Unit 3 Flashcards
1-4 dwelling unit in PA
required to provide a state mandated disclosure. Disclose many environmental hazards.
Natural element found in water, soil, air, and has been linked to several types of cancer. EX) Found where there is chromated copper arsenate (CCA), smelters or glass factories, or farms that use arsenic pesticides
Asbestos- Asbestos containing materials ACMs
Fire resistant mineral that was used extensively as insulation and to strengthen other materials. Used to cover pipes, ducts, and heating/ hot water heaters. Used on floor tile exterior siding, roofing products, linoleum etc. Banned in 1978. Highly friable- as it ages fibers break down into tiny filaments. Especially harmful when it is disturbed or exposed and becomes airborne. Causes deadly respiratory diseases later on. Guidelines in commercial building not residential. State licensed technicians for removal and specially sealed environments.
sealing off of disintegrating asbestos. Must be monitored.
Carbon Monoxide CO
colorless odorless gas that occurs as a by product of burning fuels such as wood, oil, and natural gas. Furnaces, water heaters, space heaters, fire places produce CO. Inhibits the bloods ability to deliver oxygen- dizziness and nausea can result in death. Need proper ventilation properly functioning equipment.
Grow on any organic substance that has moisture, oxygen, and an organic food source. Some mold produces toxins or irritants. No federal requirements to disclose.
Used in paint also found in pipes. In homes built before 1978. Result in damage to the brain, nervous system, kidneys, and blood. Children younger than 6 are especially vulnerable. Lead based paint reduction act (LBPDA)- Disclosure is necessary. Federal law does not require testing.
Comes from uranium in the ground. Naturally occurring, odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas produced by the decay of radioactive substances. Can cause lung cancer. 4 pCi/L 90 day testing period is the most accurate, but can test in 48 hours.
Colorless chemical with a strong pronounced odor, is used in manufacturing of building material and many household products for preservation. Emitted as gas- air pollutant. Probable human carcinogen. UFFI Urea-Formaldehyde Insulation has strong emissions after installation.
Electromagnetic Fields EMFs
Movement of electrical currents. Power lines and transformers. May post a health hazard- cancer, hormonal, behavior.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs
more than 200 organic chemical compounds not found naturally in nature. Flame resistant chemical used in electrical equipment, caulking compounds, hydraulic oil. Carcinogenic. Concern for commercial and industrial buildings.
Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs
Non toxic, non flammable chemicals used in aerosol sprays, paint, refrigerators, air conditioners, and freezers. Bad for the environment when it leaks- deplete the ozone layer.
Water Table
The natural level at which the ground is saturated.
Ground water protection
Any contamination of underground water threatens the supply of clean water for private wells and public water systems. Can be contaminated from runoff from water disposals, leaking underground storage tanks (USTs), septic systems, dry wells, and storm drains. Property disclosure forms often require the seller to identify the property’s water source and the type of septic system. If not municipal water it should be tested.
Underground storage tanks USTs
Commonly found where petroleum products are used or where gas stations and auto repair shops are or were located. Neglected tanks leak hazardous substances into the environment. Fed UST program is regulated by EPA. Regulations apply to tanks that store at least 10% of their volume underground. UST owners must now register their tanks and adhere to strict technical and administrative requirements. Need to have financial resources if there is damage. Seller disclosure for residential properties. Signs of UST- fill pipes, vent lines, strained soil, and fume or odors. Detection, removal and cleanup is expensive.
enormous hole either excavated for the purpose of waste disposal or left over from surface mining operations. Layering on top of liner.
The process of layering two or four feet of soil over the top of the site and then planting grass on it to enhance the landfills aesthetic value and prevent erosion. Often used as parks and gold courses, as well as housing developments and office campuses.
defunct, derelict, or abandoned commercial or industrial sites. Suspected to contain toxic waste. Cause decline in urban housing values.
Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act
Provides funds to assess and clean up brownfield, clarify liability protections, and provides tax incentives toward enhancing state and tribal response programs. Shields innocent people from liability for toxic waste that existed at the site prior to purchase. Not liable for clean up.
Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA)
Provides for the rehabilitation or recycling of brownfield. Requires an environmental covenant that indicates the cleanup or containment of hazardous materials and restrict land use. There is a registry that lists all properties with attached covenants. Department of Eviromental Protection (DEP) is responsible for implementing UECA.
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
1.6 billion called superfund to cleanup uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and spills. Superfund has strict, joint, and several, and retroactive liability on potentially responsible parties. Land owners are liable under CERCLA. The act created a process for identifying potential responsible parties and ordering them to take responsibility for the cleanup action. CERCLA is administered and enforced by EPA.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
Increased the superfund to 8.5 billion provided funds for studying the use of new technologies, and required EPA to assess risotto human environmental health at every site on the superfund’s list. Required more citizen involvement. Authorized the emergency planning and community Right to Know Act. EPA revised hazard ranking system. Innocent landowner immunity status- not held liable when innocent.
Property value- Benefits of the superfund program
- impacts surrounding residential property values cary in size and direction.
- Expected declines have been found, but increases in property values around superfund sires have also been found.
- The direction of the price effect on surrounding home values appear to vary significantly with individual sites
- Remedial action can reverse the decline at some sites
- Delays in cleanup result in more permanent decline in value.
The most serious problems associated with value involves the presence of undisclosed landfills and hazardous waste. Buyers need to consult superfund site and speak with neighbors or hire and environmental engineer.
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Protect public health by regulating the nations public drinking water supply. National health based standards for drinking water. Report health risk within 24 hours instead of 72 hours mandated in the past. Wells that serve fewer than 25 are exempt.
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Regulate pollutants discharged into waterways. The law governs the discharge of oil and hazardous substances into the ground.
The Rivers and Harbor Act
Requires permits for building a wharf, pier, or other structure or any water outside established harbor lines.
The Costal Management Act
Primarily implemented by the states, addresses coastal environmental problems.
Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act
Develop Comprehensive plan to resolve existing sewage disposal problems and to prevent future problems. Requires notice to buyers that if a property is not serviced by public sewage systems and no community sewage system is available a permit for individual system must be obtained. Property disclosure requires that sellers indicate the type of sewage system that is on the property.
Clean Air Act
Regulate air emissions from stationary and mobile sources. Applies to appliances such as air conditioning, refrigerations etc.
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
Performed on a property to show that due care was exercised in determining weather any environmental impairments exist. Can help prevent parties rom becoming involved in contaminated property and work as a defense to liability. Requested by a lending institution, developer, or a potential buyer. Performed in phases.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Required for federally funded projects and sometimes for private developments. Impact a project will have on the environment. They can include info about air quality, noise, public health and safety, energy consumption, population density, wildlife, vegetation, and the need for sewer and water facilities.