Unit 3: Section 1: Introduction to Organic Chemistry Flashcards
What is the functional group of a molecule
The group of molecules that’s responsible for its characteristic reactions
What are the functional groups of alcohols, carboxylic acids and alkenes
-OH = alchohols
-COOH = carboxylic acids
C=C = alkenes
How many bonds does carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms have
Carbon = four bonds
Hydrogen = one bond
Oxygen = two bonds
What do molecular formulas give you
The actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule
What do structural formulas give you
The atoms carbon by carbon with the attached hydrogens and functional groups
What is a general formula
An algebraic formula that can describe any member of a family of compounds
What is a homologous series
A family of compounds that have the same functional group and general formula
What is skeletal formula
You don’t show the carbon or hydrogen bonds but you just write down the elements that isn’t any of those two elements
What is the general formula for alkanes
What do alkanes consist of
Exclusively carbon and hydrogen
What is a halogenoalkanes
An alkane but one of the hydrogens are replaced by a halogen
What is the prefix for halogenoalkanes
What is a cycloalkane
Have a ring of carbons with two hydrogen attached to each one
What is the general formula for cycloalkane
What is a branched alkane
An alkane that doesn’t have all the carbon atoms in one straight chain
What are the branched carbons in a branched alkane called
Alkyl groups
What is an alkene
A hydrocarbon with a double double carbon bond
What is the general formula for alkenes
Why are alkenes reactive
Because they only have 3 bonds so they can form another bond to become saturated
What are alcohols
Organic molecules that contain the -OH functional group
What is the general formula for alcohols
What is an aldehyde
One of the end carbons has a double bond to an oxygen atom and single bond to a hydrogen atom
What is the suffix for aldehydes
-al (e.g. propanal)
What is the general formula for aldehydes
What is a ketone
Where one of the carbon atoms (not the one on the ends) have a double bond with an oxygen atom
What is the general formula for a ketone
What is the suffix for alkanes
-ane (e.g. pentane)
What is the name of this compound
Longest continous chain of carbons is 4 so it is butane
One side chain of carbon it’s a methyl group
It’s joined to the 2nd carbon on the chain so it’s a 2-methyl group
If there are 2 methyl groups attached to different carbons in the stem what is that called
If a cyclo group’s carbon ring has 5 carbons what do you call it
What is the name of this compound
There is a double bond so it’s an alkene
the double bond is on the first carbon so it’s but-1-ene
What are the list of the functional groups in order of lowest priority to highest prority
Alkyl groups
Other functionol groups
What are mechanisms
They break reactions down into a sequence of stages
What do curly arrows do
The arrow starts at the bond or lone pair where the electrons are at the beginning of the step
The arrow points to where the new bond is formed at the end of the step
What is a structural isomer
Have the same molecular formula, but a different structural formula
What are three types of structural isomers
Chain isomers
Position isomers
Functional group isomers
What are chain isomers
Have the same functional groups but different arrangements of the carbon skeleton
What are position isomers
Have the same skeleton and the same atoms but the atoms or groups of atoms are attached to different carbon atoms
What is a functional group isomer
Have the same molecular formula but different functional groups
What is a stereoisomer
Have the same structural formula but their atoms are arranged differently in space
What are the two types of stereoisomer
E isomer
Z isomer
Where are E/Z isomers found
In compounds with carbon carbon double bonds
What is the rotation like in a carbon carbon double bond
There is no rotation
What is an E-isomer
The two highest priority bonds are on the different levels of the molecule
What is a Z-isomer
The two highest prority bonds are on the same levels of the molecule
How do you assign prority to an atoms bonded to a C=C
The atom with the higher atomic number on each carbon is given the higher priority
What are geometric isomers
Molecules that have the same structural formula but have a different arrangement around a non-rotational bond
What are optical isomers
Molecules that have the same structural formula but have a different arrangement of atoms around chiral carbons or have a non-superimposable mirror image
What is an enantiomer
One of a pair of optical isomers
What is a racemic mixture
A 50:50 mix of enantiomers
What is a chiral molecule
A molecule with no plane of symmetry
What is a chiral carbon
A carbon atom with four different atoms or groups attached
What does optically active mean and what type of compound does it apply to
Can affect the orientation of light
Applies to chiral compounds
What is the test for optical isomers
To shine plane polarised light that will be rotated in equal and opposite directions by each enantiomer
The rotation is measured by a polarimeter
What happens if you test racemic mixtures for optical isomers
Will not rotate as each enantiomer will rotate plane polarised light in equal and opposite directions
What is the equation for initiation
Cl2 -> 2∙Cl
What is the general formula for alkyl groups
What is an alkyl group
An alkane missing one hydrogen