Unit 2 - Shaping Nationalism Flashcards
How was life before the French revolution?
- Roman empire fell.
- American revolution.
- English civil war.
- Feudalism/mercantilism.
How did the roman empire fall?
Divide/unrest between slaves and free people, high taxes, rise of Christian religion, and barbarians.
What is feudalism?
Euro. social system that didn’t have much mobility. It was divided between peasants, knights, lords, and then the King.
How was feudalism like for low and upper class?
The peasants starve, were poor, had small homes, payed high taxes, etc. For the upper class, all the money flowed to the nobles, ample basic needs, little taxes and low responsibility.
What was the renaissance and enlightenment period?
New way of thinking was constructed, and it was a cultural movement.
What were the key ideas of the renaissance?
Humanism, church → science, placed importance on a questioning, curious mind.
What were the key ideas of the enlightenment?
People questioned divine right, and economic restructuring. Reason and logic were more valued than faith and superstition.
Who were some key enlightenment thinkers?
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu.
What is mercantilism?
A theory that uses colonies and protectionism to earn profit through trade.
What were the events that led to the American revolution?
Seven years’ war, Royal proclamation of 1763, colonists being taxed, and the Boston Tea Party.
What was the Boston tea party (igniter)?
Taxes were imposed on tea to resolve Britain’s debt. In retaliation, American colonists dumped tea into the ocean. This was the catalyst for the American revolution.
What events occurred during the American revolutions?
This was the fight for independence against Britain, and it proceeded after Britain tightened its rule over the colonies.
What is unification nationalism?
When a larger nation is combined under common ideals.
What is the “melting pot”?
America’s culture “melted” people from different cultures and backgrounds; this was assimilative.
What is the American civil war?
The confederates (south) wanted slavery, but the unionists (north) opposed slavery. Lincoln freed all slaves in 1862, and this led to the civil war. This decision was meant to create unity, but created divisiness.
What caused the American revolution?
Religious intolerance, enlightenment, economic distress, social injustice, unpopular method of rule, and nationalism.
What is the American dream?
Hard work and determination can be used to achieve one’s goals, rather than socioeconomic status.
What is prestige nationalism?
Nationalism’s admired because of country’s strong and distinguished past.
What is Jingoism?
Extreme nationalism in the form of warlike policies.
French revolution: What is the old regime?
Socio-political system in 18th century Europe.
What is absolutism?
The monarch had complete control over their subjects.
What are the first, second, and third estates?
The first estate was made up of the clergy, the second estate was made up of the nobles, and the third, the peasants.
How was government under the old regime?
The monarch ruled by divine right, so they can’t be questioned. The king appointed governors, tax collectors, enforced law, decided how taxes were spent, and could imprison people without reason.
What were the economic conditions under the old regime?
The country economy was based on agriculture, peasant farmers had taxes, the Bourgeoisie of the third estate had wealth, but didn’t want to pay taxes.
What is deficit spending, and how did France become bankrupt?
When the government spends more money than it makes from taxes. Money was wasted by the king and queen, and used to fund the American revolution.
What was the philosophy of the French revolution?
The enlightenment theories were used, such as natural law, and questioning divine right. People became more secular in thinking, and used logic, rather than faith.
What were the long term causes of the French revolution?
Absolutism, mercantilism, influence of enlightenment theories, poor harvests (little tax money), and influence of other revolutions.
What were the short term causes of the French revolution?
Fear, bankruptcy, and the estates-general meeting.
What was the Estates general meeting, and what was discussed? + National Assembly.
This called representatives from each estate to discuss how to fix bankruptcy. Each estate had one vote, the first +second would make a bloc to prevent the third from getting its reforms. Third estate requested rep by pop, would give it an advantage. The third estate became the national assembly, and Louis forbid them from the meeting.
What was the Tennis Court Oath?
The National assembly convened at a different location and swore to rewrite France’s constitution. In 1789, Louis agreed to rep by pop, and asked them to come.
What was the national assembly (1789-91) +storming of the Bastille?
They heard Louis didn’t want a constitution and planned to involve military, so they stormed the Bastille, which represented royal authority in Paris.
What were emigres and why were they a threat?
Emigres were nobles that fled the country. They were a threat as they might seek foreign help.
Who stormed Versailles?
Armed peasant women, and they placed the royals under house arrest.
What were the changes that occurred during the national assembly?
Created the rights of man, and equality. Taxes were based on how much you can pay.
What were the Rights of Man?
Freedom of speech, religion, press, guaranteed property rights, right to trial, right to create laws.
What did Olympe de Gouges do to support feminism?
Olympe wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman to emphasize women should benefit and be equal to governmental reforms.
How were special privileges ended?
Church land was take and redistributed, and a law made to elect church officials (2/3rd fled country), governors, and judges were elected as well.
What was the constitution of 1791?
Limited the monarchy, destroyed feudalism, but only gave voting rights, and offices to tax payees.
Why did the royals attempt to escape?
They did so to gather assistance from Austria.
What was the coalition against the government? What were the results?
The convention drafted soldiers, and people fought because they didn’t want the old regime back. France defeated the coalition, and got territory.
What was the Reign of Terror (1793-94)? What is the Committee of Public Safety?
Jacobins, led by Danton, dominate in French politics, and the committee of public safety is created. People who spoke against the revolution were executed for treason, including innovative thinkers.
How did the Reign of Terror end (change during the period)?
Danton wanted it to end finally, but he was guillotined. Robespierre became the new leader, and the executions continued.
What was the Thermidorian reaction?
It ended the reign of terror and Robespierre + other committee members were executed.
What is the directory (1795-99)?
Created to bring order, but had corruption, and people became more frustrated.
What did Napoleon do to come to power?
He organized a coup d’état, and overthrew the government.
What did Napoleon do for France (general)?
Napoleon led successful attacks, brought reforms, and produced stability.
What is the Napoleonic code?
All men were equal, and guaranteed freedom of occupation + religion. This didn’t create equality for women, stripped them of their existing rights.
What was the continental system?
Britain provided help to his enemies. To fight back, he made the continental system, this prohibited trade for French merchants with Britain.
How did Napoleon invade Russia?
Napoleon creates the biggest army in 1811, and proceeds to attack the Russians in 1812. The Russians lost, but the French suffered lots of casualties.
What was the Scorched Earth policy and how did the Russians use it against the French?
The Russians burned everything as they fled the French, leaving them no supplies. The French had no food/shelter.
How was Napoleon’s army’s return?
They had to leave Moscow because it was winter. Disease, famine, and death killed many soldiers. A surprise attack from the Cossacks killed many more.
How was Napoleon’s second attempt?
He gathered more soldiers to fight again, but was defeated in Germany, and removed as emperor exiled. His attempts fall in vain once again.
Why and how did France return to a constitutional monarchy?
After Napoleon’s death, France faced turmoil, so they turned to King Louis XVIII for a constitutional monarchy.
What reformations did Napoleon bring?
Education system, standardization, improved economy and equality, had scientific achievement, and French cultural supremacy increased, nationalism and virtue increased as well.
What was the Congress of Vienna (1815):
To ensure that Europe had stability, after Napoleon’s reign, they met to determine borders and negotiate peace after continuous warfare.
Haitian revolution: Why was Haiti valued?
It made lots of profit through sugar production.
How did the White enslavers treat the enslaved people?
They used brutal techniques to terrorize the slaves as the white population was low, but the slave population high.
What occurred during the French revolution, in relation to Haiti?
White settlers wanted independence. Boukman Dutty, called for a slaves revolt. In 1791, slaves burned the sugar and killed the enslavers.
Who was Toussaint L’Ouverture?
He was an educated former slave who wanted independence for Haiti and no slavery. He rallied revolts, and in 1801, took control, free slaves, + made a constitution. In 1801, Haiti became independent.
What did Napoleon do to Haiti when he came in power?
He wanted the rich colony back so he decided to fight the revolution. He came to an agreement with L’Ouverture, and compromised on no slavery = no revolution.
How did L’Ouverture die?
He was accused of planning another uprising and sent to jail. There he died.
What occurred after L’Ouverture’s death?
Haiti returned to being a French colony, and slavery was put back in. Haitians still revolted.
How did Haiti gain independence? Who was Dessalines?
Dessalines organized an army to fight the French, many French soldiers died from yellow fever. Napoleon abandoned Haiti and sold the French land in America as well.
What did Dessalines do after independence?
He killed the remaining white people, and claimed himself as “Emperor of Haiti.” He was assassinated later on.
When did Haiti become a republic?
In 1820, but agriculture was devastated + lack of skilled labor + education led to instability.
What is despotism?
Total control in a harming way/dictatorship.