unit 4 Flashcards
negotiations handled by a 3rd party
restrictions posed on a country for some political reason. usually to get a country to change a policy.
government order to stop trade with another country.
foreign policy
a gov.’s strategy in dealing w/ other nations.
who was involved in spanish american war?
spain vs. america
where was spanish american war?
the phillipines + cuba (spanish territories)
significance of SA war?
introduced US as a world power.
causes of SA war
- spain’s reconcentration plan - forced civillians into camps w/ horrible conditions.
- american econ interest - cuban sugarcane plantations.
- yellow journalism - clickbait/exaggerated news stories.
- explosion of USS maine - ship exploded in havana harbor.
white man’s burden
article by rudyard kipling that said it was the white man’s struggle to “civilize” others.
who did US get from SA war?
Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
phillipine american war
armed conflict between the Philippines and the United States
rough riders
volunteer cavalry unit led by roosevelt that battled in SA war. brought their own photographer.
roosevelt corollary
declaration by Roosevelt stating that, in cases of flagrant and chronic wrongdoing by a Latin American country, United States could intervene in that country’s internal affairs.
monroe doctrine
warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.
causes of ww1 (MAIN)
Alliance system
spark event of ww1
assassination of archduke franz ferdinand.
who were the allies?
britain, france, russia, italy.
who were the central powers?
germany, austria-hungary, ottoman empire.
information designed to get people’s thinking aligned with government interests concerning the war.
treaty of versailles
formally ended ww1 and sought to set up league of nations.
war guilt clause
blamed ww1 on germany and punished them for it.
the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding” to perfect humans and eliminate “social ills.”
the things germany had to pay back/do for ww1.
British blockade of German ports
cut off german supplies of food, fuel, etc. during ww1.
american trade ship that was shot down by german U-boats.
zimmerman note
letter from germany to mexico trying toger mexico to ally with them and give US a two front war. intercepted by US & triggered their involvement.
liberty/victory bonds
Americans loaned government money to help pay for costs of wartime military operations
women in ww1
women got more jobs and responsibilities because men are at war.
african americans inww1
african americans got opportunity to be in war and become heroes.
great migration
when many african americans moved north away from racial prosecution & segregation.
mexican americans in ww1
rough riders.
committee of public opinion
worked to turn every channel of communication and education to promote the war effort.
espionage act
prohibited spying in ww1.
sedition act
prohibited speaking out against US gov/military.
bringing people into war without having signed up.
selective service system
authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription - required some ppl to sign up for war.
trench warfare
brutal dirty warfare in trenches.
new tech in ww1
tanks, planes, grenades + shrapnel, machine guns, poison gas, sanitary napkins.
lost batallion
group of U.S. Army units of the 77th Division that fought together in France during World War I
battle of the argonne forest
one of the attacks that brought an end to the War. biggest battle in ww1 (most people).
woodrow wilson’s 14 points
guidelines for the rebuilding of the postwar world.
Economic conditions after the war
red scare
United States feared recent immigrants and dissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist, or anarchist ideology
19th amendment
granted women the right to vote.