unit 3 exam quizziz Flashcards
the stapedius muscle reflex protects auditory system against
intense sounds
stapes connects to _____ and _______
oval window and incus
damaging scalia media would affect
organ of corti
outer hair cells _________ and ___________
fine tune organ of corti and help discriminate frequencies
95% afferent carry info from ______ to _______
inner hair cells to brain
music through left speaker stimulates ________ and ________
right inferior colliculus and medial geniculate nucleus
_________ __________ differentiates between speech and non-speech
auditory cortex
cortical processing of “where” accomplished by
dorsal stream of processing involving parietal
dampens auditory sensations by restricting movement of tympanic membrane
fluid build up
what 2 structures protect from loud noises
tensori tympani and stapedius
most important factor for adaptation to light intensity
availability of Ca ions
best way to see a dim star is to look for it ___________ in your visual field
slightly off center (FOVEA ONLY HAS CONES (color) - RODS ARE LIGHT RECEPTORS)
problem if damage to superior colliculi
you would no longer be able to orient your gaze to see an object
sequence of route for visual info
optic nerve —> optic tract —> optic radiations
damage to nasal retinal ganglion cell axons from both eyes would = scotoma to
left and right visual fields (you’d lose extreme parts of both visual fields)
process that enhances
lateral inhibition
inhibitor of NT ________ causes pupil to _______
acetylcholine; dilate
light —> neural signals
damage to _____ results in loss of ability to detect illusory contours
parvocellular part of primate LGN consists of
4 outer layers
ocular dominance, color, location in vision field all represented in
primary visual cortex (V1)
V4 has cells that respond to
concentric and radial stimuli
in V5, cells sensitive to _______ but not to _______
movement but not to wavelength
V1 =
striate cortex
1st place in visual system where info from left and right eye is shared
primary visual cortex / striate cortex
extrastriate cortex =
V2, V3, V4, V5
V2 is for
illusory contours and borders
V4 is for
concentric and radial, color
V5 is for
AKA MT, for movement, akinetopsia
can’t see movement
parts of LGN
magnacellular, parvocellular, koniocellular
inner 2 layers of LGN
outer 4 layers of LGN for red and green colors
sun layers of LGN for blue and yellow color
go to photos and look at color picture
correctly label a, b, c, d
a: s cones, b: rods, c: m cones, d: l cones
go to photos and look at graph pic
which one is +(L+M) /-S spectrally opponent cell
graph c
twice as many ___ receptors than ____ receptors, and far fewer _____ receptors
L, M, S
dorsal stream of processing = _____
ventral stream of processing = _____
where, what
damage to V5 area would mean
no motion of rollercoaster
focal point in front of retina —>
myopia - eyeball is too long
myopia more common since public schooling suggests that
it’s quality of indoor lighting increases myopia
truth about visual deficiencies
loss of retinal pigmented epithelium in fovea leads to blurry, but seeable, for macular degeneration
______ chromosome with genes for M and L cones that makes color blindness more prevalent in ______
X; men
informs a motor program about how execution of movement is going
feedback from movement and motor program
movement control systems have a tradeoff between
speed and accuracy
system with preprogrammed activity
open loop control mechanisms
do open loop systems have control signal occur after error is detected?
do slow twitch muscle fibers rapidly fatigue?
high innervation ratio characterizes control of _____ movement
motor unit =
single motor axon and all axon fibers it innervates