Unit 3 AOS 1 Part 2 (20%) Flashcards
List the 4 main beliefs in the Category of belief: Ultimate Reality
- There is one God: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- God created Heaven and Earth
- God is truth and love
- God is Father the Almighty
List the 4 main beliefs in the Category of belief: the nature and purpose of human life
- Humans are created in the image and likeness of God
- Humans are created from, by and for love
- Humans are created to spend an eternity with God in heaven
- Humans are created to establish the reign of God on earth
There is One God: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
there is but one God 1 corinthians 8:6
God exists and there is only one God.
He is truth and love, as well as mystery. God is at the same time one, and three persons, or the Trinity.
This is the central mystery of humanity (CCC 178, 261).
God exists as a communion of Persons who perfectly communicate with one another and perfectly support one another.
God created Heaven and Earth: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
OMNIPOTENT- God is the all-powerful and the ‘creator of heaven and earth’ (Apostles creed).
OMNIBENEVOLENT- The world was made for God’s glory, or his unlimited love and goodness CCC 293
IMMANENT- God upholds and sustains creation
God is also Transcendent (beyond creation), Omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all present)
God is truth and love: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
‘God is love’ 1 John 4:16b
Trinity is a perfect relationship of total, self-giving love (Trinitarian love)
God is father the almighty: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
“There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” Deuteronomy 1: 31
God loves and protects like a father
Summarise the Category of Belief: the meaning of suffering
- Suffering is an unavoidable part of the human condition
Suffering is not a part of God’s plan for humanity and isn’t a punishment for doing wrong. Humans are created with free will, the freedom to choose good or bad. - Suffering is the consequence of evil in the world
The wrong relations with God and what God has created, or the result of man’s inhumanity to man, is Moral evil. Natural evil is found in the effects on people and animals of distortions in the natural environment. The first instance of Moral evil was when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and disobeyed God. This is known as the original sin and affects the whole world. Suffering is caused by Moral Evil, or the Original Sin. - Suffering can have meaning and purpose
Suffering can strengthen character, allow for sympathy and compassion, be redemptive and transformative, and open the way to prayer. - Suffering brings humans into solidarity with Jesus Christ
It also brings humans solidarity with Jesus, some adherents of the CCT find comfort in this.
Summarise the Category of Belief: Death and the Afterlife
Adherents of the CCT believe that…
1. God has a plan for humankind
God created Humans with an immortal soul to spend eternity with God in Heaven after they die.
- There is an afterlife
Death isn’t the end, but the beginning, and life is changed not ended. - There is judgement after death
Purgatory is a time of cleansing from sin and preparing for heaven
Hell is a spiritual state of being that is eternal separation from God - The resurrection of the dead
Jesus rising from the dead gives hope for the resurrection of all people/Jesus died so that everyone could be forgiven for their sins and go to heaven and be with God for eternity
Summarise the Category of Belief: The relationship between UR and humanity
- Humans are created in the image and likeness of God
Humans bear a mark of the divine. Man and God are related intimately. The human person is the summit of visible creation. - God, the creator has a plan for humanity
Every person is called to keep the covenant by freely loving God and living in the right relationship with one another and creation. Each person is created for heaven. - God desires to be in a relationship with humans
God created man and wants to know him. He wants humans to choose him of their own free will. - Humans are called to love God
Heaven quote
‘Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfilment of the deepest human longings’ (CCC #1024)
Suffering quote
God is good and his words are good, but everyone experiences suffering and evils in nature, which seems to be caused by moral evil. CCC #385
Love God quote
‘Love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart’ Deut 6:5
Care for Creation Quotes
‘The Lord God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it’ Gen 2: 15
Care for creation and have stewardship over it Genesis 1: 26
Image of God
Genesis 1: 27 ‘God created humankind in his image’
Summarise the Category of Belief: The relationships between humans
- Humanity is called to love one another
humans are called to love one another as is modelled in the Trinity ie Trinitarian love (as God loves) - Every person is created with inherent dignity and worth
God created humankind in his image. Men and women are equal. All life must be respected and upheld and every human has rights. - The human person is a relational being
Humans should seek out relationships with others, and it should be modelled after Trinitarian love - Humans have been offered examples of the life of Jesus Christ
Jesus shows how to live in the Beatitudes- Matthew 5 and Luke 6. Through Jesus, God is forgiving, healing and reconciling
Love quotes
‘love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another John 13:34
‘love your neighbour as yourself’ Mt 22:39
‘live a life of total and complete self-giving love’ James Pauley
Summarise the Category of Belief: The relationship between humanity and the natural world
- God is the creator of all
God created everything with loving design and created humans to enjoy creation with him. Since God is love, and humanity was made in the image of God, we were also made in the image of love. - Humanity have a responsibility to be stewards of creation
God intends for humanity to live in harmony with the environment. We recognise God’s presence in nature and respect it. God entrusted creation to humanity and humanity should act on God’s behalf as creator and practice responsible stewardship. - There is an interrelatedness between human beings and the rest of creation
humans must promote the flourishing of human and all non-human forms of life. They have a responsibility to care for nature in a way that is consistent with God’s will. Creation is an ongoing process. Humans must find nature in the revelation of God. - Humans are ethical beings with an immortal soul
Humans are the apex of creation and have a divine element and are trusted to responsible stewardship. Humans have a moral imperative to care for God’s creation
God is creator quotes (3 quotes)
maker of heaven and earth Nicene Creed
‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’ Gen 1:31
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’ Genesis 1:1
Humans are created in the image and likeness of God: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
‘God created humankind in his image’ Genesis 1: 27
Humans have inherent dignity and worth. Humans are created with free will, created good, and with an immortal soul. Human nature is good, and humans are made in the image of love, as God is love and humans are made in the image of God.
Humans are created from, by and for love: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
God loves humanity, and God is love, therefore humans are called to love one another, creation, and God.
‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Mt 22:39
Humans should emulate Jesus by loving one another
‘Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another’
Humans are created to be relational
Humans should love others by example of Trinitarian love
Humans are created to spend eternity with God in heaven: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God’ Micah 6:8
‘every human being is on a journey with a destination which is ultimately related to God’ CCC 51
Humans are created to establish a new reign of god on earth: List a quote and the important beliefs that stem from this belief
they are called to do this, the main ways they should do this are
by loving one another. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34
to be fruitful and multiply, and have dominion genesis 1:26-27