unit 3 (chapters 13-16) Flashcards
King Harsha
Indian ruler who attempted to centralize the government in North India after the fall of the Gupta empire
East African state that benefited from Indian Ocean Trade
Two ways Islam reached India
- ) Arabic conquests
- ) Muslim merchants traveling
- ) Migrations of Turkish-speaking people
What dynasty established the equal-field system?
The Tang dynasty
What is the equal-field system?
the allocation of agricultural land, equitable distribution
Who was Li Bai?
the most popular poet during the Tang era
What was the role of samurai in Japan’s political and military affairs?
professional warriors, expanded and protected territories, got peasants for labor in return for their work
What led to the decline of the Abbasid dynasty?
civil wars, revolts, government corruption
Examples of how India prospered from it’s location
increased urbanization, specialized production, spread of beliefs systems
Feudal system in Europe. Who had the least and most power?
Gave the pope and king the most power. Pope, king, lord, vassals, knights, peasants
Two examples of Persian, Indian, and Greek influences on Islam
Persian - writing, administrative techniques
Indian - maths, science, medicines
Greek - philosophy, maths, science, medicines
Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism
What was the basic difference between the caliphate and Mauryan empire in India?
Mauryan - no secular gov’t
Caliphate - theocracy
Two new types of ships
Dhows and junks
The Khmer temple of Angkor Thom shows Hinduism, what does the later temple of Angkor Thom show?
Two southeast Asia states that were influenced by India
Funan and Srivijaya