Unit 3: DeLeon on Preference/Reinforcer Assessments Flashcards
method for identifying individual’s preferences amont varios items, events, and activities.
preference assessment
approaches to preference assessment
- indirect (informant-based) methods
- naturalistic (in vivo) direct observation
- reinforcer sampling procedures (empirical)
a systematic preference assessment method to expose individuals to, or provide an individual with, a variety of stimuli or activities and measuring which are preferred.
reinforcer sampling
types of preference assessment
- selection-based preference assessment
- duration-based preference assessment
reinforcer sampling procedure in which items are presented systematically to produce preference hierarchies.
selection-based preference assessment
types of selection-based preference assessment
- single-item/approach method (single-stimulus assessment)
- paired -choice (forced-choice) preference assessment
- multiple-stimulus preference assessment (with or without replacement)
reinforcer samiling procedure in which items are presented, one at a time, in front of the person, and is measured whether or not they were approached. Preference hierarchy is based on the number of times an item was approached given the number of times it was presented.
single-item/approach method (single-stimulus assessment)
reinforcer sampling procedure in which items are presented, two at a time, in front of the person, and it is measured which item was approached. Preference hierarchy is based on the number of times an item was selected given the number of times it was presented.
paired-choice (forced-choice) preference assessment
n (n-1) / 2
formula to calculate the number of trials derived from a paired-choice preference assessment
reinforcer sampling procedure in which all items are presented simultaneously. particpants select one from among all items during each trial
multiple-stimulus preference assessment
types of multiple-stimulus preference assessment
- with replacement
- without replacement
multiple-stimulus preference assessment in which participants select an item from an array. the same array is presented multiple times.
multiple-stimulus with replacement
preference assessment in which items are presented to the individuals and the proportion of time spent engaging the items is recorded as a measure of preference.
duration-based preference assessment
multiple-stimulus preference assessment in which participants select an item from an array. The items selected are removed from the array, and this procedure is repeated until all items have been selected from the array.
multiple-stimulus without replacement
types of duration-based preference assessment
- single item presentation
- free operant (or multiple item) assessments
- competing stimulus preference assessment