Unit 3 Exam- New Testament Flashcards
Who was Theophilus?
Means ‘lover of God’, the recipient of Luke’s writings
Who was Matthias?
Chosen to replace Judas as one of the 12 apostles
Who was Peter?
preached the sermon on the Day of Pentecost
Who was Stephen?
one of the seven chosen to serve the church, the Christian martyr who was stoned
Who was Phillip?
One of the seven chosen to serve the church, the evangelist
Who was Saul?
A pharisee, persecuted the church
Who was Luke?
author of Acts, traveled with Paul
Who was Barnabas?
‘Son of Encouragement’, traveled with Paul and Barnabas on the First Missionary journey
Who was John Mark?
author of the Gospel of mark, traveled with Paul and barnabas on the first missionary journey; left the group early
Who were Annanias and Sapphira?
couple who conspired to lie to the church and the Holy Spirit… not a good idea bro
Who were Aquilla and Priscilla?
couple who befriended Paul, tentmakers
Who was Silas?
imprisoned with Paul in Philippi
Who was Timothy?
a young pastor, traveled with Paul
Who was Lydia?
the first convert in Philippi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who was Apollos?
an eloquent preacher who was mentored by Aquilla and Priscilla
Who was James?
brother of John, first of the 12 disciples to be martyred
Who was the James related to Jesus?
half-brother of Jesus, leader of the Jerusalem Church
Who was Dorcas?
raised from the dead by Peter
Who was Cornelius?
first Gentile to be saved
Who was Eutychus?
fell asleep while Paul preached and fell to his death <:0
Who was Onesimus?
a slave converted under Paul’s preaching
Who was Felix?
Governor of Judea who said He would hear Paul when it was convenient
Who was Festus?
Governor of Judea to whom Paul appealed to Caesar
Who was Agrippa?
King who was ‘almost persuaded’ to be a Christian
What was Mars Hill?
site of Paul’s Athenian address
What happened in Jerusalem?
where the first church was founded
What happened in Antioch?
the home church that sent out Paul on his missionary journeys; Where the Believers were first called Christians
What happened on the Road to Damascus?
where Saul was converted to Christ by a Heavenly vision
What happened in Lystra?
where Paul was stoned and left for dead
What happened in Malta?
Where Paul was shipwrecked
What was the Ascension?
Jesus’ return to Heaven
Who was Agabus?
a prophet who foretells Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem
What happened during Pentecost?
When the Holy Spirit fell upon Believers and 3,000 more were saved
Who were the Seven?
men who were selected to help solve an early problem in the church
What was Saul’s conversion?
the Damascus Road experience that changed Saul to Paul- Acts 9
What was the Jerusalem Council?
a meeting of early leaders that determined that a person did not have to become a Jew before he could become a Christian
What does Corinthianize mean?
a slang term for pagan immorality
What was the Macedonian Vision?
a dream in which God called Paul to go west into Greece
Who was Eunice?
Timothy’s mother
Who was Lois?
Timothy’s grandmother
What are the 4 importances of Acts?
It is the only sequel to the gospels, it provides insight into the early church, it’s the background for most of Paul’s letters, and it chronicles THE TRANSITION FROM THE JEWS AS THE PEOPLE OF GOD TO A UNIVERSAL CHURCH
What were the two requirements of an Apostle?
- With Jesus from John’s baptism 2. An eye-witness of the resurrection
What is the Roman Road?
An explanation of how a person is made right with God based only on verses from Romans
What are the 5 points and verses of the Roman Road?
3:23- For all have sinned
6:23- The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus
5:8- God proved his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us
10:9-10 -The terms of salvation: Believe and confess Jesus as Lord
10:13- Call on the name of the Lord
What were the disciples told to expect about the second coming of Jesus? How and when will Jesus return?
He will return in the same way- bodily, visibly, personally, and literally. No one will no the day when Jesus will return.
What were the three Transition steps listed in Acts?
- From the Jewish nation to the universal church 2. Samaritans are indwelt by the Holy Spirit 3. Gentiles are permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit. AND every convert to the faith is immediately baptized and indwelt by the Holy Spirit
What happened during step one?
Peter’s dramatic sermon after pentecost, the church is established, persecution breaks out, barnabas introduced. (Acts 2, 2, 3/4 , 4/5)
Where in Acts is the first step?
Acts 2-5
Where in Acts is the second step of the transition?
Acts 8
Where in Acts is the third step of the transition?
Acts 10
What group of people are referred to as “half-blooded Jews”?
What are two examples of Barnabas living up to the meaning of his name?
- He sponsored Paul into the church right after Paul was converted on Damascus 2. Even after John Mark failed to complete a missionary journey, Barnabas supported him.
How did Paul begin his ministry in a new city?
he taught in synagogues
What is Pentecost?
a Jewish feast celebrated 50 days after Passover
What identifies people as people of God?
the Presence of the Spirit
Why was Saul on the road of Damascus? and what happened?
to persecute followers of “the Way”. He was blinded suddenly by a bright light. He immediately begins to preach Jesus in Damascus. Other disciples were afraid of him, but Barnabas sponsors him into the church
What happens to Herod in chapter 12 of acts?
He has a sudden and gory death.
What happens to Peter in chapter 12 of Acts?
he is imprisoned.
Who were on the first missionary journey?
Saul, Barnabas, and John Mark. Saul’s name is changed to Paul at this time. John Mark leaves early
What was the first major theological issue to face the church?
Must a gentile become a Jew in order to become a Christian?
What is Galatians considered?
the Christian “declaration of independence”. The protestant reformation grew out of its pages
What was Paul’s first letter? And who was it to?
Galatians to the converts of the first missionary journey
Why did Paul write Galatians and what was its theme?
Wrote it to combat the error of the Judaizers who were trying to convert Gentiles to Jews before Christians. The theme is that justification is by faith alone
On the second missionary journey, what happens between Paul and Barnabs?
Paul and Barnabas disagree and separate. Paul takes Silas, while Barnabas takes John Mark.
What main event happened during the second missionary journey?
The Westward Expansion of the Gospel
Where was the first convert in Europe and who was it?
Lydia of Philippi
Where was the first church in Europe?
What do the “we” passages in Acts 19 indicate?
Luke was with Paul during the second missionary journey
What book was written after Galatians?
1 Thessalonians
Where was 1 Thessalonians written from and why?
Written from Corinth in response to inquiries about the deaths of loved ones
What were the themes and key passages of 1 Thessalonians?
- warning against sexual immorality (4:3-8) 2. to assure them of the 2nd coming of Christ and the order of events (4:13-5:11)
Why was 2 Thessalonians written?
to encourage believers to remain faithful and busy until Jesus returns. Contains a warning against being idle
List the Prison Epistles.
Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon
List the Pastoral Letters.
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
How many total books did Paul write?
What is the significance of the character Demus in Paul’s Letters?
Demas was one of Paul’s followers, but left Paul and went to Thessalonica because he loved the world.
Review Paul’s history with John Mark. What important lesson can we learn from John Mark’s life? From Paul’s late response?
From John Mark’s life we can learn that even when you make a mistake, God can still go on to use you later. From Paul’s late response, we can learn that Paul probably was frustrated with John Mark about leaving the Journey. Ultimately, though, he wanted John Mark to accompany Timothy.
What is the significance of Jesus’ last words spoken before the Ascension occurred?
they outline the book of Acts, directing the expansion of the Gospel to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth
What are spiritual gifts?
supernatural abilities given to Christ-followers by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up the Church
Who has spiritual gifts?
every Christ follower!
Who gives them?
the Holy Spirit as he indwells the believer
Is there a gift EVERY believer must have?
What spiritual gift do I have?
I think I have the spiritual gift of being able to guide and be honest. I also LOVE making people laugh! If humor is a spiritual gift, I think I would have it.
What did Paul say about the issue of slavery?
Paul says that slaves should obey their masters in preparation for serving their master in heaven. He says that masters should treat slaves fairly and equally
What was the role of prayer in Paul’s ministry and letters?
prayer is a way to connect with God. He prayed for the people and places in his letters that they would know God, their spiritual growth, and their unity.
Discuss Paul’s High Christology in Colossians
Paul explains the supremacy of Christ and how he is 100% man and 100% God. Jesus was/is both. Jesus is the creator, son of the father,
Cite the examples of Paul claiming his Roman citizenship and explain how his being Roman made a difference.
- When Paul and Silas were in jail, Roman guards went to release them quietly because they had beaten them not knowing they were Roman citizens. Paul claimed citizenship to appeal the quiet release because it was unjust. Acts 16:23
- Paul was about to get lashed, but said that he should have a trial since he is a citizen of rome. Acts 22:27
List characteristics of the first church.
diverse, yet united, prayer, apostles taught, breaking of bread
How did the Macedonian Vision alter history?
It was a westward expansion that led to the Christianization of Europe and developed into the movement of taking Christianity to every continent (like we do now).