is a tax that increases as the income increases
The Fed determines the […], or the percentage of dollars the bank must keep in their vaults compared to how much money a person has held in a bank
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
The Fed determines the Reserve Requirement, or the percentage of dollars the bank must keep in their vaults compared to how much money a person has held in a bank
The Fed = Federal Reserve Board
Banks will invest the money that you hold in their bank so that they can make money off of your money
Sixteenth Amendment (1913) gives Congress the power to tax a person’s income
Sixteenth Amendment (1913) gives Congress the power to tax a person’s income
Prior to this, they would tax imports through tarrifs and the courts had ruled income tax unconstitutional
[…] - idea that government should allow people to keep their money by limiting taxes and not involving themselves in the economy
Supply-side economics - idea that government should allow people to keep their money by limiting taxes and not involving themselves in the economy
[…] is how much imports vs. exports a nation has, generally a country tries to export MORE than it imports
Trade Balance is how much imports vs. exports a nation has, generally a country tries to export MORE than it imports
[…] are spending that the government has promised by law to citizens
Entitlements are spending that the government has promised by law to citizens
[…] is what the government MUST spend on, this is largely on entitlements
Mandatory Spending is what the government MUST spend on, this is largely on entitlements
[…] is a government health care program for those who can’t afford health care
Medicaid is a government health care program for those who can’t afford health care
[…] is a government health care program for those who are 65+
Medicare is a government health care program for those who are 65+
[…] created federal regulations for health insurance in an attempt to make it more accessible
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) created federal regulations for health insurance in an attempt to make it more accessible
(AKA the ACA or called Obamacare by the media)
[…] passed during Depression to support poor elderly and retired people during
**Social Security Act (1935) **passed during Depression to support poor elderly and retired people during
[…], support for people to meet their basic needs, very large during Liberal New Deal era but made smaller by Conservatives over time
Social Welfare, support for people to meet their basic needs, very large during Liberal New Deal era but made smaller by Conservatives over time
[…] - idea that government needs to encourage people to spend their money by regulating interest rates, creating government programs that support people in spending, and help businesses to create jobs
Keynesian economics - idea that government needs to encourage people to spend their money by regulating interest rates, creating government programs that support people in spending, and help businesses to create jobs
Employees and Employers pay into a trust fund that later pays out to them when they are retired - […]
Employees and Employers pay into a trust fund that later pays out to them when they are retired - Social Security