Unit 304- oral anatomy+exam Flashcards
where are mamelons found
incisal edge
what tooth has the longest root
what is ptyaslism
excessive saliva
name 3 epithelial membrane
lining, masticatory, specialised
what is term for swallowing
name 2 taste buds
filiform + fungiform papillae
what adaptation does the lining epithelium mucous membrane under tongue
thin rapid absorption
what is glossitis and caused by what
inflammation of tongue
vitamin B
low irom levels
4 reasons for dysphagia
2-xerostomia-dry mouth
3-oesophagitis-inflamation of oesophagus
4-central nervous system-stroke
enamel main mineral crystals
96% calcium hydroxyapatite/interprismatic structure
junction between enamel and dentine
ameldodentinal junction
hydroxyapatite crystal exchange with fluoride to make what
fluorapatite crystals
how much crystals in dentine
how many crystals in cementum
what cells from cementum
pulp structures
-contains nerves and blood vessels
-sensory nerve endings run fribrils in hollow dentine tubules
junction where cementum and dentine meet
what is the first and second molar of deciduous teeth UR numbers
D and E 54 55
deciduous teeth upper and lower 1st and 2nd molar number of cusps
1st on both is 4
2nd on both is 5
where is cusps of carabelli found
upper first molar
how many incisors in adults and children
what is the enzyme in salvia called
changes to oral tissues with age is called
what is halitosis
bad breath
whats the reason for teeth to darken and thin less elastic
what is healthy measurement between tooth and gingival margin
what is Sjogen syndrome
low moisture levels
what measurements on BPE probe
what is exfoliation
roots are resorbed by adult teeth and they fall out
what is divergent roots
deciduous roots splayed out
deciduous teeth 2 adaptions
1- large pulp chamber
2- thin enamel
which two teeth have 5 cusps
upper 1st molar and lower 1st molar
what is the raised area of an incisor
which premolar has two roots
upper 1st premolar
canine fossa
which tooth is the largest
1st upper molar
what is lamina dura
compact bone
what is alveolar bone named as and what is the outer layer called
spongey bone
alveolar mucosa
what is the layer of gingiva called
mucoperiosteal layer
what is the order of gingiva going down the tooth
-gingiva crevice(suclus)
-epithelial attachment of junction
what is the natural mound of gingival tissue called (gum inbetween each tooth)
interdental papila
signs of gingivitis
-false pockets
-red and shiny
what is the term for overgrown gums and why
drugs like epilepsy
what acts as a shock absorber
periodontal ligament
periodontal ligament fibres in order
-free gingival fibres-maintain cuff
-transeptal fibres-maintain gingival attachments
-alveolar crest fibres-prevents movement
-horizontal fibres
-oblique fibres
-apical fibres which are next to apical foramen
what are the fibres made of
what is the ability called to detect and transmit sensations
what are the salivary glands called
exocrine glands
sublingual gland duct and what nerve
many sublingual ducts
facial nerve
what connects the parotid gland to oral cavity and what cranial never
stenson duct
what connects the submandibular gland to oral cavity and what cranial never
wharton duct
facial nerve
two functions of saliva
1-mucous secretory (thick for lubrication minerals and enzymes)
2-serous secretory (thin for antibodies and electrolytes)
function of minerals in saliva
sodium calcium electrolytes- phosphates
neutralise acids good PH in oral cavity
mineralisation of plaque
what is function of salivary amylase
digestive enzyme starts digestion called ptyalin
what are antibodies and white blood cells in saliva for
fight infections like perio
WBC- fights oral infection
mucus in saliva is for
water in salvia is for
dissolve food
cleansing teeth
patients with low and high mineral content have
L-watery, little calculus, high caries
H-thick, more calculus, lower caries
what can cause xerostomia
Sjogren syndrome
what is cause of ptyalism 4
-acid reflux
what do you use 4 study models for
appearance toothwear
what do you use 3 photographs for
appearance before and after
tissue lesions
cold vitality test
-ethyl chloride
what does it mean with increased response
early pulpitis
hot vitality test
-warm GP
-warm water and rubber dam
electrical test
pulp tester
what does reduced response mean
pulp is dying
what does dentist check in extra oral examination
-skin colour (blemishes, facial symmetry)
-lips (colour size)
-lymph nodes (swellings)
what is unusual blemishes may indicate
what does blue purple lips indicate
heart failure
what do swollen lymph nodes indicate
fighting infection
what do dentist check with intraoral examination
-mucosa (colour, texture, patches, tonsils)
-tongue (colour, texture, patches)
-floor of mouth (colour, texture, patches)
code 1
code 2
1-bleeding no more than 3.5mm no plaque
2-no more than 3.5mm plaque
code 3
code 4
3- pocket up to 5.5mm
4- more than 5.5mm
code *
for furcation pockets of 7mm+
grade 1,2,3 mobile
1- side to side less than 2mm
2- side to side more than 2mm
3- vertical movement
how many cusps in baby 1st and 2nd molar upper and lower
1st u+l 4 cusps
2nd u+l 5 cusps
which part of mouth is not covered by masticatory membrane
floor of mouth
reduced saliary flow and hard to swallow
layout of the dentine
hollow tubes
80% CH crystals in
which tooth has cingulum
lower canine
what gingival tissues between tooth and periodontium
junctional epithelial
space between each tooth is what epithelium
what fibres help tooth not to move rotation
parotid glands easily can develop
benign tumours
where do the sublingal glands lie
above mylohoid line
what in saliva helps in healing
which two teeth have 3 roots and 5 cusps
upper e and upper 6
nerve end sections in dentine
outermost layer of CH crystals is what structure
inter-prismatic substance
which probe is not used in a perio assessment
what xray to show primary meisodens
anterior occlusal
overhangs xray
horiozonal bitewing
which virus is responsibel for oropharyngeal cancer
human papillomavirsus
chicken pox is herpes
random inheritence of antibodies is caused by
natural immunity
which vaccination protects imuuinty brain and spinal cord
lesion that is not assoicated by micororganisms
apthous ulcer
onset hot cold sensitivty sign of
reversible pulpitis