unit 3 part 3 Flashcards
what is learning?
any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice.
what do behaviorists believe?
that psychology should be the scientific study of observable behavior & all learning occurs through interactions with the environment
what did Ivan Pavlov do
studied digestion and accidently discovered the learning process now known as classical conditoning
what is classical conditioning?
paring two stimulus together to start a behavior
what is a neutral stimulus?
produces no effect until paired with an unconditioned stimulus
what is an unconditioned stimulus?
stimulus that nauturally and automatocally triggeres an unconditioned response.
-dont have to learn to respond to it
-ex pain or food
what is a unconditioned response?
unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the stimulus
what is a conditioned stimulus?
previously neutral stimulus that triggers conditioned response through associtaion with unconditioned stimulus.
what is a conditioned response?
learned response to the previously neutral response.
what is acquisition?
intital stage of leanring when a response is first established and gradually strengthened.
what is hgher order thinking?
mutliple steps of conditioning
what is extinction?
initial stage of leanring when a response is first established gradually strengthened.
what is sponatneous recovery?
return of previously extinguished conditioned response following a rest period.
what is stimulus generalization?
tendency of unconditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned to other stimuli.
what is stimulus discrimination?
ability to differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that have not been paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
what is taste adversion?
avoidance of a certain food following a period of illness after consuming it.
what is edward thorandikes law of effect?
actions that are followed by desireable outcomes are more likely to be repeated while those followed by undesirable outcomes are less likely to be repeated
who is B.F skinner?
founder of modern behavioral perspective research on operant conditioning and schedules of enviornment.
what is ten Skinner box?
chamber was a box that could hold a small animalin it.
-contained a button that would be pressed by the animal to recieve a reward.
what is operant conditioning?
method of learning that occurs through rewards and punsihments for behavior
what is shaping?
procedure which reinforces gradually guide an animals action toward a desired complex behavior.
what is chaining?
breaks a task down into small steps and then teaches each step within the sequence by itself.
what is reinforcing stimulus?
any event that srengthens or increases the behavior as it follows
what is positive reinforcement?
favourbale events or outcomes that are presented after the behavior, strengthens the response
what is negative reinforcement?
removal of unfavourable events or outcomes after the display of behavior
what is primary reinforcement?
occurs naturally and doesnt require leanring to work. ex, food, air sleep, water, sex
what are secondary reinforcers?
stimuli that have become rewarding by being paired wuth another reinforcing stimulus
-learned through association
what is a token reinforcer?
can be exchanged with material reinforcer, services, or privellages otherwise the token is worthless
what is a punishing stimulus?
adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in the bheavior as it follows.
what is positive punishment?
presents an unfavourble event or outcome in order to weaken the response it follows
what is negative punishment?
when favourable event or outcome is removed after behavior occurs
what is the overjustification effect?
being rewarded for doing something actually diminishes intrinstic motivation to perform that action
what are schedules of reinforcement?
pattern that defines how often a desried response will be reinforced.
what is continuous reinforcement?
desired behavior is reinforced each and every time it occurs
what is partial reinforcement?
the response is reinforced only part of the time
what is fixed ?
number of times intervals is constant
what is a variable?
number of behaviours or length of time intervals
what is a ratio?
amount of responses
what is a interval?
based on time
what is a fixed-ratio schedule?
response is reinforced only afer a specific # of responses
what is a variable-ratio schedule?
responss is reinforced after an unpredictable # of responses
what is a foxed-interval schedule?
first response is rewarded only after a specific amount of time has elapsed.
what is the variable-interval schedule?
occurs when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time.
what is observational learning?
process of learning through watching others then replicating the behaviors that were observed.
what are mirror neurons?
nervous system cells that fire both when doing a behavior and also when observing another doing the behavior.
ex, watching a scary movie and feeling scared like youre there
what is insight learning?
sudden realization of the problems solution that “just came to you”
-light bulb.
what is latent learning?
One can learn something but not show the behavior right away