Unit 18 Flashcards
Licensing Law require written documents contain…
- Brokers fee and duration of the contact
- Nature and extent of services
- Statement identifying any possibility that the broker or any license by the broker may provide services to more than one consumer in a single transaction
- Brokers policies on agency
- Statement describing the real estate recovery fund
- Statement regarding conflicts of interest and ongoing duty to disclose conflicts.
Exclusive right to sell
- One authorized broker-agent receives a commission
- Seller pays broker-agent regardless of who sells the property
Exclusive Agency Listing
- There is only one authorized broker-agent
- The broker is compensated only if the procuring cause
- The seller retains the right to sell without obligation
Open Listing
- There are multiple agents
- Only the agent who is procuring cause can be compensated
- The seller retains the right to sell independently without obligation.
Multiple Listings
A multiple listing clause may be included in an exclusive listing. It is used by brokers who are members of a multiple listing service MLS.
Net Listing
A net listing provision specifies that the seller will receive a net amount of money from a sale, with the excess going to the listing broker as commission. The broker is free to offer the property at any price greater than the net amount. The broker is entitled to any amount exceeding the sellers stated net proceeds.
Illegal in many states and discouraged in others.
Expiration of listing period
Must specify a definite period of time during which the broker is to be employed. Cannot exceed 12 months. Some brokers include a protection clause to protect commission- if procuring cause still get commission even if listing agreement expires.
Info needed for a listing agreement
- Name and relationships
- Street address and legal descriptions
- Size type age and construction of improvements
- number of rooms and their sizes.
- Dimensions of the lot
- Existing loans ect.
- Special assessments
- Zoning
- Property taxes
- neighborhood amenities
- disclosures
Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
Used to help sellers come to a reasonable asking price. Compares location, size, age, style, amenities of properties that are comparable to the sellers property. as follows
- Recently sold properties- what buyers were willing to pay for a similar property and what lenders considered to be valuable on which they made lending decisions.
- properties currently on the market- competition
- Properties that were listed but did not sell- to high of an asking price.
CMA is not an appraisal- PA requires a statement saying that.
Calculating sales price, commissions and nets to seller
Sales Price x Commission Rate= commission Commission / Commission Rate= sales price Commission / sales price = commission rate Sales price (100% - commission rate)= net to seller
Real Estate Seller Disclosure
The seller must disclose property conditions required by law in most states. In PA residential real property sellers must disclose all material defects.
Sellers must be truthful to avoid litigation. A signed and dated disclosure statement must be presented to prospective buyers before they sign an agreement of sale.
Exclusive buyer agency
Exclusive agency agreement. The buyer is legally bound to compensate the broker if the buyer purchases a property of the type described in the contract within the agreed upon time frame. the broker is entitled to compensation regardless of weather the property is located by the broker, the buyer, or another licensee.
Exclusive agency buyer agency
Exclusive buyer agency agreement. This agreement limits the broker’s right to compensation. Brokers are entitled to payment only if they locate the property the buyer ultimately purchases. The buyer retains the right to locate a suitable property on their own without obligation to compensate the broker.
Non exclusive buyer agency
Open agency contract. It permits the buyer to enter into similar agreements with an unlimited number of brokers. The buyer is obligated to compensate only the broker who locates the property the buyer ultimately purchases.
info collected about buyer
- Names of buyers
- Type of property desired
- geographic area covered by the agreement
- price range
- length of time the contract will run
- scope of work to be performed by the agent
- contract terms
- terms and source of compensation
- dual agency?
- financial terms of a purchase
- inclusions and contingencies
Buyer representation agreement
- Type of buyer agency agreement
- Time period of the contract
- Brokerage fees and obligations
- Property requirements and term of purchase
- brokers protection clause
- signatures of all parties
- disclosures related to conflict of interest
- Nondiscrimination wording
- Disclosure for zoning issues, real estate recovery fund…ect
- Dual agency?
- Designated agency?
- Provision for assignment