Unit 3 - National Interests Flashcards
What are national interests?
Specific goals of a nation. Could be cultural, political, economic, religious, or military related.
What is a internationalist?
Their interests are related to the goals of the world’s citizens.
What is a nationalist?
Concerned with the wellbeing of own country’s citizens.
What is soverignty?
A nation’s right to govern itself, and its land. This is recognized by other nation.
Case study: Canada’s northern sovereignty. What are Canada’s goals?
Promote stability through peace + reduce carbon emissions.
Why is Canada interested in the arctic?
World’s largest oil reserves, preservation of territory, and indigenous groups in the arctic.
How can Canada achieve its national interests regarding the arctic?
Building a military base, resolving land problems with aboriginal peoples, moving goods though the Northwest passage, and through expanding development + resource discovery.
Which country is already accessing resources in the north (arctic)?
Who has offered Canada help to defend the north?
In 2021, Britain has offered Canada help.
What were the ideas regarding nationalism in the 19th to 20th centuries?
Loyalty should be to a nation of people with a common culture.
How were nation-states developed in the 19-20th century?
People with commonalities, like religion/language, came together.
What are some bonds that create a nation-state?
Ethnicity, language, culture, and history (common past experience).
National interest: What is economic prosperity, security +safety, and beliefs + values?
Employment, standard of living, passing laws, making treaties; protecting citizens, securing borders, resolving issues with other countries; affirming the beliefs of its citizens, ensuring quality of life, and concern for land + environment.
What is the Congress of Vienna (1815)?
Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia re-drew borders, which was influenced by the Napoleonic wars. Nationalism was ignored for peace preservation by creating power balance. (Each nation would have equal power + monarchs were brought back) Germany and Italy were divided.
What was the age of revolution in Europe?
Every nation went through a revolution during 1820-1850.
Who ruled the parts of Italy before Italian unitfication?
1815, Italy was still divided and Austria riled Venetia and Lombardy. Spanish riled the two Sicilies, and the Pope controlled the Papal states.
Who were the leaders in the Italian unification?
Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Cavour.
Who is Mazzini?
He formed a nationalist group in 1832, and wanted to unify Italy on the basis of culture + language. His nationalist movement, Risorgimento, failed in 1848, and the leaders were exiled.
Who is Cavour?
He would unify the North, and he used diplomacy + alliances to do so. He was the PM of Piedmont Sardinia.
Who is Garibalidi?
Leader of the Red Shirts (Italian nationalist group), and he gained control of Sicily in 1860. He unified the south and was pressured to merge with the north.
Who is Victor Emmanuel 1?
In 1861, Italy unified and placed him as king.
Even though Cavour died…?
He was happy that Italy was unified.
How was the Italian unification achieved?
It was achieved through diplomacy and timing, rather than military greatness.
What were the challenges after unification?
Italy was poor, there were riots in the south, and problems with the different ways of life + dialects. There were problems with the industrial north, and the agricultural south. Disorganized politics led to instability.
How did Napoleon impact Germany?
He took lots of German land, and put them under French rule. He makes changes to German territorial states, and even though German initially liked his policies, extreme nationalism rose.
What was the German confederation?
German states made this confederation, and Austria + Prussia dominated it.
Who was Otto Von Bismarck and what were his policies?
He was the PM of Prussia, and a nationalist. His policies revolved around unifying the German people through geography, language, and culture. He will eventually become the 1st chancellor.
What is realpolitik? (Bismarck)
No idealism, only realism. This was Bismarck’s policy.
What is the policy of blood + iron? (Bismarck)
Blood: Wars of unification; Iron: Industrial + Imperial expansion. This was Bismarck’s policy.
How did the balance of power shift (Europe with Germany’s rise)?
In 1871, Germany and Britain become the most powerful countries. Power balance is destroyed.
What were the underlying causes of WW1?
German unification, militarism, alliances, and imperialism.
What is the relation between nationalism and WW1?
Countries fought to keep or retain their national prestige.
What was the Berlin conference (1885)?
Divided Africa between colonies, and created competition between European nations.
What did Russia want from WW1?
They wanted their redemption after a humiliating loss to Japan.
What did Serbia want from WW1?
They wanted to be recognized as an independent country.
What did Germany want from WW1?
They wanted to profess that they were a dominant power.
What did Austria-Hungary want from WW1?
Wanted to keep control over their empire.
What did the UK want from WW1?
Wanted to keep supremacy over other European nations.
What did France want from WW1?
They wanted revenge for the Franco-Prussian war.
What were the tensions in the Balkans?
The major powers influenced the Balkans, and increased tensions between powerful nation-states. There were also religious conflicts between Christian nations and the Ottoman empire.
What is Serbian nationalism? What is the Black Hand, and what inspired their endeavors.
The Black Hand (nationalist group in Serbia) wished to unite Slavic people with the Balkans. they wanted to kill Archduke Ferdinand. They were inspired by Germany/Italy.
Who kills the Archduke, and why is this important to igniting WW1?
Princip kills the Archduke to express national interests in Sarajevo. This increases tensions and becomes the catalyst for WW1.
What is the Triple Entente, and who are its members?
Italy, Britain, Canada, France, Russia, and the United States.
What is the Triple Alliance and who are its members?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, …
What is Woodrow Wilson’s peace plan? (Three themes it was based upon)
1918, Wilson showed his vision for European peace through a plan that was based upon self-determination, diplomacy, and collective security.
What were Wilson’s 14 points?
Open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, free trade, reduction of armaments, adjustment of colonial claims, give back conquered territories to Russia, Belgian sovereignty, give back French land, redraw Italian borders, divide Austria-Hungary, redraw Balkans, limits of Turkey, Poland, and the League of Nations.
What was the Paris Peace conference (1919)?
This occurred in Versailles, and the purpose was to sign a treaty to end WW1.
What was the Treaty of Versailles? Who was excluded?
4 countries negotiated the Treaty of Versailles. Italy, Britain, France, and the US. Germany and Japan were excluded.
What did France want to do after the war? (The peace, moderate, revenge spectrum)
Clemenceau wanted revenge and for Germany to make reparations.
What did USA want to do after the war? (The peace, moderate, revenge spectrum)
USA wanted peace, and didn’t want Germany to pay.
What did UK want to do after the war? (The peace, moderate, revenge spectrum)
They were moderate, and wished to preserve Poland’s land.
What did Italy want to do after the war? (The peace, moderate, revenge spectrum)
Moderate, wanted the promised land for switching sides.
Which country’s national interests were reflected in the Treaty of Versailles and what were they?
France’s national desires won, and Germany will have to pay for the war. France chose national interests over international interests.
What was Germany’s punishment’?
Reduction of their military, loss of territory, demilitarization, war-guilt, and reparation payments.
What is the League of Nations?
They were created as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, and their goals were to prevent future wars + end conflicts peacefully.
Which major countries were not included in the League of Nations?
US, USSR, and Germany.
What is isolationism?
Remaining apart from the political affairs of other nations.
Interwar period: What is ultranationalism
An extreme form of nationalism that included hostility towards other nations. It causes conflicts and promotes the interest of one nation over another.
What are the qualities of an ultranationalist nation?
1) National interests > personal interests.
2) Extreme displays of patriotism.
3) Use of propaganda and indoctrination.
4) Charismatic leadership.
5) Restriction of rights and freedoms.
6) Force is used to create fear.
What is fascism?
Values strength and dictatorial power. It controls society + economy. It values hierarchy, violence, and traditionalism.
What is expansionism?
Territorial or economic expansion policy.
What is traditionalism?
Traditional gender roles and social cohesion.
Why did Japan invade Manchuria (1931)? Problems it dealt with economically.
They struggled as an island country, limited arable land, and had a big populace. They were not self-sufficient, and in 1929, the stock market crash worsened Japan’s economic condition. They needed more land!
How did the League of Nations respond to Japan’s invasion of Manchuria?
The league identified Japan to be the aggressor, but no consequences arose. Nations were more concerned about their country’s’ economic situations as they were in the Great Depression.
Italy: Who is Mussolini?
Mussolini is the father of fascism, and was a dictator of Italy.
How and why was Abyssinia conquered (1935)?
Italy wanted more colonial land in Africa, they tried to conquer Abyssinia in 1896, but failed. They also desired to unify their colonies so they invade again in 1935.
What did the League do about Italy’s invading Abyssinia?
The League condemns Italy, but does nothing to assist Abyssinia. This proved the League was toothless and unwilling to take military action to support its members.
What were the major issues with the League of Nations?
Absence of major powers (USSR, USA), no army commitment from its members (lack of collective security), and failure to intervene in 2 global events (Manchuria and Abyssinia).
What were the political problems in Germany after WW1? (War-guilt + land loss)
Germany was humiliated through the war-guilt clause which blamed them for the world war. Loss of land also created problems (to France, East Prussia, and Poland.)
What were the economic problems in Germany?
Deficit budget (social spending was high), $33 billion dollars in reparations, and protective tariffs.
Why was the democratic government (Weimar Republic) disliked by German people?
Democratic government was new for German people; they were considered ineffective and was disconnected with the German people.
Germany: What was the hyperinflation of 1923?
Germany struggled to make reparation payments, so they printed more money. This devalued the German mark and resulted in hyperinflation.
What is the Great Depression (1929)?
The American stock market crashes, and puts the world in to uncertain economic times.
How and when did Hitler come to power?
In 1933, Hitler becomes chancellor, in 1936 Hitler merges president and chancellor. he came to power through democratic means. 1934, Hitler becomes Fuhrer.
What is the enabling act 1933?
Gave the German cabinet power to make laws without the Reichstag, and Hitler gets a legal dictatorship through this.
What were the national interests of the Nazis?
National honor (Germany is reestablished as a powerful nation, rebuilding of Germany’s military power, and cease of reparations), Territory (Lebensraum, unification of all Germans - Denmark, Austria, etc.), Retribution (Scapegoating to promote anti-Semitic views, already present in society, in Germany).
What is propaganda and how was it used in Nazi Germany? Who is Nazi minister of propaganda?
Art of persuasion, used to spread beliefs by distortion or deception. This fuels nationalism/ultranationalism. The Nazi relied on it to get support. Joseph Gobbles is the Nazi minister of propaganda.
What is indoctrination and how was it used in Nazi Germany?
Germany began to accept Nazi ideals from a young age, they were influenced by Hitler youth movements.
What is scapegoating and how was it used in Nazi Germany?
Placing the blame on other groups; this was used to persecute Jews, etc.
How did Hitler solve Germany’s economic problems?
State control of the economy, and the economy was based on the country’s needs. There were public works projects, large government buildings restored nationalism, and reparation payments were stopped.
How was Germany unified under Nazi rule (ideologies)?
German territory that’s been seized should be reunited.
What places (land) were retained during Nazi rule?
Remilitarize Rhineland 1936, Annex Austria 1938, Annex Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) 1939.
How was Hitler’s leadership used to persuade German people.
Hitler was a charismatic, animated, and motivating leader. He engaged with the public.
What is Lebensraum?
Land that a nation considers is necessary for its development.
How was patriotism displayed in Nazi Germany?
Through speeches, rallied, etc. (Nuremberg rallies, reinforced through patriotism).
How was force used to instill fear in Nazi Germany?
Fear was instilled through stormtroopers and concentration camps.
What is appeasement?
Giving into demands demands to avoid conflicts.
What are Nuremberg laws?
Nazi laws that promoted discrimination aganist Jewish people.
What happened in Russia after WW1? Who became the leader afterwards?
The monarchy was overthrow, which led to more civil war and suffering. Lenin rose as a communist leader.
What was national identity in the Soviet Union?
It was based on shared ideology rather than ethnicity, language, or culture.
What was Soviet Union communism?
1 party state, state control economy, and economic problems can be solved through collectivism.
Who is Joseph Stalin and what did he do?
1928, he came to power, and objectors were executed or forced to labor camps.
What are Gulags, and who was imprisoned there?
They are work camps for political prisoners. They confiscated crops from Ukrainian farmers when they refused to give up their lands.
Stalin: What was the great purge?
Elimination of objectors.
How was appeasement made for Hitler?
Foreign policy practiced by UK and US when they gave Hitler a concession to avoid WW2. World was still in Great Depression, many countries couldn’t fight.
What did the League of Nations do to prevent Hitler’s actions?
They didn’t enforce the tray of Versailles on Hitler’s army. Hitler continues to pursue expansionism in Austria, and Czechoslovakia.
What is Anschluss?
The Leader of the Austrian Nazi party invites Hitler to invade Austria. Germany annexes Austria in 1938; this goes against the Treaty of Versailles.
What is the Munich agreement?
France, Britain, Germany + Italy meet to discuss German expansionism. Sudetenland is given to Germany, even though Czechoslovakia was not invited to discuss.
WW2: Who are the axis members?
Japan, Germany, and Italy.
WW2: Who are the alliance members?
England, France, and Canada.
Beginning of the war: Which country does Germany invade?
Poland is invaded, and Britain + France issue an ultimatum to leave Poland.
What countries declare war with Germany and when?
Britain and France in 1939, and eventually Canada as well.
Germany moves west: What other countries did Germany conquer and when?
Norway and Denmark are invaded in 1940, both countries are captured. Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg are also captured.
What are the Blitzkrieg methods?
‘Lighting war,’ military tactics to inflict surprise upon the enemy.
What was the miracle at Dunkirk?
Allied forces were trapped in Dunkirk, but the alkies needed the troops that were stuck there. People were eventually evacuated from there.
What and when was the Battle of Britain?
In 1940, with air raids and unrestricted submarine warfare.
What and when was operation Barbarossa?
Hitler decides to postpone invading Britain and chooses to invade the USSR in 1941. He violate the non-aggression pact, which urged the soviet to join the allies.
What was the war in the pacific (catalyst between Japan and US conflict)?
US was still neutral, but provided aid to Britain. Pear Harbor was attacked in 1941 by Japan; this provoked America to declare war on the Axis powers.
How was the attempt to retake Europe - Dieppe 1942?
A sea invasion by the Canadian and British, but resulted in a quick defeat. This showed that the allies were not ready to retake France.
How was Italy taken in WW2?
Canada, America, + British invades Southern Italy in 1943, Italy surrenders and join the allies, but Germany remains in Italy till 1945.
What was the D-Day invasion?
Allies invade Normandy in 1944, and they are able to control the beach and bring supplies + manpower to France.
What was the Battle of the Bulge? Why is it significant?
The allies win with superior air + man power.
Why and how did Nazi’s refuse to surrender? When did they surrender?
Hitler declares total war, men and women, and every child would fight till the end. They surrender in 1945.
Why did Hitler commit suicide?
Because the soviets surround Berlin, and Hitler commits suicide with his wife.
How was Germany conquered and divided? What document was signed.
Allies take over, and Germany is divided into 4 zones. The UN charter is signed.
How did the war between Japan and America cease?
US fights Japanese all the way to Japan. They force japan to surrender, and bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This makes Japan surrender in 1945, officially ending WW2.
WW1: What was conscription in Canada?
In 1917, Borden puts in conscription. Rejected by Quebecers as they believed it to be pro-British.
WW2: What was conscription in Canada?
PM King says conscription won’t be used in WW2. Introduces a limited form of conscription; won’t have to leave for overseas. Eventually, troops were forced to head overseas in 1944.
Internment in Canada: What was the war measures act 1914? How was it used during interment?
The Canadian government possesses more power during wars to maintain security and order. Suspend the civil liberties of ‘enemy aliens’.
What groups were interned during WW1? What group formed the majority?
Ukrainians (majority), Germans, Turks, and Bulgarians.
What is disenfranchisement?
Losing the right to vote.
What groups were interned during WW2? What group formed the majority?
Germans, Italians, and Japanese (majority).
What (event) prompted the government to intern Japanese people? What events followed?
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor → BC seizes Japanese boats and radios → Japanese Canadians are relocated → Gov. sells property of Japanese → Japanese Canadians are given the choice to move east or to go to Japan.
How did Canada receive Jewish refugees in WW2?
1939, Canada turns away Jewish refugees as the Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, liked Hitler’s policies.
What is a genocide?
Doing things to destroy a racial, ethnic, religious, national group. This is punishable under the convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide.
What is a crime against humanity?
Widespread attacks against a group of people through murder, rape, torture, apartheid, deportation, etc.
What are war crimes?
Willfully killing, torturing, or inhuman treatment towards a group of people, or people on a peacekeeping mission.
What is the genocide convention?
An international treaty that criminalizes genocide and mandates it prohibition. It was adopted by the UN in 1948.
What is the Genocide Watch?
To predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide.
What are three things required to prevent genocide?
Early warning, rapid response, and courts of accountability.
What are the 10 stages of genocide?
Classification → symbolization → discrimination → dehumanization → organization → polarization → preparation → persecution → extermination → denial.
What is the name for the countries that were created by breaking up the Austro-Hungarian Empire?
Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.
What countries were made in 1919?
Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland