Unit 3 Exam- New Testament Flashcards
Who was Theophilus?
Means ‘lover of God’, the recipient of Luke’s writings
Who was Matthias?
Chosen to replace Judas as one of the 12 apostles
Who was Peter?
preached the sermon on the Day of Pentecost
Who was Stephen?
one of the seven chosen to serve the church, the Christian martyr who was stoned
Who was Phillip?
One of the seven chosen to serve the church, the evangelist
Who was Saul?
A pharisee, persecuted the church
Who was Luke?
author of Acts, traveled with Paul
Who was Barnabas?
‘Son of Encouragement’, traveled with Paul and Barnabas on the First Missionary journey
Who was John Mark?
author of the Gospel of mark, traveled with Paul and barnabas on the first missionary journey; left the group early
Who were Annanias and Sapphira?
couple who conspired to lie to the church and the Holy Spirit… not a good idea bro
Who were Aquilla and Priscilla?
couple who befriended Paul, tentmakers
Who was Silas?
imprisoned with Paul in Philippi
Who was Timothy?
a young pastor, traveled with Paul
Who was Lydia?
the first convert in Philippi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who was Apollos?
an eloquent preacher who was mentored by Aquilla and Priscilla
Who was James?
brother of John, first of the 12 disciples to be martyred
Who was the James related to Jesus?
half-brother of Jesus, leader of the Jerusalem Church
Who was Dorcas?
raised from the dead by Peter
Who was Cornelius?
first Gentile to be saved
Who was Eutychus?
fell asleep while Paul preached and fell to his death <:0
Who was Onesimus?
a slave converted under Paul’s preaching
Who was Felix?
Governor of Judea who said He would hear Paul when it was convenient
Who was Festus?
Governor of Judea to whom Paul appealed to Caesar
Who was Agrippa?
King who was ‘almost persuaded’ to be a Christian
What was Mars Hill?
site of Paul’s Athenian address
What happened in Jerusalem?
where the first church was founded
What happened in Antioch?
the home church that sent out Paul on his missionary journeys; Where the Believers were first called Christians
What happened on the Road to Damascus?
where Saul was converted to Christ by a Heavenly vision
What happened in Lystra?
where Paul was stoned and left for dead
What happened in Malta?
Where Paul was shipwrecked
What was the Ascension?
Jesus’ return to Heaven
Who was Agabus?
a prophet who foretells Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem
What happened during Pentecost?
When the Holy Spirit fell upon Believers and 3,000 more were saved
Who were the Seven?
men who were selected to help solve an early problem in the church
What was Saul’s conversion?
the Damascus Road experience that changed Saul to Paul- Acts 9