Unit 1 Flashcards
Via (preposition):
By means of
Extrapolate (v):
Take and expand
Imitable (adj):
Capable of being copied
Inimitable (adj):
Not capable of being copied
Epigram (n.):
A short wise expression
Maxim (n.):
A short wise expression
Apothegm (n.):
A short wise expression
Aphorism (n.):
A short wise expression
Adage (n.):
A short wise expression
*Epigraph (n.):
A short saying at the beginning of a piece
Figurative Language:
Words or phrases that having meaning that are not literally true
Connotative Meaning
Emotions and ideas associated with a word
Denotative Meaning
The literal meaning of a word
Cumulative (adj.):
Increasing in amount
Evoke (v):
Coming out
Inference (n):
A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
Initial (adj.):
Occurring at the beginning
Jesuit (adj.):
A part of the Roman Catholic religious order (Society of Jesus) founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534
Pert (adj.):
Attractive because neat and jaunty
Also means: Kempt, Couth
Couth (adj):
Well-mannered and cultured
Also means: Pert, Kempt
Kempt (adj):
Maintained in a neat and clean condition; well cared for
Also means: Pert, Couth
Dour (adj.):
relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance.
Evaluate (v.):
form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess
Austere (adj):
severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
Diction (n.):
Word choice
Communal (adj.):
Shared by all members of a community
Theme (n.):
The main idea or underlying meaning of a piece of work
Conceptualize (v.):
Form a concept or idea of something
Exuberant (adj):
filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement
Also means: Exultant
Dislocation (n.):
To be moved away
Shunned (adj.):
Shun (v.):
1) persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected
2) persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something)
Also means: alienate, ostracize
Exultant (adj.):
triumphantly happy
Also means: exuberant
Ostracize (v.):
exclude (someone) from a society or group
Also means: Alienate, Shun
Alienate (v.):
cause (someone) to feel isolated
Also means: ostracize, shun
Debutante (n.):
a young upperclass woman making her formal entrance into society
Etiquette (n.):
the customary code of polite behavior
Rehabilitations: (n):
forms of treatments
Hirsute (adj.):
Apiary (n.):
a place where bees are kept
Heifer (n.):
Bipedal (adj.):
Using only 2 legs to walk
Purgatory (n.):
The place between heaven and hell / emptiness
Gambol (v.):
run or jump about playfully
Diminished (adj.):
made smaller or less
Delectable (adj.):
Bristle (v.):
(hair or fur) standing upright from skin due to fear or anger
Infirm (adj.):
Sick, elderly, vulnerable
Inarticulable (adj.):
Distillate (n.):
Confer (v.):
have discussions; exchange opinions
Inter (v.):
Disinter (v.):
Reverie (n.):
Egocentric (adj.):
thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.
Ferocity (n.):
the state of being frightening and violent
Confounding (adj.):
Causing surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations
Colloquial (adj.):
used in ordinary and everyday language
Precursor (n.):
a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind
Latent (adj.):
Existing but not fully developed
Amble (v.)
walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
Taunt (v.):
Provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks
Eradication (n.):
The complete destruction of something
Virulent (adj.):
Extremely severe or harmful in its effects
Locomote (v.):
To move from one place to another
Intone (v):
say or recite with little rise and fall of the pitch of the voice
Lycanthropic (adj.)
The study of werewolves
Oblique (adj.):
Meek (adj.):
quiet, gentle, and submissive
Conjure (adj.):
implore to do something
Annex (adj.):
attached or added as an extension
Aria (n.):
melody or tune
Sophisticated (adj.):
Having a high degree of complexity
Aptitude (n.)
A natural ability to do something
Vacant (adj.):
Empty or unoccupied
Inured (v):
Jaded to; Accustomed to (usually something unpleasant)
Schism (n.):
A split or division
Cataclysm (n.):
A major disaster in the natural world
Catechism (n.):
A summary of the principles of Christianity in the form of questions and answers used as instructions for christians
Frog-marched (v.):
Forced to march
Muzzle (n.):
A protective face mask
Intercept (v.):
stop or interrupt in progress or before arrival
Feral (adj.):
in a wild state, typically after domestication
Industrial (adj.):
very great in extent or amount
Recoil (v):
To spring back from something
Enunciation (n.):
The act of pronouncing words clearly
Enunciation (n.):
The act of pronouncing words clearly
Perfunctory (adj):
Beckon (v.):
Make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow.
Recapitulate (v):
Summarize and state again
Embellish (v.):
Add decorative details to make more attractive