Unit 3 Flashcards
Job analysis
Description a of job with its requirements. it can be a job description, centred in the work that needs to be done. Work oriented (wash hair) and worker oriented (softly) Or person specification, how the employee needs to be, and we would use KSAOs.
It is done to know the behaviours required for a specific job and has different purposes. To know the safety guidelines need to be established, for job design and redesign, to compensate when doing work above average, for job classification, downsizing, acquisition and merging. To evaluate performance managements, to select employees and for legal defensibility
Name the 2 job classification systems
International Standard Classification of occupations (SOCI)
Dictionary of occupational titles
Cognitive task analysis in direct data collection
Talk while performing the job
Hierarchical task analysis
Visually explain the job analysis. Divided a complex task into smaller pieces
What are the three ways of task-oriented data collection?
Task inventory analysis (list of tasks)
Functional job analysis (the functions of your job)
Critical incidents technique (which critical incidents do you need to handle to do correctly your job?)
What are the 8 great competencies?
Creativity, adaptability, analysis, support, interaction, organisation, leading, entrepreneurship
What does the repertory grid analysis measures?
What does the job elements method measures?
What does the threshold trait analysis measure?
What does the personality related position requirements form measures?
Personality attributes
Work Profiling
How do the workers need to be in order to obtain results. Worker-oriented (more subjective) the strategic job modelling was the first attempt of work profiling. It contains a job description (worker requirements) situational variables (job directed) technical competencies (skills) and behavioural competencies (attitudes)
Behaviours necessary to obtain the desired results