Unit 3 - Industrial Revolution Flashcards
The Enclosure acts
Previously, there was common land shared by peasants to farm on. However, the government made it so that it all became private, making it so that peasants had to work for someone or move to cities and work in factories
Britain’s advantage: natural resources
had iron and coal and sheep, farmland, rivers and coastline and ports, island
British advantage: economy and gov
domestic and foreign markets, banking system and low interest rates, lots of wealthy individuals. Had a parliament which supported businesses, promoted science and was stable
Scientific farming
fallow fields replaced with turnips and clover instead of wheat and barley as usual. Seed drill allowed farmers to lay down seeds well spaced and in rows. Selective breeding by humans was used.
inventions that helped Britain (excluding farming ones)
Spinning wheel, textiles, steam engine,
effects of industrialization
created many jobs, working conditions got worse before they got much better. Standard of living rose w/ economy. Cities got super crowded and then less so as the suburbs were flooded by city escapees. City hygiene got worse before it got better with putting in place sewers, building codes, water, etc.
Textile inventions
flying shuttle: increased speed of weaving / spinning jenny: spun 8-10 threads at a time / water frame: large spinning machine used in a factory and powered by water / power loom: automatically wove thread into cloth and water powered / cotton gin: separated seed from raw cotton