New Testament Exam 2 Flashcards
List 4 “I AM” Statements
I am the light of the world. I am the good shepherd. I am the vine.
What were the first three of the seven last words Jesus spoke from the cross?
- Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. 2. Today you shall be with me in paradise. 3. Dear woman, here is your son. Here is your mother.
What are the last four of seven last words Jesus spoke from the cross?
- My God, My God! Why have you forsaken me? 2. I thirst. 3. It is finished. 4. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
What were the first three mistreatments of Jesus at his trial?
They bound him, slapped him, and whipped him.
What were the last four of the seven mistreatments of Jesus at His trial?
They mocked him, spit on him, beat him, and crucified him.
Who is Jesus?
the Son of God, the messiah, Christ, the Son of Man
Who was Rahab?
a harlot from Jericho (OT) listed in Jesus’ genealogy
Who was Simon of Cyrene?
forced to carry Jesus’ cross
Who was Bartimaeus?
a blind man healed by Jesus
Who was Elizabeth?
mother of John the Baptist
Who was Herod the Great?
king of Judah when Jesus was born, ordered the “massacre of the innocents”
Who was Joseph?
human father of Jesus
Who was Gabriel?
The angel who announced the birth of Jesus
Who was Mary?
The virgin mother of Jesus
Who was Mary Magdalene?
a follower of Jesus, the first to be told of the resurrection
Who was Judas?
the disciple who betrayed Jesus
Who was Peter?
The disciple who denied Jesus
Who was Barabbas?
the prisoner released instead of Jesus
Who was Zacchaeus?
a tax collector transformed by Jesus
Who was Jairus?
a ruler of the synagogue whose daughter was sick and raised from the dead by Jesus
Who was Joseph of Arimathea?
a Pharisee who gave his own tomb for Jesus’ burial
Who was Caiaphas?
High Priest, ruler of the Sanhedrin during Jesus’ final trial
Who was John?
the beloved disciple, author of the fourth Gospel
Who was Mark?
author of the EARLIEST Gospel
Who was Matthew?
a tax collector who became a disciple of Jesus
Who was Pilate?
the Roman Governor who heard Jesus’ trial
Who was Lazarus?
a friend raised from the dead by Jesus
Who was John the Baptist?
called Jesus “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”
Who was Nicodemus?
a Pharisee who interviewed Jesus at night
Who was Andrew?
a disciple who often brought someone else to Jesus
Who was Thomas?
the disciple who doubted the resurrection of Jesus
Who is Immanuel?
a name of Jesus meaning “God with us.”
What happened in Matthew 3?
The Baptism of Jesus
What happened in Matthew 4?
The Temptation of Jesus
What happened in Matthew 5-7?
The Sermon on the Mount
What happened in Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule
What happened in Matthew 22:34-40?
The Greatest Commandment
What happened in Matthew 24-25?
The Olivet Discourse
What happened in Matthew 28:18-20?
The Great Commission
What happened in Luke 2?
The Christmas Story
What happened in John 3?
Nicodemus. “You must be born again”
What happened in John 6?
The Bread of Life Discourse
What happened in John 17
Jesus Prays for his disciples
What is the first theory developed to explain AWAY the resurrection?
Stolen Body Theory
What was the Stolen Body theory?
They disciples stole the body during the night
What is the second theory developed to explain AWAY the resurrection?
The Wrong Tomb Theory
What was the Wrong Tomb Theory?
The women and disciples became confused and went to the wrong tomb.
What is the third theory developed to explain AWAY the resurrection?
The Swoon Theory
What is the Swoon Theory?
Jesus didn’t really die. He fainted and lapsed into something like a coma. He later awoke in the tomb, pushed the stone away and escaped into the night.
What was the fourth theory developed to explain AWAY the resurrection?
The Hallucination Theory
What was the Hallucination Theory?
The product of wishful thinking, the disciples and women were simply seeing things they wanted desperately to see.
What is the fifth theory developed to explain AWAY the resurrection?
The Imposter Theory
What is the imposter theory?
Someone impersonating Jesus pretended to be resurrected from the dead.
Know five of the seven evidences confirming the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What are the seven?
Eyewitness accounts, changed lives of the apostles, fulfillment of OT prophecy, existence of the Christian church, existence of the NT, the celebration of Sunday as the Lord’s Day, the martyrdom of the Apostles.
What is the order (9 of them) of the Birth Events of Jesus?
Jesus birth foretold, Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, Jesus is born, the shepherds praise him, Jesus presented at the Temple, the wise men visit, the holy family flees to egypt, the massacre of the innocents by Herod, the holy family returns to Nazareth.
What are three reasons for Christian Baptism?
To obey the Lord, follow the Lord’s example, and bear testimony of new life in Jesus
What are the 12 “blessed” statements of the sermon on the mount?
The Beatitudes
What does Jesus say about the Old Testament during the Sermon on the Mount?
He makes it harder to obey the law and be perfect, which sets an unachievable bar. Its to show us that we need Jesus in order to become perfect. (You hear it said, do not commit adultery, but I say to you, anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart.) Matt 5-7
How does Jesus encourage his followers to practice their religious disciplines?
In secret, not in front of others or for others.
What is the miracle recorded in ALL four gospels?
Feeding the 5,000
What are the four categories of Miracles Jesus performed?
Healings, casting out demons, nature, and raising the dead.
What is an example of a healing miracle that Jesus performed?
Jesus healed the blind man, bleeding woman, lame man, etc
What is an example of Jesus casting out demons?
He cast out legion from a man into pigs nearby.
What is an example of Jesus’ miracles over nature?
He calmed the storm, walked on water, multiplied loaves and fish, etc
What is an example of Jesus raising the dead?
He brought Jairus’ daughter to life after she died. He rose Lazarus up from the dead after he had already been buried. wow
Name the Synoptic Gospels.
Matthew, Mark, Luke
What does the term Synoptic mean?
“to see alike” or “a seeing together”
What is the synoptic problem?
questions raised by similarities and dissimilarities of the Synoptic Gospels and the attempts by scholars to determine the order in which they were written and, therefore, which of the authors may have borrowed material from another.
Which Gospel was probably written the earliest?
Which Gospel was undoubtedly the latest written?
What is the background, source of material, time of writing, target audience, and view of Christ in Mark?
Viewed Christ as King. Written to Jews and used more OT than any other gospel, was written in
What is the background, source of material, time of writing, target audience, and view of Christ in Matthew?
What is the background, source of material, time of writing, target audience, and view of Christ in Luke?
What is the background, source of material, time of writing, target audience, and view of Christ in John?
Which gospel gives no account of the birth of Christ?
Which Gospel tells the “cosmic” Christmas story?
What term does John use in introducing the story of Jesus and what is its significance?
The Word (Logos). It establishes Jesus as the God-Man
What basic Christian doctrines are taught through the birth narratives?
Virgin birth, Deity of Christ, Humanity of Christ, and Hypostatic Union
Does the NT teach the sinlessness and perpetual virginity of Mary?
Mathews genealogy lists four women as ancestors of Jesus. Name them and tell who they are.
Rahab- prostitute in Joshuas time. Tamar- a permiscuous woman who had children with her father. Ruth- married Boaz and was the daughter of Naomi. Uriah’s wife Bathsheeba- Seen and taken by King David.
List the miracles accompanying the birth of Jesus.
Virgin conception, angelic involvement, the star, and the dreams
Explain the confusion over the year of Jesus’ birth.
Jesus was actually not born on 0 AD, but rather 4 or 5 because the Christian calendar was miscalculated. Not born on Christmas either.
Describe the significance of John the Baptist’ ministry.
To prepare for the messiah, explain the nature of his work, and baptize him
Why was Jesus baptized?
To fulfill God’s will and set an example
List and describe the three temptations of Jesus.
- Stone to bread, which tested his hunger 2. Use angels to catch you from falling off cliff, which would test his faith 3. Bow down and ill give you all this land, which would test his loyalty.
How did Jesus combat temptation?
quoting scripture
What was the purpose of Jesus’ first miracle?
So that his disciples would believe in him
What two rackets were going on in the temple confines that caused Jesus to cleanse the temple?
selling of expensive sacrificial animals. Expensive rate of change for Hebrew currency.
three bariers jesus overcame with Samaritan woman.
Racial, moral, and gender
How was Jesus recieved when he preached in his hometown of Nazareth?
They tried to lead him off of a cliff after he says that he has come to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy.
What is a parable and give 4 examples in the teaching of Jesus.
A parable is a story made to explain a topic. The word parable means “to place alongside.” Its an earthly issue with a heavenly meaning.
4 reasons Jesus used parables in his teaching.
- to gain attention, 2. stimulate inquiry, 3. to plant seeds, 4. to veil the message from the people who will not believe
Jesus often withdrew from a crowd for good reason. Name three.
- to pray, 2. to rest, 3. to avoid being killed or taken by force by Herod
What two religious habits did Jesus practice regularly?
Synagogue attendance and prayer
What was the sign of Jonah to which Jesus referred.
He would be resurrected in 3 days like Jonah was shot out after 3 days.
One teaching from the Sermon on the mount that I have applied to my life.
I have applied the phrases that Jesus referrs to the OT with. I believe it helps me better understand how powerful our thoughts can be. If we have lust against someone, it is the same as committing adultery. If we hate someone, it is the same as murder. I think these have helped me become better aware of how my thoughts can contain sin.
If one was going to be a disciple, they must do these three things.
deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow him
last supper was during when
during passover
Opposition to Jesus arose over 4 primary issues. List them.
associating w sinners, forgiving sin, failure to observe rituals, failure to observe sabbath