Unit 4 Flashcards
Work motivation
Impulse of achieving goals in an organisational environments
Content related theories
Why do some people are motivated with their job while others are not? Divided into individual needs, situational needs and a combination of
Genetic Base (Mccelland)
There are 3 needs presented in everyone: affiliations, achievements and power. However each person has a more highlighted need which determines which job will provide that person with the highest motivation.
The thematic apperception test measures which need is more dominant
Mallows pyramid
Pyramid which goes from the most essential needs to self actualisation. A lack in this needs it’s what causes motivation. Yo need to fulfil the lowest need to go on into the next one. There are certain problems with this theory, as the term self - actualisation is not specifically defined. The hierarchy is very rigid, there is a lack of empirical evidence and this model should vary depending on the culture
Basic Motives (Reiss)
We all have 16 motives, however, there are some which are more present than others. By identifying which motives are more present we can look a work associated to them to have motivation
If your personality, your favourite activities, and your job have a correlation, motivation will appear. There are 6 types of job position. Investigative, artistic, entrepreneurial, realistic, conventional, and social CESARÍA
Herzberg’s two factor theory
There are two types of motivation extrinsic (bills) and intrinsic (job satisfaction) and 2 ways to increase motivation are job enlargement (variety) and job enrichment (responsibility)
Job characteristic model (Hackman and Oldman)
Based on the job diagnostic model, there are 5 core dimensions in a job (skill variety, task identity, task significance, feedback and autonomy) which influence psychological states ( meaningfulness of work, responsibility and actual results) and bidirectionally cause certain outcomes as job performance, high intrinsic motivation and low absenteeism. We cannot infer causality as we should need to see the long term effects of this model.
Motivational Potential score
Capacity of a job to be motivating
Flow theory
State of maximum motivation when you perform challenging but achievable tasks. To achieve it you need clear goals and rules, your skills need to match the task’s demands, and feedback is required. With this feeling you would finde positive affect, concentration and no fatigue. Furthermore the new research directions are: training flow, theoretical vagueness and subjectivity.
Principles of motivational work design
Natural work units, vertical loading (easy to challenging, flow) encourage relationship with customers, opening feedback channels and combine tasks
Process related theories
Transforming motivation into effective behaviours
Expectancy model
Force = E ( I x V)
Effort - result - consequence - value
The limitations are: multiplicative combination, very rational, focused on extrinsic, no individual differences, not seen over time
Collective effort model
Add to expectancy model, in instrumentality, contingency types
add to expectancy model self efficacy and trust