Unit 3 (K1/2) - Divisions of the Nervous System & The Cerebral Cortex Flashcards
What is the Nervous System divided into?
The Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).
What is the Central Nervous System composed of?
The brain and spinal cord.
What is the Peripheral Nervous System made up of?
The PNS is made up from sensory neurons carrying impulses from the receptors to the CNS and motor neurons which carry impulses from CNS to the muscles.
What can the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) be divided into?
The somatic and autonomic nervous system.
What does the Somatic Nervous System (SNS) control?
Voluntary movement of skeletal muscles.
What functions does the Somatic Nervous System (SNS) deal with?
Deals with functions under conscious such as walking and speaking.
What does the autonomic system control?
Involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, breathing and peristalsis.
What can the autonomic nervous system be divided into?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic.
What does antagonistic mean?
They affect the same structure, but have the opposite effect.
What does the parasympathetic system reduce in the body?
1) Heart Rate
2) Breathing Rate
3) Blood flow to the skeletal muscles
What does the parasympathetic system increase in the body?
1) Intestinal secretions in the digestive system
2) Increases peristalsis
3) Increased blood flow to the smooth muscle of the digestive system
What does the sympathetic system increase in the body?
1) Heart Rate
2) Breathing Rate
3) Blood flow from digestive system to skeletal muscles.
What does the sympathetic system decrease?
1) Peristalsis
2) Intestinal Secretions
What are the different types of neural pathways?
1) Converging
2) Diverging
3) Reverberating
What occurs during a converging neural pathway?
This is where impulses from several impulses travel to one neuron e.g. increasing sensitivity to low levels of illumination.
What occurs during a diverging neural pathway?
This is where impulses from one neuron travel to several neurons e.g. fine motor control of fingers.
What occurs during a reverberating neural pathway?
This is where neurons later in the pathway link with earlier neurons, sending the impulse back through the pathway e.g. repetitive activities such as breathing.
What does the brain consist of?
The central core, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex.
What does the medulla control?
The autonomic nervous system regulating basic life processes such as breathing and heart rate.
What does the cerebellum control?
1) coordination
2) movement
3) balance
4) posture
What does the central core contain?
1) Medulla
2) Cerebellum
What does the cerebral cortex do?
1) It is the centre of conscious thought.
2) Recalls memories
3) Alters behaviour in light of experience.
What are the three types of functional area in the cerebral cortex?
1) Sensory
2) Association
3) Motor
What does the Sensory areas do in the cerebral cortex?
Receive information as sensory impulses from the body’s receptors.