Unit 3 and 4 Test Flashcards
the percentage of incoming sunlight reflected from a surface
an organism produced by copying genes from a species with some desirable trait and inserting them into other species of plants, animals, or microbes.
pores spaces found within permeable layers of rock and sediment underneath the soil that store groundwater
unconfined aquifer
porous rock covered by soil
confined aquifer
surrounded by a layer of impermeable rock or clay, which impedes water flow to or from the aquifers
water table
the uppermost level at which the groundwater in a given area fully saturates the rock or soil
groundwater recharge
the process by which water from precipitation percolates through the soil into groundwater
water that naturally percolates up to the surface.
water footprint
total daily per capita use of fresh water for a country or the world
carbon footprint
total carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses emissions from the activity, both direct and indirect, of a person, country, or other entity
ecological footprint
a measure of the area of land and water an individual, population, or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to process the waste it generates.
artesian well
a well created by drilling a hole into a confined aquifer
saltwater intrusion
an infiltration of salt water in an area where groundwater pressure has been reduced as a result of a cone of depression from extensive pumping of wells.
conduct electricity and heat energy; used in hybrid electric cars, solar panels, and batteries.
minerals with economic value; used for jewelry but also for industry and trade.
crustal abundance
the average concentration of an element in Earth’s crust
strip mining
the removal of overlying vegetation and “strips” of soil and rock to expose underlying ore
open pit mining
a mining technique that creates a large visible pot or hole in the ground
mine tailings
unwanted waste material created during mining; chemical compounds and rock residues that are left behind after the desired metal or ore is removed.
mountaintop removal
a mining technique in which the entire top of a mountain is removed with explosives
the process of making an area more urban, which means increasing the density of people per unit area of land
placer mining
the process of looking for minerals, metals, and precious stones in river sediment
carbon sequestration
the capture and long-term storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
an agricultural method that utilizes large plantings of a single species or variety
pipes and canals that move water from where it is abundant to areas where it is scarce.
green revolution
a shift in agricultural practices in the twentieth century that include new management techniques, mechanization, fertilization, irrigation, and improved crop varieties, that resulted in increased good output
a form of soil degradation that occurs when the small amount of salts in irrigation water becomes highly concentrated on the soil surface through evaporation
a form of soil degradation that occurs when soil remains under water for prolonged periods
the ability of water to move through the soil
the side of the air spaces between particles
subsistence farming
farming for consumption by the farming, family, and maybe a few neighbors
urban blight
the lack of support and deterioration for urban communities
A substance, either natural or synthetic that kills or controls organisms that people consider pests
a pesticide that targets plant species that compete with crops
what role does the Coriolis Effect have on Earth?
The Coriolis Effect directs storms in the northern hemisphere by rotating them counterclockwise while rotating the storms in the southern hemisphere clockwise, affecting weather patterns, ocean currents, and even airplanes.
What is the Rain Shadow Effect and what effect does it have on the climate of a region?
The “rain shadow” is a region with dry conditions that is found on the leeward side of a mountain range as a result of humid winds from the ocean causing precipitation on the windward side. The rain shadow creates areas of lower precipitation causing the climate to be dry and desert like.
How does latitude affect warming on Earth
a) Angle variation at which the rays of the Sun strike Earth
b) Variation in the amount of surface area over which the sun’s rays are distributed
c) Some areas on Earth reflect more solar energy than others - referred to as its albedo
i) Higher albedo = more sunlight reflects = lesser absorption
ii) Average albedo on Earth is 30%
What was the importance of “Meteor Crater” from the Youtube video we watched called “How Earth Was Made?”
Geologists discovered on “Meteor Crater” that meteorites are older than any rock on Earth.
flooding an entire field
water soaks in evenly
-more efficient (80% efficient)
waterlogging, hard to control
farmer digs trenches along crop rows
easy, cheap
67% efficient, lot of evaporation of water
-Slow drip hose
-on the ground or underground
-delivers water directly to the root
-95% effective
-great with perennial crops
-very expensive
-limits number of farms using drip irrigation
-75-95% effective (w/spray pressure managed)
-very expensive, high energy use
What are the three major issues with irrigation?
-aquifer depletion
t/f perennial crops do very well with spray irrigation
t/f urban blight is due to the breakdown and deterioration of a city
t/f pesticides attack plant species that are harmful to crop growth
t/f Chicago, IL would be prone to saltwater intrusion
A(n) ________ does not allow any type of water penetration
impervious surface
t/f longitude has an affect on the warming of Earth
t/f furrow irrigation has the highest potential for evaporation
t/f carbon footprints are more specific in nature when compared to ecological footprints
t/f aqueducts carry water from areas of need to areas of abundance
t/f Using a copy of the Soil Pyramid in your text (page 281), if you had 60% sand, 10% clay, 30% silt you would have sandy loam as your soil type.
t/f Spray irrigation is the most expensive irrigation method and limits how many farms can use it.
t/f Adiabatic heating is common on the windward side of a mountain and involves the compression of air molecules.
t/f About 50% of all the land on Earth is irrigated.
t/f Using a copy of the Soil Pyramid in your text (page 281), if you had 55% silt, 10% sand, and 35% clay you would have silty clay loam as your soil type.
t/f On the Winter Solstice, the rays of the sun are directly over the Tropic of Cancer.
t/f If you wanted to travel to the Ogallala Aquifer, you might want to go to Texas. I wonder if Mr. Lacilla will see the aquifer while he is there?
How can you reduce urban runoff in a city?
reduce the quantity of pollutants on urban surfaces
t/f Nicholas Borlaug was involved with the Green Revolution and won a Nobel Piece Prize for developing strains of wheat that were disease resistant.
t/f Suburbs are not connected to a metropolitan area, while exurbs are.
On the Summer Solstice (June 21), over which line of latitude would you expect to find the sun over
tropic of cancer
in which location would you expect to find the highest albedo?
northern canada
the coriolis effect is responsible for
the counterclockwise rotation of storms in the Northern Hemisphere
_______ occurs on the leeward side of a mountain due to the compression of air molecules
adiabatic heating
if you wanted to travel to a temperate rainforest in north america, where do you need to travel
if you wanted to travel to the Ogallala Aquifer, you would want to travel to which of the following states?
All of the above
all of the above
GMO’s are strictly regulated in
which form of irrigation is most efficient
if a crop is waterlogged, that means the roots of the crop were deprived of
Salt water intrusion would be most likely in
Cape Cod, MA
Which element is the most abundant in Earth’s crust
What rock is most suited to building an aquifer
Which type of mining is usually the most directly harmful to miners?
subsurface mining
According to the TED Talk on mining, where was the major mining accident in 2014?
What is the dominant agricultural practice in the US