Unit 3 Test Flashcards
Hittite Empire
○ 1600-1200 BC ○ In Bible ○ Polytheistic- weather and storm gods ○ Art-carvings, reliefs ○ Access to iron, mining Kubaba- Hittite queen, ruled for about 100 years, became god
Hattusa (Hattushash)
○ Heavily fortified
On high ground
battle of kadesh
○ Egyptian and Hittites ○ 1274 BC ○ Hittites held Kadesh, Ramses II wanted it ○ Egyptians won but didn’t take city ○ Both thought they won ○ 1st peace treaty
indo-european migration
Root of many languages
hittite scribes
○ Kept historic records ○ Writers and translators ○ Important to king ○ Scholars ○ All kept in Royal Archives Scribes wrote personal notes at the end of documents
sea peoples
○ Started invading 1275-1175 BC, around time of Battle of Kadesh
○ Nomads
○ Do not wipe out Phoenicians or Assyrians b/c Phoenicians not militaristic, traders, and Assyrians no yet considered threat
Came from around Black Sea
phoenician empire
○ 1500-300 BC
○ Traders
○ Created 22 letter alphabet
phoenecian trade
○ Traded food, cedar, glass, purple dye, wine
○ World’s first trading empire
○ Colonized different places
purple dye
○ Tyrian “Royal” Purple
Very difficult to obtain, only worn by royalty
○ Neo-Assyrian Empire- 900-600 BC
○ Sennacherib- Assyrian king
King of Lachish retaliated- whole of his area killed and destroye
assyrian warfare
○ Elamites battle Assyrians, are destroyed, Elamite king killed
○ Vassal king- country taken over, king remains king but still answered to conquerors
○ Put grainerys around Assyria so they wouldn’t run out of food on marches
○ Had chariots
○ Didn’t shoot horses, created horsemen
○ Killed 200,000 people
○ 612 BC- Assyrians destroyed by enemies, capital city burned
assyria overview
○ Originally nomads under another ruler
○ Independent by 1250 BCE
○ Captured Assur (dedicated to the god of war – the chief deity in their pantheon)
○ Filled the power vacuum left by the Hittites around 1200 BCE and were dominant by 900 BCE
○ Grew because they conquered the Hittite iron mines
○ Were THE most hated empire in the ancient world
○ Were very self-confident in their idea that they were the best
○ Expanded on the Sumerian idea of kingship – thought of themselves as kings of the universe
○ Wanted to take over the world
Methods of War
○ Intimidation (torture, execution)
○ Deportation (slaves hooked by the nose)
○ Conquest to build an empire was considered the divine mission of their kings
○ Built roads and developed a messenger service – recognized the importance of a communication system
○ Used governors and vassal kings to gain tribute and conscripted soldiers
○ Had a large citizen army
One governor (eighth century BC) contributed 1500 cavalry and 20,000 archers from his province (There were twenty provinces)
Assyrian army
○ Very disciplined army but not uniform in appearance or training
→ they kept their regional/ local identity and so gained in versatility and high morale
○ Infantry could march 30 miles/day, but roads were paved by corps who preceded army
→ these were trained professional who also built pontoon bridges, and floated across waterways on the inflated skins of sheep
○ Archers: job was to create confusion in the battlefield
Assyrian siege tactics
○ Ramps of earth rubble, battering rams, scaling ladders, siege towers
○ Tunnels underneath walls with a wooden frame (set fire to it and the fire brought down the wall of the city)
○ Blazing arrows / used crude petroleum (it seeped out of the ground)
○ Animal skin pontoons to float across rivers
○ Starved citizens of the cities, razed fields
○ Everything was designed to teach that resistance to Assyria did not pay. They did deliberately allow some prisoners to escape to spread word about their terror
Assyrian Army Overview
○ Standing army ○ Equipment kept up to date ○ Army positions, infantry, horsemen, etc. ○ Large army ○ Psychological warfare
Assurnasirpal II
○ Conquered to Asia Minor and Mediterranean coast
○ Put down Persian revolts
○ Moved capital
Tiglath-Pileser III
○ Built roads, messenger service
○ Creates standing army
○ Established national language
○ Organized Assyria
Sargon II
○ Seized throne, murdered heir ○ Sieged Samaria when refused to pay tribute ○ Defended empire ○ Took revenge on Egypt ○ Killed in battle
○ Sargon II’s son
○ Puts down revolts
○ Destroyed Babylon, built capital at Nineveh
○ Destroyed Phoenicians
○ Sieged Lachish
○ Jerusalem refused to surrender, Assyrians suddenly departed, when returned was assassinated
○ Son of Sennacherib
○ Avenged father
○ Expanded empire
○ Retired
○ Ruled large empire across Asia Minor and Fertile Crescent
○ Conquered Elam, removed buffer zone between Assyria and Medes
○ Collected much tribute
○ Educated
○ Appointed one of his twin sons as king
○ Civil war, enemies plot successfully against them
Assyrian Fall
○ Weakened by rebellions, distracted by internal disputes
○ Civilizations and nomads make an alliance
○ Burn Nineveh
○ Empire falls in less than 1 year
Chaldean Babylonians
○ 625-539 BC
○ Nabopolasser formed 2nd Babylonian Empire from remnants of Assyria
○ Only lasted less than 100 years
○ Chaldeans study astronomy, mapped moon and stars, created first accurate sundial, and the 7 day week
○ Large trade network, caravans regularly flowed thru Babylon
○ Nabopolasser’s son, Nebuchadnezzar, ruled for over forty years
Known for destroying Jerusalem, taking Jewish leaders into exile in Babylon (Babylonian Exile), building Hanging Gardens of Babylon for wife
Persian Empire
○ Achaemenid Dynasty
○ Aryans settled on Iranian plateau (Medes and Persians)
○ Medes held early power (capital in Ecbatana) with Persian vassal kings
○ 612 BC- Medes and Persians allied w/ Babylonians to end Assyria
Cyrus II (cyrus the Great
○ Vassal of Median empire in 558 BC, but wanted more
○ 550 BC: Medes falls to Persia
○ 540 BC: Asserted power over Chaldean Babylonians, takes advantage of unpopular king
→ Recognized as king, added Chaldean empire to his own
→ Included Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine
→ Welcomed by priests of Marduk and the Jews
○ 530 BC: Killed in battle while fighting tribes on eastern border of empire
→ Buried in stone tomb at Pasargadae
Over 20 years created empire from the Mediterranean to steppes of Asia, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and Arabian Sea
Cyrus II Accomplishments
Military and political skill
→ Wise and capable ruler
→ Used native power in government
→ Respected ancient civilizations
→ Won support of people
→ Spared lives of conquered and left cities intact
→ Permitted Jews to return to Jerusalem
Cambyses II
○ Cyrus’ death led to civil unrest
→ Struggle between Zoroastrianism and Magi
→ Cambyses II gained throne (killed brother to prevent threat to his rule)
○ Conquered Egypt and Nubia
○ 7th year of reign returns home to deal with unrest and killed en route
Darius I (Darius the Great)
○ In 522 BC, Darius (Cambyses’ cousin) wins support of army and is declared king
○ During late 6th century BC, army was crucial to empire
→ 10,000 man elite army (immortals)
→ Thousands from conquered areas
Darius I administrative reforms
→ Created 20 Satrapies (administrative districts)(run by Satraps- governors- members of noble families)(Acted as mini kings)
→ “Eyes and ears of the king” travel and report on districts
→ Collect taxes and tribute
→ Administer justice
→ Raise levies for army
→ Provided security
Darius I judicial reforms
→ Laws uniformly enforced
→ Royal judges watched
→ Religious freedom
→ Improved transportation and roads
→ Royal Road- Sardis (Asia Minor) to Susa
→ Move armies quickly
→ Message system- posts 14 miles apart- 7 days for message to travel on Royal Road
Darius I other reforms
→ Standard of weights and measures
→ Gold coins issues (Darics)
Darius I military
→ Set up military garrisons throughout empire
→ Conscripted Greek, Phoenician, and Egyptian ships and sailors for navy
Darius I expansion
→ Expedition to find trade routes
→ From mouth of Indus river along coast of Arabian Sea to Egypt
→ 516 BC: consolidated control over Middle East
→ Crossed Bosporus conquered Thrace- access to silver mines, base to attack Greece
→ 490 BC: invaded Greece, defeated by united Greek army at Marathon
→ Planned for next invasion of Greece
Religion: Zoroastrianism
○ Founded 600 BC by Zoroaster
○ Monotheistic
○ Avesta: sacred texts
○ Two forces in the world
→ Truth, good, light- Ahuramazda (The One God)
→ Evil, deceit, darkness- Ahriman
→ People decide who to serve which determines fate in afterlife
○ Ethical religion- righteous conduct mattered
○ Denounced animal sacrifice and nature gods
○ Fire- symbol of Ahuramazda
→ Used as a symbol
○ Religion embraced by Achaemenid dynasty, influencing both king and people
○ Religion opposed by Magi (priests lost power)
○ Influence on modern religion
→ Emphasis on final judgement
→ Immortality
Cyrus Cylinder
○ Dated 6th century BC
○ Proclamation of Cyrus the Great, declaring his divine right to be king, record of his conquest, and his vision for Babylon
○ Foundation deposit (symbolic- put in a foundation, foundation of kingdom)
○ Circulated thru empire on clay tablets
○ Proclamation- reviling Nabonidus, royal titles, restoration of Babylon, prayer to Marduk, about how he restored religion, building projects