Unit 2: Interactions Among the Branches Flashcards
The Senate has the power of […], they review and approve treaties and appointments
The Senate has the power of Advice and Consent, they review and approve treaties and appointments
A […] legislature is divided into 2
A bicameral legislature is divided into 2
Like-minded people come together in […] to draft policy as a party or around a single issue, these are […] groups
Like-minded people come together in caucases to draft policy as a party or around a single issue, these are informal groups
[…] form when congress people have strong working relationships with each other, these are […] groups
Coalitions form when congress people have strong working relationships with each other, these are informal groups
Article I, Section 8 of Constitution outlines the […] or the specific powers granted to congress
Article I, Section 8 of Constitution outlines the enumerated powers or the specific powers granted to congress
At the end of the Enumerated Powers are the […] - Necessary and Proper Clause
At the end of the Enumerated Powers are the Implied Powers - Necessary and Proper Clause
The […] is the body of the Legislative Branch that is proportional to population
The House of Representatives is the body of the Legislative Branch that is proportional to population
[…], aka the […], grants Congress non-listed powers that are necessary to run a country
Necessary and Proper Clause, aka the Elastic Clause, grants Congress non-listed powers that are necessary to run a country
The […] grants Congress the power to tax and spend
The Power of the Purse grants Congress the power to tax and spend
The […] is the body of the Legislative Branch with 2 reps per state
The Senate is the body of the Legislative Branch with 2 reps per state
Before the […], Senators were elected by […] but after were elected by […]
Before the 17th Amendment, Senators were elected by state legislators but after were elected by the people
The […] limits the power of the President to go to war without consent of Congress
The War Powers Act (1973) limits the power of the President to go to war without consent of Congress
During Filibuster, the […] can end debate with a […] Supermajority vote
During Filibuster, the Cloture Rule can end debate with a 3/5th Supermajority vote
All House members are a part of the […] where there are […] and […]
All House members are a part of the Committee of the Whole where there are less rules and more debate
The yearly between spending and revenue is the […], this gets added to the overall […]
The yearly between spending and revenue is the deficit, this gets added to the overall debt
To vote on a bill that is stuck in committee, […] in the House of Reps must sign a […]
To vote on a bill that is stuck in committee, simple majority in the House of Reps must sign a discharge petition
[…] is the fuding that Congress debates how to spend each year
Discretionary spending is the fuding that Congress debates how to spend each year
Senators can […] or debate for an […] amount of time in order to […] a bill
Senators can Filibuster or debate for an unlimtied amount of time in order to block a bill
Due to […], House members may only offer […] amendments directly related to the bill
Due to limited speaking time, House members may only offer Germane amendments directly related to the bill
Senators can try to block a bill by putting it on […], or stalling the discussion to a later time
Senators can try to block a bill by putting it on Hold, or stalling the discussion to a later time
Members of both houses will join a […] to address a long-term issue or program
Members of both houses will join a Joint Committee to address a long-term issue or program
Members of Congress do […] to convince others to support their bill by giving another bill their support
Members of Congress do Logrolling to convince others to support their bill by giving another bill their support
[…]is the money the government MUST spend on programs like […]
Mandatory spending is the money the government MUST spend on programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid
An […] includes multiple areas of law to address multiple programs
An Omnibus Bill includes multiple areas of law to address multiple programs
Congresspeople will do Pork-Barrel Spending to […] some […] for their home district
Congresspeople will do Pork-Barrel Spending to reserve some funding for their home district
The Vice President is also the […] but only votes as a […]
The Vice President is also the President of the Senate but only votes as a tie breaker
Senate’s most senior member of the majority party is the […] Tempore but is mostly has […] duties
Senate’s most senior member of the majority party is the President Pro Tempore but is mostly has ceremonial duties
Riders are additional amendments […] to the initial bill that can be added to make it more likely to pass
Riders are additional amendments not related to the initial bill that can be added to make it more likely to pass
The House […] acts as the traffic cop for bills, determining where they go and when
The House Rules Committee acts as the traffic cop for bills, determining where they go and when
Temporary […] are formed when a bill passes in both houses with slight differences to decide on a […]
Temporary Conference Committees are formed when a bill passes in both houses with slight differences to decide on a compromise
Temporary […] are formed to conduct a […]
Temporary Select Committees are formed to conduct a special investigation
The leader of the majority party of the Senate becomes the […] to hold the most power
The leader of the majority party of the Senate becomes the Senate Majority Leader to hold the most power
The leader of the dominant party becomes the […] to hold the most power in the […]
The leader of the majority party of the House becomes the Speaker of the House to hold the most power
A bill’s […] will bring the bill to Congress and become the author
A bill’s Sponsor will bring the bill to Congress and become the author
When all senators agree this is […], this is occassionaly required for certain actions to make […] run slower
When all senators agree this is Unanimous Consent, this is occassionaly required for certain actions to make Senate run slower
The most powerful committee of the House is the […] and determines […]
The most powerful committee of the House is the Ways and Means Committee and determines tax policies
The Whip is in charge of […] and keeps track of the […] in their party
The Whip is in charge of party discipline and keeps track of the potential votes in their party
Baker v Carr (1962) establishes the principle of […]
Baker v Carr (1962) establishes the principle of one person-one vote
Representatives that try to follow the will of their constituents follow the […]
Representatives that try to follow the will of their constituents follow the Delegate Model
Drawing district lines to beneift one party is […]
Drawing district lines to beneift one party is gerrymandering
At times, strong partisan divisions cause […], preventing bills from moving through Congress
At times, strong partisan divisions cause gridlock, preventing bills from moving through Congress
A […] is at the end of their term when they are about to be replaced so they cannot get much done
A “Lame Duck” President is at the end of their term when they are about to be replaced so they cannot get much done
Districts should be drawn in a way that gives […]
Districts should be drawn in a way that gives “One Person-One Vote”
Representatives that try to follow their own will while occassionaly responding to the will of the people follows the […]
Representatives that try to follow their own will while occassionaly responding to the will of the people follows the Politico Model
Drawing district lines based on race is […]
Drawing district lines based on race is Racial Gerrymandering
Race cannot be the […] factor in determining districts in […]
Race cannot be the only factor in determining districts in Shaw v Reno (1993)
Districts with close elections each year are […] and it is difficult to […] how they will vote
Districts with close elections each year are Swing Districts and it is difficult to predict how they will vote
Representatives that try to follow their own judgement and will follow the […]
Representatives that try to follow their own judgement and will follow the Trustee Model
Presidents can […] congressmembers to support their ideas or a bill
Presidents can Bargain and Persuade congressmembers to support their ideas or a bill
As Commander in Chief, the president is the […]
As Commander in Chief, the president is the head of the US military
The Constitution specifically describes the […] Powers of the President
The Constitution specifically describes the Formal Powers of the President
The President has additional […] that are not listed in the Constitution
The President has additional Informal Powers that are not listed in the Constitution
The President may have an […] with the head of state of another nation but it is not binding as law
The President may have an Executive Agreement with the head of state of another nation but it is not binding as law
The President can direct the Executive Branch how to implement a law through an […]
The President can direct the Executive Branch how to implement a law through an Executive Order
[…] allows the President to keep some information private
Executive Privilege allows the President to keep some information private
If the President doesn’t agree with a Bill that was passed, they can […] it
If the President doesn’t agree with a Bill that was passed, they can Veto it
In the 90s, the President had the power to cross out specific lines of a bill, called […], until it was ruled unconstitutional
In the 90s, the President had the power to cross out specific lines of a bill, called Line Item Veto, until it was ruled unconstitutional
Bills not signed by the president in […] automatically pass
Bills not signed by the president in 10 days automatically pass
If Congress goes on break before the president signs a bill and it is within the 10-day period, that bill is […]
If Congress goes on break before the president signs a bill and it is within the 10-day period, that bill is Pocket Vetoed
Presidents have a […] of policies they hope to […] while in office
Presidents have a Policy Agenda of policies they hope to implement or pass while in office
Presidents may write a […] to explain what they think a bill they are signing means
Presidents may write a Signing Statement to explain what they think a bill they are signing means
[…] represent the US to other countries and they are nominated by the […] then approved and appointed by the […]
Ambassadors represent the US to other countries and they are nominated by the Presisdent then approved and appointed by the Senate
The presidential […] is made up of the Department Heads and works with the President to […] the law
The presidential Cabinet is made up of the Department Heads and works with the President to execute the law
[…] works in the White House to make sure everything runs smoothly
Chief of Staff works in the White House to make sure everything runs smoothly
President has some […] not in the Constitution but are just needed to execute good government
President has some Inherent Powers not in the Constitution but are just needed to execute good government
The top military leaders in the nation make up the […] to advise the president
The top military leaders in the nation make up the **Joint Chiefs of Staff **to advise the president
[…] have assumed more power than is outlined in the Constitution
Imperial Presidents have assumed more power than is outlined in the Constitution
[…] used his popularity to assume more power
[…] used a national crisis to assume more power
[…] used international politics to assume more power
[…] used a national turning point to assume more power
Assuming Power does is not necessarily have a negative thing
Andrew Jackson used his popularity to assume more power
Abraham Lincoln used a national crisis to assume more power
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson used international politics to assume more power
Franklin D. Roosevelt used a national turning point to assume more power
[…] Amendment limits the presidency to 2 terms
22nd Amendment limits the presidency to 2 terms
Early on, Presidents followed […] to limit their own powers of the office
Early on, Presidents followed Washington’s Example to limit their own powers of the office
Presidents may use a […] to push Congress to vote a certain way by communicating directly to the people
Presidents may use a Bully Pulpit to push Congress to vote a certain way by communicating directly to the people
Presidents deliver a yearly […] to Congress to update them on the progress and goals for the nation
Presidents deliver a yearly State of the Union to Congress to update them on the progress and goals for the nation
[…] is the Jurisdiction a court has to hear an Appeal
Appellate Jurisdiction is the Jurisdiction a court has to hear an Appeal
[…] is where a case can be heard or tried
Jurisdication is where a case can be heard or tried
The […] is the head of all […] in the Federal Courts, they will work with other federal agencies and advise Attorneys
The Attorney General is the head of all attorneys in the Federal Courts, they will work with other federal agencies and advise Attorneys
When someone loses a decision in a lower court they can submit a […] to a higher court asking them to review the case
When someone loses a decision in a lower court they can submit a Petition of Certiorari to a higher court asking them to review the case
Supreme Court reviews the constitutionality of laws and policy through […]
Supreme Court reviews the constitutionality of laws and policy through Judicial Review
[…] refers to the authority of a court to hear a case for the first time
Original jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court to hear a case for the first time
The second level and the more regional courts are the […]
The second level and the more regional courts are the Circuit Court of Appeals
The first level and most local federal court is the […]
The first level and most local federal court is the US District Courts
The highest level and national court is the […]
The highest level and national court is the Supreme Court
Higher courts rulings set […] that lower courts must follow
Higher courts rulings set Binding Precedent that lower courts must follow
When courts make a decision, they set […] for how cases might be ruled on in the future
When courts make a decision, they set precedent for how cases might be ruled on in the future
Lower courts can set […] for how other courts at the same level might rule on an issue
Lower courts can set Persuasive Precedent for how other courts at the same level might rule on an issue
The current Chief Justice of the SCOTUS who has served since 2005 is […]
The current Chief Justice of the SCOTUS who has served since 2005 is John Roberts
Higher courts may not change anything and let the decision stand from the lower courts, […]
Higher courts may not change anything and let the decision stand from the lower courts, stare decisis
Justices will write a […] to explain how they voted and why
Justices will write a Majority Opinion to explain how they voted and why
Justices who vote against the Majority will write a […] to explain why they disagree
Justices who vote against the Majority will write a Dissenting Opinion to explain why they disagree
Justices who voted for the majority but disagree with the majority’s reasoning, they will write a […]
Justices who voted for the majority but disagree with the majority’s reasoning, they will write a concurring opinion
When a higher court agrees to hear a case from a lower court, they grant a […]
When a higher court agrees to hear a case from a lower court, they grant a Writ of Certiorari
Judges who are willing to interpret the Constitution as it applies to a modern context are […]
Judges who are willing to interpret the Constitution as it applies to a modern context are Liberal Constructionists
Judges who closely follow the Constitution’s as it was written in the past are […]
Judges who closely follow the Constitution’s as it was written in the past are Strict Constructionists
[…] - four justices must agree to take up a case
Rule of Four - four justices must agree to take up a case
[…] was a judge who did not get a position because of extreme views, he got […]!
Robert Bork was a judge who did not get a position because of extreme views, he got Borked!
Obama nominated […] but the Senate refused to hear any nominees for 10 months, this was unprecedented
Obama nominated Merrick Garland but the Senate refused to hear any nominees for 10 months, this was unprecedented
Judges who overturn laws do […]
Judges who overturn laws do Judicial Activism
Judges who try not to use their powers do […]
Judges who try not to use their powers do Judicial Restraint
Getting rid of the Filibuster is the […]
Getting rid of the Filibuster is the Nuclear Option
Presidents can ask Senators who should be appointed to the lower courts, […]
Presidents can ask Senators who should be appointed to the lower courts, Senatorial Courtesy
Congress can define […], or the types of cases the courts can hear
Congress can define Standing, or the types of cases the courts can hear
[…] faced controversy in his appointment when Anita Hill came forward about sexual harassment in a highly televised hearing
Clarence Thomas faced controversy in his appointment when Anita Hill came forward about sexual harassment in a highly televised hearing
The […] is a system of government administration where non-elected officials, organized in a hierarchical structure, implement the laws and policies created by the legislative branch
The Bureaucracy is a system of government administration where non-elected officials, organized in a hierarchical structure, implement the laws and policies created by the legislative branch
The Pendleton Service Act created the […] which replaced the patronage system with a […] system
The Pendleton Service Act created the Civil Service Commission which replaced the patronage system with a merit system
The Civil Service Reform Act (1978) replaces the Civil Service Commission with the […] and tried to better the […] system
The Civil Service Reform Act (1978) replaces the Civil Service Commission with the Office of Personnel Management and tried to better the merit system
Bureaucracy checks private businesses through […] to ensure they are following […]
Bureaucracy checks private businesses through Compliance Monitoring to ensure they are following standards/rules
The Iron Triangle is a network of the […], […], and […] that work together to write and shape policy
The Iron Triangle is a network of the Bureaucracy, Congress, and Interest Groups that work together to write and shape policy
[…] are a broad network of people and groups working to address one issue
Issue Networks are a broad network of people and groups working to address one issue
Appointing friends and supporters is a […] while appointing people who are experienced and qualified is a […]
Appointing friends and supporters is a Patronage System while appointing people who are experienced and qualified is a Merit System
The Clinton-Era National Performance Review investigated the […] and cut out […] to make it function more smoothly
The Clinton-Era National Performance Review investigated the Bureaucracy and cut out rules and standards to make it function more smoothly
Administrative Procedures Act (1946) makes rule making more […] and requires bureaucracy to involve […]
Administrative Procedures Act (1946) makes rule making more transparent and requires bureaucracy to involve the public
Code of Federal Regulations is the large […] created by the Bureaucracy
Code of Federal Regulations is the large list of rules and regulations created by the Bureaucracy
Congress writes […] laws and allows the Bureaucracy to […] them, to give Delegated Discretionary Authority
Congress writes open-ended laws and allows the Bureaucracy to interpret them, to give Delegated Discretionary Authority
Department of Education manages […]
Department of Education manages Education programs
Department of Homeland Security focuses on […], […], and […]
Think TSA, FEMA, Coast Guard
Department of Homeland Security focuses on anti-terrorism, border security, and emergency response
Think TSA, FEMA, Coast Guard
Department of Transportation creates standards for [……..]
Department of Transportation creates standards for public transit, , railroads, highways, driving, flying, boating, etc.
Environmental Protection Agency protects […], […], and […] from pollution and contamination
Environmental Protection Agency protects air, water, and land from pollution and contamination
Federal Election Commission protects the security and integrity of […]
Federal Election Commission protects the security and integrity of elections
Department of Veterans Affairs provides […], […], and […] to veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs provides beneifts, healthcare, and cemetery services to veterans
Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the […] and protects […]
Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the market and protects investors
Independent Regulatory Agencies are […] by Congress with less […] by the President
Independent Regulatory Agencies are created by Congress with less control by the President
Agencies release a […] so that the public can come and share comments
Agencies release a Notice-and-comment opportunity so that the public can come and share comments
Congress grants […] of funding to agencies and programs for specific purposes
Congress grants Appropriations of funding to agencies and programs for specific purposes
Congress creates […] each year, outlining how much money each Agency can spend
Congress creates Authorization of Spending each year, outlining how much money each Agency can spend
[…] refers to Congress’ authority to conduct hearings, investigations, and budget reviews of the Bureaucracy
Congressional Oversight refers to Congress’ authority to conduct hearings, investigations, and budget reviews of the Bureaucracy
New rules and regulations are published daily in the […]
New rules and regulations are published daily in the Federal Register
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) observes other agencies to make sure rules don’t conflict with […] or […]
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) observes other agencies to make sure rules don’t conflict with each other or the President’s goals
Whistleblower Protection Act (1989) gives some protections to […] who come forward to release information about […] or […]
Whistleblower Protection Act (1989) gives some protections to government workers who come forward to release information about corruption or rule breaking