Unit 4 Flashcards
Permeable (adj):
(of a material or membrane) allowing liquids or gases to pass through it
Dispositions (n.):
a person’s inherent qualities of mind and character.
Multicultural (adj.):
relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
Prejudice (n.):
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Agency (n.):
Ability to make own choices
Brevity (n.):
shortness of time
Unsubstantiated (adj.):
not proven or supported to be true
ex: unsubstantiated claimed
Wager (n.):
Provisions (n.):
an amount or thing supplied or provided
Jostle (v.):
push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd.
Social Facilitation:
a phenomenon where people show increased levels of effort and performance when in the presence of others compared to their effort and performance levels when they are alone
Swoon (v.)
faint from extreme emotion.
Makeshift (adj.)
serving as a temporary substitute; sufficient for the time being
Dreary (adj.)
depressing and boring
Monsoon (n.)
a seasonal wind and heavy rain in hot Asian regions, like Southeast Asia
Transcendent (adj.)
Coarse (adj.)
Rough or loose in texture
Proclaim (v.)
announce officially or publicly
Melancholia (n.)
Deep sadness
Renowned (adj.)
Eavesdrop (v.)
secretly listen to a conversation.
Valedictorian (n.)
The student in a graduating class with the highest rank or grade
Arbitrary (adj.)
Based on random choice or personal whim
Preferentially (n.)
In a way that involves preference or favorably
Rectifying (v.)
put right; correct
Erroneous (adj.)
wrong or incorrect
a view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding
Aberration (n.)
a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
Accessible (adj.)
easy to approach; obtainable
Proliferation (n.)
A rapid increase
Surreptitious (adj.)
kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
Clandestine (adj.)
kept secret or done secretively, especially because forbidden
Psychological Lens
used to analyze the mental state of a person and how their mental state affects their actions
Social Identity Theory:
portion of an individual’s self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.
Minimal Group Paradigm
Even when people are arbitrarily assigned to a group they end to favor those who are placed in the same group
In Grouping & Out-Grouping
In-group is a group of people who identify with each other based on a variety of factors. Out-groups are those who do not belong in a group. We tend to favor those in our in-group.