Unit 2 Flashcards
Belief (positive or negative) about a target (person/situation) individual predisposition
Cognitive dissonance
Attitude and behavior do not match. Reinterpret situation or change attitude
Theory of planned behavior
How to manage that the customer elecits a certain type of behavior. Background factors (personal, social, knowledge) behavioural beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs. Give initiative + actual control give behavior
Job satisfaction
Overall felling about job. Determines by personality, job characteristics and salary
Organisational commitment
-> having a positive relationship with the organisation
Affective: influenced by experiences, job and personal characteristics. You are comfortable in company and want to stay.
Continuance: do not have anything better, or you stay due to a price for continuance.
Normative: you feel you owe something to the company and you stay due to it.
The three types can cause turnover or positive relationship with organisation
Relation between commitment and job satisfaction
The higher organisational commitment and job satisfaction the less counterproductive behavior
Employee engagement
Engagement of the employee in the company (participation)
Job involvement
How involved the worker is with the job/task he has to do
Distributional justice
Same price for everyone
Procedural justice
Everyone has to do the same procedure to earn a price
Elaboration Likelihood model
To change an attitude you need to be objective and do an introspection to see if the belief you have about a certain target, is correct or not
Heuristic systematic model
To change an attitude someone can persuade you of changing it. That person will have power, attractiveness, trust
Affective events theory
How the employees emotions affect their work performance. Job characteristics affect the events you are going to live in your working space. These events, joined with your personal characteristics will determine the emotions you will have. And this emotions, will influence your affect-driven behaviours, meaning your impulses. And, together with the job characteristics the work attitude will be influenced. Meaning your satisfaction and commitment with the job. Furthermore, this attitude towards work will influence your judgmental-driven behaviours, meaning turnovers and productivity
Attribution theory
To protect our mental health. We attribute positive things in ourselves to internal causes and negative things to external causes. And viceversa with others
Bounded Rationality Theory
No decision is complete rational. As we have loss aversion, lack of information and factors with great complexity. Therefore, if we have to take a decision it is better done by an expert, and judgmental tasks, meaning there is no correct or wrong answer.