unit 1 Flashcards
the largest city ever built north of Mexico before Columbus and had 120 earthen mounds
christopher columbus
italian explorer who landed in caribbean and thought that it was india. treated natives HORRIBLY.
southern (chesapeake) colonies
produced cotton, indigo, and tobacco. agriculture based economy. mild winters, hot summers. mostly single men.
first permanent English settlement in north america. (s. colonies)
northern (new england) colonies
econ based on trade. hot summers, harsh winters. bad farming. puritains + pilgrims + families. escaping religions prosecution.
final landing site of the first voyage of the mayflower and the location of the original settlement of new england colony.
english ship that transported pilgrims from england to the northern colonies (new england).
mayflower compact
document written by the Pilgrims establishing themselves as a political society and setting guidelines for self-government
middle colonies
good farming (wheat, corn). econ based on agriculture. diverse (quakers). wanted religious freedom.
indentured servitude
labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan. ppl shipped across ocean.
forced labor. ppl shipped across ocean.
bacons rebellion
berkeley got along with natives. bacon wanted him to push natives out of land. led to fight where bacon killed a village of natives.
colonies exist solely to make $ for mother country (GB)
american revolution
GB vs US. war for indep of colonies from GB. took place in amer.
battle of saratoga
mini battle in AR where amer defeated GB army.
treaty of paris (1783)
treaty signed to end AR. got amer indep from GB.
french & indian war
conflict between (france + natives) and (GB + amer colonies.)
causes of AR
british taxation acts, boston massacre, boston tea party, intolerable acts.
no taxation without representation
cause of AR. not being forced by a government to pay a tax without having a say—such as through an elected representative
give me liberty or give me death
cause of AR.
“common sense” by thomas paine
a pamphlet written advocating for amer indep from GB.
declaration of independence
declared US indep from GB
articles of confederation
document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.
northern ordinance
law that allowed Congress to divide the Northwest Territory into smaller territories, as well as described how they were governed and the stages they had to go through to become states.
shay’s rebellion
citizen uprising bc of overtaxation. proved gov couldnt protect citizens and had little pwr.
purpose of constitutional convention
to fix the articles of confederation.
result of constitutional convention
decided to peacefuly overthrow AoC and make a new gov.
anti federalists
wanted a weak national gov., and pwr to remain in states.
wanted a strong national gov., less pwr to states.
bill of rights
first 10 Amendments to Constitution. spells out Americans’ rights in their government.
1st amendment
freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.
george washington
first American president, commander of the Continental Army, president of the Constitutional Convention, and farmer