Rob Galea Flashcards
Malta country
One of the most religious countries in the world 96
Catholic home pg 20
Private Catholic school for boys pg 26
Personal relationship understanding
I really did not understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with god pg 40
Heart vs mind
I believed that in my heart, but my mind was unsure pg 37
Feelings and encounters with god
I liked and loved god but I had never personally encountered him pg 40
Interest god
I hadn’t thought god would be interested in me oh 35
I was losing myself pg 30
Soothing peace pg 34
I sat before him in my room pg 36
Gods immanence begin to understand
There was a god who was with me… all throughout my day pg 36
Personal relationship statement
Personal relationship with god pg 18
Receive the sacrament of reconciliation pg 67
Bible study
I would spend hours praying, reading the bible pg 67
I would spend many hours in that little chapel pg 97
Favourite bible verse
Psalm 46:10 ‘be still and know that I am god’
Ordained into priesthood 5th November 2010
God presence for galea
He is part of my everyday life pg 41
Gods mercy and foregiveness
We need to trust that god in his mercy, will never abandon us pg 183
Gods love
You are unconditionally loved by a good and holy god pg 185
I surrender song
I surrender
Lord, I bring myself to you
Personal relationship years
God walked this earth over 2000 years ago so that we could know him personally pg 41
Faith development
My faith in god began to grow pg 36